How to get around the age limit on YouTube


how to get around the age limit on YouTube

Unregistered users of the YouTube service quite often, when playing some video to see the inscription: "This video may be unacceptable for some users." This means only one thing - the roller contains the material 18+. To view it, you need to log in to hosting and at the same time confirm your age. But what if you do not want to do this or would you simply have not achieved this age?

View rollers with age restrictions

Of course, everyone can register their account, indicating its age that over 18 years. But recently, Google's policy has tightened measures. Now persons under the age of 18 are prohibited to create their own profile or change the date without significant confirmation - photographs of the passport or the transfer of $ 0.30 for charity.

If you do not want to bother with all registration manipulations that need to be able to get the opportunity to view content 18+, then there are two ways that help to circumvent these restrictions.

Method 1: Change the URL of the video

To start viewing the roller on which the 18+ limit is standing, you can simply make adjustments to the video link. For a visual example, a link to the following video will be given:

If you now try to view the video to which it refers, then you will be banned to do this, provided you are not authorized or in your profile the age is less than 18 years, showing an image as in the picture below.

18+ on YouTube

But you just need to make small changes in the link to avoid this. Namely - remove "Watch?" And instead of the sign of equality (=) Put the slash (/). Following the link will look like this:

After that, the video will be reproduced without any problems. All this is because the changed address refers to the video itself, and not the page with it, thereby skipping the age check. This method will work with each roller on YouTube.

Method 2: Using a special site NSFWYOUTUBE

It is possible to get to the content of 18+ on YouTube and in another way - going beyond the service framework. There is a site called nsfwyoutube - he, in fact, is a complete analogue of his original source, only with several differences. The design is quite different from the original, but on it, it is just not the ban on viewing the rollers, which contain the material 18+.

However, by going to this site, you will not be able to find on it what you want, since there is simply no search for video recordings. It works a little different. You need to add four characters to the beginning of the links to the video. Before the word "YouTube", enter "NSFW" without quotes. What it looks like, you can watch in the images below.

Link to video, on YouTube:

Original link to video on YouTube

Modified link to video without age limit:

Modified link to video from YouTube

According to the result, you will go to the site on which there will be the same video, but without age limitations.


Previously, it was possible to simply change your age in the Google profile, but today after such manipulations will need to confirm your age that everyone does not succeed in view of various circumstances. But the above methods will help you avoid any inconvenience with which you may encounter when playing video with content 18+.

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