How to change the name on Twitter


How to change the name on Twitter

If you consider your username more unacceptable or simply want to update your profile a little, you will not be able to change nickname. You can change the name after the dog "@" when you want and do it as many times as you want. The developers do not mind at all.

How to change the name on twitter

The first thing is worth noting - you do not need to pay for changing the username in Twitter. Second - you can choose absolutely any name. The main thing is that it fit into the range of 15 characters, did not contain insults and, of course, the nicknamed you choose should be free.

That's all. With this, very simple, actions, we changed the username in the browser version of Twitter.

Immediately after the execution of the actions described above, your username in Twitter will be changed. Unlike the browser version of the service, additionally enter the password from the account here we are not required.

Mobile Web Version Twitter

The most popular microblogging service also exists as a browser version for mobile devices. The interface and the functionality of this version of the social network almost fully corresponds to those in Android and iOS applications. However, due to a number of essential differences, the process of changing the name in the mobile web version of Twitter is still worth describing.

  1. So, the first thing is authorized in the service. The input process in the account is absolutely identical to the described in the instruction above.

    Log in to the mobile version of Twitter

  2. After logging in to the account, we enter the main page of the mobile version of Twitter.

    Mobile version of Twitter

    Here, to go to the custom menu, click on the icon of our avatar on the left above.

  3. On the page that opens, go to the "Settings and Security" item.

    Basic account menu in the mobile version of Twitter

  4. Then select the "username" from the list available to change the parameters.

    List of parameters for change in the mobile version Twitter

  5. Now everything that we have to do is change the nickname specified in the "username" field and click on the "Finish" button.

    User name change page in Twitter Mobile version

    After that, if the nickname introduced by us is correct and not occupied by another user, the account information will be updated without the need to confirm in any way.

Thus, it does not matter - whether you use a twitter on a computer or on a mobile device - the change of nickname in the social network will not be any difficulties.

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