How to listen to songs on YouTube


how to listen to songs on YouTube

Everyone knows the video hosting YouTube as a world famous platform, where the videos are located daily by the authors and they are also viewed by users. Even the very definition of "video hosting" is meant. But what if you approach this issue on the other side? What if you go to YouTube to listen to music? But this question can ask many. Just he is now disassembled in detail.

Listening to musical compositions on YouTube

Of course, YouTube has never thought about the creators as a musical service, however, as you know, people love to love themselves. In any case, the music on the presented service can be placed, even in several ways.

Method 1: via the phonet

In YouTube there is a phonet - from there Users take musical compositions for their work. In turn, they are free, that is, without copyright. However, this music can not only be used to create a video, but also for conventional listening.

Step 1: Entrance to the Phonet

Immediately in the first step it is worth saying that the phonet can only be opened and created a video hosting user, otherwise nothing will work. Well, if you are from their number, now it will be told how to get there.

See also:

How to register in YouTube

How to create your channel in YouTube

Being in your account, you need to enter the creative studio. To do this, click on the icon of your profile and in the drop-down window, click on the "Creative Studio" button.

Entrance to the Creative Studio on YouTube

Now you need to get into the category "Create", which you can observe on the sidebar on the left almost at the very bottom. Click on this inscription.

Category Create in the Creative Studio on YouTube

Now the same phonothek appeared before you, as evidenced by the selected subcategory allocated in red.

Subcategory Forecore in YouTube

Step 2: Playing Compositions

So, YouTube's Music Library in front of you. Now you can safely reproduce the compositions that are in it and enjoy listening. And you can reproduce them by pressing the corresponding "Play" button located next to the artist name.

Play button in the phonothecus on YouTube

Search for the desired composition

If you want to find the desired musician, knowing his name or song name, then you can use the search on the phonomet. The search string is located in the upper right.

Search by phonothecus in YouTube

Entering the name and clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you will see the result. If you did not get the desired, it may mean that the specified composition is simply not in the YouTube library, which may well be, since YouTube is not a full-fledged player, or you have entered the name itself. But in any case, you can search a little differently - by category.

YouTube provides the ability to display compositions by genres, mood, tools, and even duration, as evidenced by the filter items in the upper part.

Filters in the phonomet on YouTube

Use them is very simple. If, for example, you want to listen to music in the "Classic" genre, then you need to click on the item "Genre" and select the name of the same name in the drop-down list.

Selection of music genre in Yutuba's phonothec

After that, you will be displayed compositions performed in this genre or in combination with it. Similarly, you can choose songs by mood or tools.

Additional functions

In the iTube phonothek there are also other opportunities that you can look like. For example, if you listened to the song, you really liked, you can download it. To do this, just need to click on the appropriate button "Download".

button download in jutub phonet

If the music played you like, but you have no desire to download it, you can add a song to "Favorites" to quickly find it next time. This is done by pressing the corresponding button made in the form of an asterisk.

Button Favorites in YouTube's Phonet

After pressing the song, I will move to the appropriate category, the location of which you can observe in the image below.

Tab Favorites in YouTube's Phonet

In addition, in the interface of the phonothek, there is an indicator of the popularity of a particular composition. He can come in handy if you decide to listen to music, which is now quoted by users. The larger the indicator scale is filled, the more popular music.

Scale Displays the popularity of the composition in the iTuba phonet

Method 2: On the "Music" channel

In the phonologist, you can find a lot of performers, but certainly not all, therefore the way the way above may not be suitable for everyone. However, it is possible to find what is needed elsewhere - on the "Music" channel, the official channel of the YouTube service itself.

Channel "Music" on YouTube

Turning into the "Video" tab, you can familiarize yourself with the latest innovations in the world of music. However, in the "Playlist" tab, you can find musical collections that are divided into genres, countries and in many other criteria.

Tab Playlists on the Channel Muskets in YouTube

In addition to this, reproducing the playlist, the compositions that are in it, will switch automatically, which is undoubtedly very convenient.

Note: All the channel playlists are displayed on the screen, in the tab of the same name, click on the "500+", in the "All Playlists" column.

Button another 500+ in the playlists of the channel Music on YouTube

See also: How to create playlists on YouTube

Method 3: Through Channel Catalog

In the channel catalog, there is also the opportunity to find musical works, but they are presented in a slightly different form.

First you need to go to the section on YouTube called "Catalog of Channels". You can find it in Jutub Guide at the very bottom, under the list of all your subscriptions.

Button Channel Catalog on YouTube

Here are the most popular channels separated by genres. In this case, you must follow the link "Music".

Music on YouTube

Now the channels of the most popular performers will be displayed. These channels are officially every musician individually, so having subscribed to it, you can follow the work of your favorite artist.

See also: How to subscribe to the channel on YouTube

Method 4: Using Search

Unfortunately, all of the above methods do not allow one hundred percent probability that you can find the composition that you want. However, such an opportunity is.

Nowadays, almost every performer has its own channel on YouTube, where he lays out his music or video from concerts. And if there is no official channel, then often the fans themselves create a similar one. In any case, if the song is more or less popular, it will fall on YouTube, and all that remains to do is to find it and reproduce.

Search for the official channel of the artist

If you want to find the songs of a certain musician on YouTube, then you will be easier to find his channel, where all the compositions will be located.

To do this, in the archway line, enter it to the alias or name of the group and search by clicking the button with the image of the magnifying glass.

Search string on YouTube

According to the result, you will show all the results. Right here you can find the desired composition, but the channel itself will be logical. Most often, he turns out to be the first in line, but sometimes it is necessary to miss the list just below.

Search result on YouTube

If you do not find it, you can use the filter where you want to specify the search by channels. To do this, press the "Filters" button and select the "Channels" in the "Type" category in the "Type" category.

Channel filter on YouTube

Now, only channels with a similar name relative to the specified query will be displayed in the search results.

Search playlists

If the channel of the artist on YouTube is not, then you can try to find his musical selection. Such playlists can be created by anyone, it means that the chance to find it is very large.

In order to make a search by playlists on YouTube, you need to write a search query again, click on the "Filter" button and in the "Type" category to select Playlists. And according to the result, it remains to press the button with the image of the magnifying glass.

Filter by playlists on YouTube

After that, you will be given to the choice of playlists, which have at least some attitude to the search query.

Search result using the filter on YouTube

Tip: Exposing a search on playlists in the filter, it is very convenient to search for music collections in genres, for example, classic, pop music, hip-hop and the like. Just enter the search query by type: "Music in the" Pop Music "genre."

Search for a separate composition

If you still failed to find the desired song on YouTube, you can go to another way - to make a separate search. The fact is that before that we tried to find channels or playlists so that the desired music was in one place, but, in turn, it slightly reduces the chance of success. But if you want to enjoy listening to a separate song, then you will be enough to enter its name in the search bar.

To increase the likelihood of its location, you can use the filter where you specify the main distinguishing features, for example, choose an exemplary duration. It will also be appropriate with the name of the song to specify the name of its artist if you know.


Despite the fact that the video window of Youtube never positioned as a music service, such a function is present on it. Of course, do not expect that you will be able to find the right composition with a 100% probability of finding the desired composition, because the video clips are added to the longest on YouTube, but if the song is quite popular to find it still succeed. A convenient interface, with a bunch of useful tools will help you enjoy the use of a kind of player.

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