How do I delete a homegroup in Windows 10


Deleting a group home

If, after creating a home group (HomeGroup) You no longer need to use the functionality of the item or need to radically change the sharing settings, the most correct option - delete an existing group and re-configure the local network, if it is needed.

How do I delete a homegroup in windose 10

Below are the steps that will lead to the removal of the operating system element HomeGroup regular tools windose 10.

The process of removing a homegroup

In Windows 10, to accomplish this task, just enough to get out of this group. This occurs as follows.

  1. Through the right-click on the "Start" menu, run the "Control Panel".
  2. Select the section "Home Group" (to be available is necessary to set the view "Large Icons").
  3. Element home group

  4. Next, click "Exit group home ...".
  5. Exit the group home

  6. Confirm your action by clicking on the item "Exit from the group home."
  7. The process of exiting the home group

  8. Wait until the log out procedure, and then click "Finish".
  9. Deleting a group home

If all the steps were successful, you will see a box that says about the lack of HomeGroup.

Checking the homegroup

If necessary, completely close the PC from network discovery need to further modify the shared configuration.

Change sharing options

Mark the items that prohibit network discovery PCs, access to files and directories, then press the "Save Changes" (need administrator rights).

Turn off network discovery

Thus it is possible to remove the HomeGroup and disable the PC detection in local area network. As you can see, it's simple enough to do, so if you do not want anyone to see your files, feel free to use the information obtained.

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