Download drivers for NVIDIA GeForce 610m


Download drivers for NVIDIA GeForce 610m

Drivers for mobile video cards are just as needed as for full-fledged discrete counterparts. Today's material will be devoted to the NVIDIA GeForce 610m map. We will tell you in detail about how you can download software for this device and how to install it.

How to upload and install drivers for GeForce 610m

The device mentioned in the title is a mobile graphics adapter of NVIDIA. It is intended for use in laptops. Stripping from this information, we have prepared a number of methods for you, with which you can easily install software for NVIDIA GeForce 610m. The only requirement to use any of them is an active connection to the Internet.

Method 1: NVIDIA official resource

How can I understand the name of the method, in this case we turn to the NVIDIA site to search for the necessary drivers. This is the first place where it is worth starting such searches. It is here, first of all, all new software for brand devices appear. That's what you need to execute to use this method:

  1. Come on the link to the official software download page for NVIDIA equipment.
  2. First of all, you must fill out the information fields about the product for which the drivers are required. Since we are looking for software for the GeForce 610m video card, then all lines must be filled as follows:
  • Product Type - GeForce
  • Product Series - GeForce 600m Series (Notebooks)
  • Product Family - GeForce 610m
  • Operating system - Here we choose from the list of the OS, which is installed on the laptop
  • Language - indicate the language on which all further information will be displayed.
  • You must have a picture identical to the one that is depicted in the screenshot below.
  • Indicate information before loading software for GeForce 610m

  • When all the fields are filled, press the "Search" button to continue.
  • After some time, you will see the next page. It will be information about the driver that is supported by your video card. Moreover, it will be proposed by the latest version of the latest version, which is very convenient. On this page, in addition to the software version, you can also find out the size of the executable file, the release date and supported devices. To make sure that this software actually supports your adapter, you need to go to the subsection, which is called - "Supported Products". In this tab, you will find the 610M adapter model. Its location we noted in the screenshot below. When all information is checked, click the "Download Now" button.
  • Driver download button for GeForce 610m

  • In order to proceed directly to download the driver's installation file, you need to adopt the terms of the NVIDIA license agreement. The agreement itself can be seen by clicking on the link marked in the image. But it is not necessary to read it. It is enough just to click the "Accept and Download" button on the page that opens.
  • Link to the license agreement and the download button

  • Now it will start loading the software files themselves. We are waiting for the end of this process and launch the downloaded file.
  • In the first window, which will appear after starting the installation file, you must specify the location. The specified location will be retrieved all the files that are necessary for installation. You can write the path manually in the appropriate line, or select the desired folder from the root directory of the operating system files. To do this, you will need to click on the button with the image of the yellow folder to the right of the line. When the location is indicated, click "OK".
  • Selection of space for unpacking

  • Immediately after this, the extraction of the necessary files will begin. You will have to wait a couple of minutes until this process is completed.
  • File extraction process

  • Upon completion of the unpacking, the "NVIDIA Installation Program" will automatically be launched. First of all, it will start checking the compatibility of the software installed with your video card with the operating system. Just waiting until the check is over.
  • System compatibility check

  • Sometimes the compatibility verification process may be completed with different errors. In one of our past articles, we described the most popular of them and offered solutions.
  • Read more: problem solving options when installing the NVIDIA driver

  • If you have a check ended without errors, you will see the following window. It will be located the text of the license agreement of the company. Optionally, we study it, after which we press the "I accept. Proceed".
  • License Agreement when installing the driver

  • The next step will be the selection of the installation parameter. You can choose an "express installation" or "selective". When using "express installation", all the necessary components will be installed automatically. In the second case, you can independently specify the software that will be installed. In addition, when using "Selecting Installation", you can delete all the old profile parameters and reset the NVIDIA settings. Select "Selective Installation" for example in this situation and click the Next button.
  • Select the type of installation of drivers

  • In the next window, we mark the software that will be installed. If necessary, put a tick opposite the "Perform Pure Installation" parameter. After all manipulations, press the "Next" button to continue.
  • We note the parameters of the selective installation

  • As a result, the process of installing the driver for your video card will begin. This will be evidenced by the window that has appeared with the advertisement of the brand and the running line of progress.
  • The process of installing software for the video card NVIDIA

