How to restore password vkontakte


How to restore password vkontakte

Anyone who uses the services of the social network VKontakte to some extent came across the problem when it seems to be properly entered password simply rejected by the site. Often, such a situation is able to cause alertness, but should not worry once again, since the VK administration has provided access to the restoration functionality.

It is necessary to clarify that this social. The network has a fairly high level of security, which is improved every day. Thus, it is possible to be strongly not worried about hacking, which if possible, then only in the minimum number of cases.

Password recovery VKontakte

On the website as a standard functional, any user provides a specialized form of access to account access. In most cases, the loss of the password can be restored specifically due to these built-in features.

It is recommended when registering to establish truly complex passwords, especially if the profile has a greater degree of importance for you.

Please note that the standard method for restoring access to the page does not require you to use any additional resources. In addition, in the process of restoring access to the personal page of VKontakte, you will probably need to install a new password.

Also keep in mind that the password reset with respect to absolutely any page will require you any personal data related to the profile. It may be:

  • phone number;
  • e-mail;
  • URL.

Under the concept of the URL implies a direct link to your profile, whether it is a standard ID or personal login.

If you do not have any data from this list, the resumption of access can be considered impossible.

Method 1: Restoration without a phone

Resume access to personal profile VKontakte with a tied, but lost phone number, in principle, is quite possible. At the same time, you only need to follow certain instructions, have some data and to know exactly that the account is still active, that is, it was not once deleted by you or administration.

Also, many VK users have at their disposal not alone, but at once several personal pages. Some of these profiles are ordinary fakes, others can take value, both for the host itself and for other people.

Abandoned personal pages are usually due to ignorance by the user of the access recovery process. In automatic mode, such profiles are although they are blocked, but after a sufficiently long period of time, during which you can safely resume access.

As a rule, it is in the case of such profiles often there is a need to restore access without a phone, which long ago was untied from the account or simply lost.

To reset the password from the VKontakte account, you must follow the requirements of the standard access resumption interface.

  1. Go to the Specialized Access Recovery Page.
  2. Standard access to the VKontakte page

    If you are available mobile from the profile, use the second method.

  3. Almost at the very bottom of the page, immediately under the "Next" button, find the inscription "If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone."
  4. Notification for VKontakte users without phone number

  5. Here you need to click on the link at the end of the above sentence "Click here".
  6. Switch to access to the VKontakte page without a phone

  7. At this stage of access recovery, you need to enter your page URL, in accordance with the VKontakte interface recommendations.
  8. Access Recovery Window to Vkontakte page using the link

  9. In the "Link to the page" field, enter the address assigned to your account.
  10. Enter links to restore access to the VKontakte page

  11. Click "Next".
  12. Go to the access restore window to the VKontakte page using the link

  13. Next will be automatic redirection to the recovery page.
  14. Access restore page without phone VKontakte

    Additionally, make sure that you are attempting to resume access to your profile to avoid any unnecessary conflict situations.

  15. You should fill out each presented field, depending on the data known to you.
  16. Mandatory must be filled the field "Affordable phone number" Since the social network VKontakte uses the phone as the main tool for authorization.

    Field entry fields to restore the VKontakte page without a phone

  17. Ideally, it is best to fill every graph.
  18. Filling fields to restore access to the VKontakte page without a phone

  19. At the bottom of the page, click the "Application" button to initialize the recovery process.
  20. Submitting an application for restoring access to the VKontakte page without a phone

  21. In the "Confirmation" window that opens, enter the code you received the previously specified phone number and click "Send".
  22. The required code can come with a delay of up to 3-5 minutes.

If you are all done correctly, it will be automatically redirected to the page, where it will be indicated that specifically the number will resume access. In addition, pay special attention to clarifying information, since the number you entered earlier after the expiration of the specified period will come new data for authorization - bunch of password and login.

The presented method is the only workable. That is, no matter how much you wanted to restore access, you still have to follow all the prescriptions provided.

Method 2: Restore with the phone

It is easy to guess, in this case, to restore the password you will need full access to the phone number fixed by the page. As for directly the actions themselves - there may not be difficulties if you follow the general recommendations.

The number can be replaced by the email address, but the recovery ultimately passes through the phone.

To initialize the renewal process, you need to go to the recovery window and follow the appropriate instruction.

  1. Go to the Main Page Vkontakte and under the form for authorization, click the "Forgot Password" button.
  2. Go to the password recovery window VKontakte through the authorization form

  3. You can also use a specialized direct link to the recovery page.
  4. Account restarting page VKontakte using phone number

  5. In the center of the "Phone or E-Mail" field, enter the mobile or email address tied to the page as appropriate as an example.
  6. 79210000007.

    [email protected].

    Enter a phone number to restore access to the VKontakte page

  7. Click "Next".
  8. Transition to the next password recovery by VKontakte after entering the phone

  9. Regardless of how the desired graph was filled, you will find yourself on the page where you need to enter the surname specified in your personal profile.
  10. Enter the surname to restore the password VKontakte using the phone

  11. Fill in the Familia field, click Next.
  12. Go to a confirmation page to restore the password VKontakte.

  13. After another automatic transition, you will be shown a preview of the page whose access you are trying to resume. Here you need to click on the button "Yes, this is the desired page."
  14. Go to sending confirmation code to restore access to the VKontakte page

  15. On the next page you need to confirm with a mobile phone.
  16. Input page code to restore VKontakte password

  17. If the SMS does not come with the code in automatic mode after ten minutes, click the "Send Code Repeated" link.
  18. Link to re-send a password recovery code VKontakte

  19. In the Count "Received Code", enter numbers sent to you in the form of an instant message to the corresponding number.
  20. Entering code for recovering password VKontakte

  21. Click the "Send" button to go to the last recovery stage - enter a new password.
  22. Sending code to restore Password VKontakte

  23. On the page that opens, enter and repeat the new reliable password.
  24. Entering a new password VKontakte

  25. Click on the "Send" button to confirm all previously done actions and finish, thereby, the process of renewing access.
  26. Confirmation of a new password VKontakte

  27. If the change has passed successfully, you will see a special alert. In addition, a message will come to the tied mobile phone number that the password from the page has been changed.
  28. Successful password recovery VKontakte using the phone

This method is most optimal as possible, as it allows you to restore access to the page without any problems, without creating conditions for the possibility of hacking. The only thing you are important to do is to enter a truly reliable password.

We wish you successfully follow the procedure for restoring access to the profile of VKontakte!

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