Download drivers for hp pavilion g6


Download drivers for hp pavilion g6

For any laptop or stationary computer, you must install the drivers. This will allow the device to work as efficiently as possible and stable. In today's article, we will tell you about where you can take the HP Pavilion G6 laptop software, and how it is correctly installed.

Search options and installation drivers for HP Pavilion G6 laptop

The search process for laptops is somewhat easier than for stationary PCs. This is due to the fact that often all drivers for laptops can be downloaded from almost one source. We would like to tell you more detailed about such methods, as well as other auxiliary ways.

Method 1: manufacturer website

This method can be called the most reliable and proven among all others. The essence of it comes down to the fact that you will look for and downloading the software for laptop devices from the manufacturer's official website. This ensures maximum software compatibility and iron. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Go to the provided link to the official website of HP.
  2. We carry the arrow of the mouse to the section with the name "Support". It is at the very top of the site.
  3. When you hover the mouse pointer on it, you will see the panel nominated down. It will be the subsections. You need to go to the "Programs and Drivers" subsection.
  4. Go to the drivers section on the HP website

  5. The next step will be the name of the laptop model in a special search string. It will be in a separate block in the middle of the page that opened. In this string you need to enter the following value - Pavilion G6.
  6. After you enter the specified value, the drop-down window will appear at the bottom. It will immediately display the results of the query. Please note that the desired model has several series. Laptops of different series may differ in the package, so you need to choose the correct series. As a rule, the full name along with the series is indicated on the sticker on the housing. It is located on the front of the laptop, on its back side and in the compartment with the battery. Having learned the series, choose the item you need from the list with the search results. To do this, just click on the required string.
  7. We choose the Pavilion G6 laptop series on the HP website

  8. You will find yourself on the software download page for the desired HP product model. Before proceeding with the search and loading of the driver, you need to specify the operating system and its version in the corresponding fields. Simply click on the following fields, then select the desired parameter from the list. When this step is completed, click the "Edit" button. It is slightly lower than the rows with the version of the OS.
  9. Indicate the OS and its version on the HP website

  10. As a result, you will see a list of groups in which all the drivers available for the laptop model indicated earlier are located.
  11. Driver Groups on HP

  12. Open the desired section. In it, you will find software that refers to the selected device group. Each driver necessarily attached detailed information: name, installation file size, release date and other. Opposite each software is the "Download" button. By clicking on it, you will immediately start downloading the specified driver to your laptop.
  13. Driver download buttons on HP website

  14. You need to wait until the driver is fully loaded, then just run it. You will open the installation program window. Follow the prompts and tips that are in every window, and you can easily install the driver. Similarly, you need to do with all the software that your laptop is needed.

As you can see, the method is very simple. The most important thing is to know the number of your HP Pavilion G6 laptop series. If this method is not suitable for some reason or simply do not like, then we offer to use the following ways.

Method 2: HP Support Assistant

HP Support Assistant is a program created specifically for HP brand products. It will allow you not only to install software for devices, but also will regularly check the availability of updates for those. By default, this program is already presetting on all brand laptops. However, if you deleted it, or reinstalled the operating system at all, then you will need to do the following:

  1. We go to the HP Support Assistant program download page.
  2. In the center of the opened page you will find the "Download HP Support Assistant" button. It is in a separate block. By clicking on this button, you will immediately see the process of downloading the installation files of the program on the laptop.
  3. HP Support Assistant Download Button

  4. We are waiting for the end of the download, after which you run the downloaded executable program file.
  5. The program installation wizard will be launched. In the first window, you will see summary information about the installed software. Read it completely or not - the choice is yours. To continue, click the "Next" button in the window.
  6. The main window of the HP installation program

  7. After that you will see a window with a license agreement. It contains the main items of those with which you will be offered to familiarize yourself. We do this, too, at will. In order to continue the installation of HP Support Assistant, you need to agree with this Agreement. We mark the corresponding string and click the "Next" button.
  8. HP License Agreement

