How to remove Chinese Anti-Virus "Blue Shield"


How to remove chinese antivirus blue shield

Each computer needs protection. Antivirus provides it, helping the user to bypass the side or prevent infection. Some have another whole arsenal of useful tools and a friendly interface in an understandable language. But if we talk about the TENCENT anti-virus program or the "blue shield", as it is also called it, then you can say with complete confidence that you can not get anything useful from this product.

The main functions that are present and, allegedly, are very effective: antivirus, optimizer, garbage clever and a few more small tools. This seems to be a useful thing, if you look at first glance. But the situation is quite the opposite, because this software brings only problems and headache.

Delete Tencent.

Chinese Anti-Virus Blue Shield may disguise for installation files of other programs or be a harmless archive. But just to install it and your computer is doomed. You will no longer decide what stands on your device and which files are stored, and which are deleted. Tencent loves to put a third-party software that can have viruses and use on full system resources. And on your computer there will be no no double, even if you need them, because the blue shield is hardly removing them, without your permission, of course. Redirect to Chinese pop-ups in the browser is also his work.

To understand this maliciousness is very difficult, because the entire interface is in Chinese. Not every average user disassembled in this language. Yes, and the removal of the program is very troublesome, as it may not register yourself in the "Programs and Components" section. But there is a way out, although you have to look for all the objects associated with Tencent. And there can be anywhere anywhere, after all, except the task manager and browsers, this software can be in temp-files.

Chinese Anti-Virus Blue Shield

Method 1: Use additional utilities

Tencent is not easy to remove, so it is often necessary to resort to the help of several auxiliary programs.

  1. Enter the word "Task Manager" in the Start Search Field or simply click "Ctrl + Shift + ESC".
  2. Find all running blue shield processes. They usually have hieroglyphs and names with the words "Tencent" and "QQ".
  3. Disable Chinese Anti-Virus Blue Shield in Task Manager

  4. Disconnect them, and then go to the "Auto-site" tab and also disable this antivirus.
  5. Scan the MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Free utility system.
  6. Remove the components found. Do not restart the computer.
  7. Now use the AdwCleaner by clicking the "Scan" button, and after the "Cleaning" is completed. If the utility is offered to restart the system - ignore, do not press anything in the window.
  8. Search for malicious elements using the MalwareBytes ADWCleaner utility

    Method 2: Apply Built-in Uninstallator

    As already mentioned, the "blue shield" rarely prescribes itself in "Programs and Components", but using a system "conductor" you can find an uninstaller. This method is most likely suitable for old versions.

    1. Go to the next way:

      C: / Program Files (x86) (or Program Files) / Tencent / QQPCMGR (or QQPCTRAY)

    2. Next should be the application version folder. It may be similar to the title 10.9.16349.216.
    3. Search for Chinese Anti-Virus Uniform Blue Shield

    4. Now you need to find a file called "Uninst.exe". You can search the object in the search field in the upper right corner.
    5. By running the uninstaller, press it on the white button on the left.
    6. Removing the Chinese Anti-Virus Blue Shield through its uninstaller

    7. In the next window, set all the checkboxes and press the left button again.
    8. Selection of all Chinese anti-virus components for removal

    9. If you decrease the pop-up window, select the left option.
    10. We are waiting for completion and again click on the left button.
    11. Confirmation of the removal of Chinese antivirus

    12. Now you need to clean the registry. This can be done manually or using the CCleaner program. It is also recommended to check the system with anti-virus portable scanners, for example, Dr. Web Cureit.

    Read more: Registry cleaning with CCleaner

    Picking up the Chinese antivirus is very simple, but it is already difficult to remove. Therefore, be careful and carefully look at what you download from the network and install on your PC so that you do not have to do so complex manipulations.

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