Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015


Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015

Method 1: Checking the set date and time

Usually, in the operating system, the date and time is set automatically, synchronizing the network, but sometimes, especially in non-licenseized Windows assemblies, there are manual settings, and they may not coincide with the correct. This causes a number of problems in collaboration with the OS, including the installation of different components to which Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 applies. We advise you to check the correctness of the date and, if necessary, change it to the right thing, as written in another article on our website.

Read more: Changing time in Windows 10

Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-1

If the changes have entered into force, but after rebooting the date has begun again, it may be observed problems with a battery installed in the motherboard or third-party activators are present on the computer. You need to identify the cause of the problem and solve it, after which time will become correct and, most likely, the installation of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 will not hurt anything.

Read more: We solve the problem of resetting time on the computer

Method 2: Update to SP1 (Windows 7)

Now many users moved to Windows 10, but there were still those who sits on the "seven". For this version of the OS, the SP1 update package is distributed, which should be installed independently, if this happens automatically through the Windows Update Center. Only in the presence of this update the installation of Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015 will pass correctly and no problems will arise.

Read more: Update Windows 7 to Service Pack 1

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Method 3: "Clean" Windows Loading

With frequent operation in the operating system, many different programs and services that are constantly working in active mode are accumulated. Some of them starts automatically, which the user does not even suspect. Sometimes the functioning of different programs leads to conflicts, interfering with the installation of another software, which can cause the situation under consideration. The simplest solution in this case is to provide a "clean" boot of Windows by changing the parameters manually.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the System Configuration application through the search.
  2. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-3

  3. In a new window, select the option "Selective Start" and remove the checkbox from the "Download Startup Elements" item.
  4. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-4

  5. Click the "Services" tab and enable the parameter "Do not display Microsoft Services" so that only third-party processes remain in the list.
  6. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-5

  7. Complete them all or remove the checkboxes only from those services that are not exactly needed for the normal launch of Windows.
  8. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-6

Send a PC to a reboot so that the new session is loaded with "clean", in accordance with the settings that are fulfilled. After that, run the problem component installer and set the installation. For any endowation, after installation, open the "System Configuration" again and return the parameters to the initial position, allowing the OS to load the same way as before.

Method 4: Deleting temporary files

Over time, temporary files from standard services and third-party programs accumulate in a special system folder. Sometimes they become the cause of small failures in the operation of the OS and lead to various problems associated with installing additional libraries. The easiest garbage cleaning method looks like this:

  1. Open the "Run" utility using the Win + R keys for this, enter in the TEMP field and press ENTER to confirm the transition.
  2. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-7

  3. When notifying the absence of permits, click on "Continue".
  4. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-8

  5. Highlight all files with Ctrl + A keys and click PCM to call the context menu.
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  7. From it, select Delete and confirm this process.
  8. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-10

There are other methods of getting rid of temporary files using built-in tools and through programs from independent developers. If you are not satisfied with the above method, read about alternatives in the article according to the following link.

Read more: Deleting temporary files in Windows 10

Method 5: Verify Windows Updates

The lack of latest updates for Windows can also cause an error when trying to install Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 on a computer. You will need to contact the built-in update center, which will not take much time, and all actions are performed automatically.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters" by clicking on the gear icon.
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  3. Click on Update and Security Tile.
  4. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-12

  5. Run update checking and wait for the results.
  6. Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-13

On our site you will find additional instructions if problems arose with the update or you find it difficult to fulfill the task. Click on one of the appropriate links to start reading the article.

Method 8: PC Cleaning from garbage

Earlier, we mentioned the deletion of temporary files from the computer, but in addition to them there is also another garbage that affects the operation of the operating system. The likelihood that it is what it affects the installation of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 is extremely small, however, if nothing of the above did not help, it makes sense to clean the PC from the garbage, which is described in detail in the next manual.

Read more: Cleaning Windows 10 from garbage

Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-19

Method 9: Checking the integrity of system files

Sometimes there are more global failures in windows that violate the integrity of system files. It happens, it leads to malfunctions in the work of the installer and other components that work when installing additional libraries. You do not have to independently search for a solution because you can run one of the built-in utilities, just designed to test the OS for integrity.

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Not installed Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2015-20

Method 10: PC scanning for viruses

The latter method implies a PC test for viruses. Their action can block the installation and launch of certain programs or prohibit access to system files. Select any antivirus if such is not yet installed on the computer, and make a deep scan. Wait for the end of the process and delete the threats found.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

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