  9. Next will begin to prepare the program to install. Upon completion, the HP Support Assistant installation process is automatically started onto a laptop. At this stage, the software will do everything automatically, you just need to wait a bit. When the installation process is completed, you will see the appropriate message on the screen. Close the window that appears by clicking on the same button.
  10. End of installing HP Support Assistant

  11. The icon of the program itself will appear on the desktop. Run it.
  12. The very first window you will see after starting the window with updates and notifications. Mark those ticks that the program itself recommends. After that, click the Next button.
  13. HP Support Assistant

  14. Next, you will see several prompts on the screen in separate windows. They will help you get used in this software. We recommend reading pop-up tips and guides.
  15. In the next working window, you need to click on the "Check for updates" string.
  16. HP laptop updates check button

  17. Now the program will need to perform several consecutive actions. Their list and status you will see in the new window that appears. We are waiting for the end of this process.
  18. HP update search process

  19. Those drivers that need to be installed on a laptop will be displayed as a list in a separate window. It will appear after the program completes the process of checking and scanning. In this window you will need to celebrate the Software that you want to install. When the required drivers are noted, click on the "Download and Install" button, which is a little right.
  20. We celebrate software to download at HP Support Assistant

  21. After that, the installation files of the previously marked drivers will begin. When all the necessary files are loaded, the program installs the entire software independently. Just waiting for the end of the process and messages about the successful installation of all components.
  22. To complete the described method, you can only close the HP Support Assistant program window.

Method 3: Global software for installation

The essence of this method is to use special software. It is designed to automatically scan your system and identify missing drivers. This method can be used absolutely for any laptops and computers, which makes it very universal. There are a lot of such programs specializing in automatic search and installation software today. The novice user can get confused when choosing those. We have already published an earlier review of such programs. It contains the best representatives of such software. Therefore, we recommend switching to the link below, and read the article itself. Perhaps it is she who will help you make a sure choice.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

In essence, any program is suitable. You can use even the one that is missing in the review. All of them work in the same principle. They differ only by the database of drivers and additional functionality. If you ignore, we advise you to choose Driverpack Solution. It is the most popular among PC users, as you can identify almost any device and find software for it. In addition, this program has a version that does not require active connection to the Internet. It can be very useful in the absence of software for network cards. Detailed instructions for using DriverPack Solution You can find in our learning article.

Lesson: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

Method 4: Search for Driver by Device ID

Each equipment in a laptop or computer has its own unique identifier. Knowing it, you can easily find the software for the device. You only need to use this value on a special online service. Similar services are searching for drivers through equipment ID. The enormous advantage of this method is that it is applicable even for unidentified system of devices. You will probably encounter a situation where all the drivers are installed, and non-identified devices are still present in the Device Manager. In one of our past materials, we described in detail this method. Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with it in order to find out all the subtleties and nuances.

Lesson: Search for Drivers by Equipment ID

Method 5: Windows staff

To use this method, you do not need to install any third-party software. You can try to find software for the device using a standard Windows tool. True, not always this method can give a positive result. That's what you need to do:

  1. Click on the keyboard laptop together the "Windows" and "R" keys.
  2. After that, the "Run" program window opens. In the only string of this window, enter the DevmGMT.msc value and click on the "ENTER" keyboard.
  3. Run Device Manager

  4. Having done these actions, you run "Device Manager". In it you will see all the devices connected to the laptop. For convenience, they are all divided into groups. Select the necessary equipment from the list and click on its name PCM (right mouse button). In the context menu, select the "Update Drivers" item.
  5. This will allow you to start the Windows search tool specified in the title. In the window that opens, you must specify the type of search. We recommend using "automatic". In this case, the system will try to find drivers on the Internet. If you select a second point, then you will need to independently specify the path to the software files on the computer.
  6. Automatic driver search via Device Manager

  7. If the search tool can find the desired software, it immediately installs the drivers.
  8. Driver installation process

  9. In the end, you will see the window in which the result of the search and installation process will be displayed.
  10. You can only close the search program to complete the described method.

That's actually all the ways by which you can install all the drivers on your HP Pavilion G6 laptop. Even if any of the methods does not work, you can always take advantage of others. Do not forget that the drivers should not only be installed, but also to regularly check their relevance, updating if necessary.

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