  • Please note that when using this method, you do not need to delete previously old software. The installation program will do everything yourself. Because of this, during the installation process, you will see a request for rebooting the system. It will automatically happen after a minute. You can speed up the process by pressing the "Restart Now" button.
  • Window rebooting system during installation by NVIDIA

  • After restarting the system, the installation program will start automatically and the installation will be continued. It is not worth running any applications during this period to avoid data loss.
  • When all the necessary operations are executed, you will see the last window on the screen. It will be text with the results of installation. To complete this method, you just need to close such a window by pressing the "Close" button.
  • Window with NVIDIA Drivers Installation Results

    This described method will be completed. As you can see it is very simple, if you follow all the instructions and prompts. In addition, it is one of the most reliable NVIDIA installation methods.

    Method 2: Specialized Online Service from the manufacturer

    This method is almost identical to the previous one. The only difference is that you do not have to specify the model of your adapter, as well as the version and the discharge of your operating system. All this will make online service.

    Please note that the Google Chrome browser is not suitable for this. The fact is that in the process you will need to launch the Java script. And the mentioned Chrome has long ceased support for this technology.

    To use this method you need to do the following:

    1. Come on the link to the official page of NVIDIA, where the mentioned service is located.
    2. We are waiting for a while until it determines all the necessary information and scans your system.
    3. During scanning, you can see the Java window. This script is required for correct verification. You only need to confirm its launch. To do this, click "RUN" in the window that appears.
    4. Request for launching java

    5. After a couple of minutes you will see the text appeared on the page. It will indicate the model of your video card, the current driver for it and the recommended software. You need to click on the "download" button.
    6. Result of automatic driver search

    7. After that, you will fall on the page that we mentioned in the first way. On it you can see a list of supported devices and check all related information. We just advise you to return to the fifth paragraph of the first method and continue from there. All further actions will be absolutely identical.
    8. If you do not have a Java software on a laptop, then in the process of scanning your system, you will see the appropriate notification on the online service page.
    9. Message about the absence of java

    10. As stated in the message text, you need to click on the orange button with the image of the Java logo to go to the download page.
    11. As a result, you will find yourself on the official Java website. The center will be a large red button with the text "Download Java for free". Click on it.
    12. Java download button

    13. Next, you will find yourself on the page where you will be offered to read the text of the license agreement. You can do this by clicking on the appropriate link on the page. However, it is not necessary to do it. To continue, it is enough to click on the "Accept and start free download" button.
    14. License Agreement and Home Download

    15. Immediately after that, the download of the Java installation file will begin. When it is downloaded, run it.
    16. Following the simple prompts of the installer, install software on your laptop.
    17. When Java is successfully installed, return to the first item of this method and repeat the scanning process again. This time you have to go smoothly.

    Here is the actual and the entire process of searching and downloading drivers using the NVIDIA online service. If you do not want to install Java, or simply consider this method complex, you can use other options.

    Method 3: GeForce Experience program

    If you are installed on a laptop GeForce Experience program, you can use it to install the necessary drivers. This is the official software from NVIDIA, so this method, like both previous ones, is proven and reliable. The procedure in this case will be as follows:

    1. Open GeForce Experience software. By default, the program icon can be found in the tray. But sometimes he may be absent there. To do this, you need to go to one of the following paths:
    2. C: \ Program Files \ Nvidia Corporation \ Nvidia GeForce Experience - for 32-bit operating systems

      C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Nvidia Corporation \ Nvidia GeForce Experience - for x64

    3. If the program specified in the title you have installed, you will see a list of files on the specified path. Run a file called "NVIDIA GeForce Experience".
    4. Run NVIDIA GeForce Experience

    5. As a result, the main program window will open. In the upper area you will see two tabs. We go to the section with the name "Drivers". On the listing page from above, you will see the name and version of the software that is available to you for download. On the right of such a row will be the corresponding "Download" button. You need to click on it.
    6. Loading software using NVIDIA GeForce Experience

    7. After that, the download will begin to install files. Instead of the "Download" button, a string will appear in which the load progress will be displayed.
    8. Progress Download Driver

