How to make a signature in Yandex.We


How to make a signature in Yandex mail

Signature in Yandex mail can be needed to record the data required in each letter. For example, it may be farewell to its profile or instructions of personal information that are recorded at the bottom of the letter.

Creating a personal signature

In order to create it, you must perform the following:

  1. Open mail settings and select "Personal data, signature, portrait."
  2. Settings Yandex Mail

  3. On the opened page below, find an example of a letter with the inscription and the data entry window.
  4. Yandex mail input window

  5. Print the desired text and click "Add Signature".

Registration of signature

The text may be decorated with your taste. To do this, over the input window there is a small menu that includes:

  • Type of font. If necessary, a message or a separate word can be made "bold", "italic", "underlined" and "crossed";
  • Type of signature font in Yandex mail

  • Link. You can add a link to the contents of the painting, for which you should dial its address and text;
  • Adding a link to the signature on Yandex mail

  • Image. Personal painting allows the content of images, to add which you can simply enter the link;
  • Adding an image to the signature on Yandex mail

  • Citation. Separately, you can enter a quote or special text;
  • Citation in personal signature on Yandex mail

  • Font color. In addition to the above type, you can change the coloring of words;
  • Signature Font Color on Yandex Mail

  • Background color. The background color design also allows changes;
  • Color Background Signature on Yandex mail

  • Font style. As in the familiar Word, the inscription at the bottom of the letter on Yandex admits several options for the design of the font;
  • Signature font style on Yandex mail

  • Size letters. Separately resolved the change in the magnitude of the font in the painting;
  • Font size in the signature on Yandex mail

  • Smiley. To diversify boring text, you can add a smile in the signature;
  • Adding smiles in signature on Yandex mail

  • Lists. If the text contains enumerations, they can be issued in a marked or numbered list;
  • Registration of lists in signature on Yandex mail

  • Alignment. The message can be located in the center, left or right edge;
  • Leveling text in signature on Yandex mail

  • Cleaning formatting. Extreme right button makes it possible to completely erase all changes made in the design of the inscriptions;
  • Remove signature formatting on Yandex mail

Create a signature on Yandex mail is quite easy. At the same time, the message that is located at the bottom of the letter can be issued as like the user itself.

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