How to run the power supply without motherboard


How to turn on the power supply without motherboard

Sometimes to check the performance of the power supply, provided that the maternal card is no longer operational, it is necessary to run it without it. Fortunately, it is easy, but still requires compliance with certain safety.

The necessary conditions

To start the power supply offline, in addition to it you will need:
  • Copper jumper, which is additionally protected by rubber. It can be made from the old copper wire, cutting off from it a certain part;
  • Hard disk or drive that can be connected to BP. We need so that the power supply can supply something to energy.

As additional protection measures, it is recommended to work in rubber gloves.

Turn on the power supply

If your BP is in the case and is connected to the desired PC components, disable them (everything besides the hard disk). In this case, the block should remain in place, it is not necessary to dismantle it. You also do not need to turn off the power from the network.

Step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. Take the main cable that is connected to the system board itself (it is the largest).
  2. Find green and any black wire on it.
  3. Build two PIN contacts of black and green wires together with jumpers.
  4. Closing the power supply

If you have anything connected to the power supply, it will work a definable amount of time (usually 5-10 minutes). This time is enough to check the BP on working capacity.

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