    9. Upon completion of the download, instead of the progress band, two buttons will appear - "Express installation" and "Selecting installation". We were told about distinguishing these types of installation in the first way, so we will not repeat.
    10. Selective installation of the NVIDIA driver

    11. In case you select "Selective Installation", in the next window you will need to mark those components that you want to install.
    12. After that, the driver installation process itself will start. It will last a few minutes. You only need to wait a bit.
    13. At the end, you will see a message box with text. It will only have information about the result of installation. If everything goes without errors, you will see the message "Installation Completed". It remains only to close the current window by pressing the button with the same name.
    14. End of installation by NVIDIA

    That's the whole method. Please note that in this case the restart system will not need. However, we strongly recommend reloading the OS at the end of the driver installation. This will fully apply all settings and changes that have been made during the installation process.

    Method 4: Global Software for Drivers Search

    The network has many programs that are created specifically to search for software. They automatically check the entire system and detect devices for which you want to update / install software. It is one of these programs that can use GeForce 610M video card drivers. All you need is to choose any such software. In order to facilitate the process of choice, we have published an article in which the best software for searching for drivers.

    Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

    What kind of mentioned programs to choose is to solve only you. But we recommend using DRIVERPACK Solution. First, it regularly updates the database, which allows you to easily identify almost any device. And secondly, Driverpack Solution has not only an online version, but also offline application that will allow you to install software without connecting to the Internet. It is very convenient in situations when access to the network is missing for any reason. Since the said program is very popular, we made a guide to its use. We advise you to familiarize yourself with it if you still preferred Driverpack Solution.

    Lesson: How to update drivers on a computer using DriverPack Solution

    Method 5: Video Card Identifier

    Like any equipment in the laptop, the video card has its own unique identifier. It is on it that the described method is based. First you need to know this very ID. The GEFORCE 610M graphics adapter can have the following values:

    PCI \ Ven_10De & Dev_1058 & Subsys_367A17AA

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0Dea & Subsys_22DB1019

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_0Dea & Subsys_00111BFD

    PCI \ Ven_10de & Dev_105A & Subsys_05791028

    Next, you need to copy one of the ID values ​​and apply it to specialized sites. Such sites define devices and find software for them only by identifier. We do not stop in detail at each of the items, since this method we had a separate lesson. Therefore, we recommend passing at the specified link and read it. In it you will find answers to all questions that may occur during the search process using the identifier.

    Lesson: Search for Drivers by Equipment ID

    Method 6: Built-in Windows

    In some situations, to install the video card drivers, you can resort to the help of a built-in Windows search tool. We advise you to use it only in extreme cases. For example, when the system is completely refused to determine the video card. The fact is that in this case only the basic drivers files will be installed. This means that auxiliary components, which are also necessary for stable adapter operation, will not be installed. Nevertheless, at least to know about the existence of this method will be very useful. That's what you will need:

    1. On the keyboard, you need to press the "Windows" and "R" keys together.
    2. The "Run" utility window opens. You need to register the DevmGMT.msc parameter, and then press the Enter key.
    3. Run Device Manager

    4. This will allow you to open the Device Manager. In principle, it is possible to make it absolutely any way convenient for you.
    5. Read more: Open "Device Manager"

    6. In the list of groups of devices you need to open the "Video adapter" tab. Here you will see two video cards - an integrated Intel Chip and a GeForce 610M discrete adapter. Click on the last right mouse button and select the "Update Drivers" from the opened menu.
    7. Select a video card to search for

    8. Next you should choose the search type. We advise you to use the option with an "automatic" process. This will allow the system to independently find the software adapter software.
    9. Automatic driver search via Device Manager

    10. If the search tool will be able to find the necessary files, it will immediately download them and apply all settings.
    11. Driver installation process

    12. At shutdown, you will see a message in which the result of the entire method will be indicated. Please note that it does not always turn out to be positive. In some cases, the system fails to independently find the drivers. In such situations, you will have to use one of the above methods.
    13. If the search was crowned with success, then simply closing the Windows Search Tools window to complete.

    Here is actually all the ways to help you find and install the drivers for the NVIDIA GeForce 610m video card. We hope you all will pass without mistakes and problems. But if such arises - write about it in the comments. Let's try to identify the reason for their appearance and fix the current situation.

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