Weather Gadget for Windows 7


Weather Gadget in Windows 7

One of the most popular gadgets that are used by users in Windows 7 is weather informant. His demand is related to the fact that, unlike most such applications, it is most useful and practical. Indeed, weather information is important for many users. Let's find out how to install the specified gadget on Windows desktop 7, as well as find out the main nuances of setting up and working with it.

Weather gadget

For experienced users is not a secret that small standard applications are used in Windows 7, which are called gadgets. They have a narrow functionality limited to one or two possibilities. This is the element of the system and is the "weather". Applying it, you can learn the weather at the site of finding a user and around the world.

True, due to the termination of support by the developer, when the standard gadget starts, there are often problems that expressed in the fact that the inscription "failed to connect to the service" appears, and in other inconveniences. But first things first.

Turning on

First, find out exactly how to include a standard weather application so that it is displayed on the desktop.

  1. Click right-click on an empty place on the desktop and choose the "Gadgets" option.
  2. Switch to gadgets through the context menu in Windows 7

  3. The window opens with the list of gadgets. We choose the "weather" option, which is represented as an image of the sun by clicking on it twice the left mouse button.
  4. Gadget selection Weather in Gadgets window in Windows 7

  5. After the specified action, the weather window should be launched.

Weather gadget launched in Windows 7

Solving problems with the launch

But, as already mentioned above, after launching the user may encounter a situation when the inscription "failed to connect to the service" appears on the desktop in the desktop. We will understand how to solve this problem.

Message about failure connection to the Gadget service Weather in Windows 7

  1. Close the gadget if it is open. If you do not know how to do this, the mechanism will be described below in the section on deleting this application. Go using Windows Explorer, Total Commander or other file manager on the next way:

    C: \ Users \ Custom_Profor \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ Microsoft \ Windows Live \ Services \ Cache

    Instead of the value "Custom_Fort" in this address, specify the name of the profile (account), through which you work on the PC. If you do not know the name of the account, then find out it is quite simple. Click on the "Start" button, placed in the lower left corner of the screen. The menu opens. At the top of its right part and will be the desired name. Just insert it instead of the words "custom_fil" in the address specified above.

    Determining the username via Start menu in Windows 7

    To go to the desired location if you act using Windows Explorer, you can copy the resulting address to the address bar and click the Enter key.

  2. Go to the Cache folder in Windows 7

  3. Then change the system date for a few years ahead (the more, the better).
  4. Go to change the date and time settings in Windows 7

  5. We will return to the folder wearing the name "Cache". It will be located a file named "config.xml". If the extension display is not included in the system, it will be called simply "Config". Click on the specified name right mouse button. The context list is launched. Select the item "Change" in it.
  6. Go to changing the Config file through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

  7. The Config file opens using a standard notepad. It does not need to make any changes. Just go to the "File" vertical menu item and in the list that opens, click on the "Save" option. This action can also be replaced by a set of CTRL + S keys. After that, you can close the notepad window by clicking on the standard closing icon on its right upper edge. Then return the current date value on the computer.
  8. Manipulations in the Notebook program window in Windows 7

  9. After that, you can launch the weather application through the gadgets window in the way that we have considered earlier. This time, errors with connection to the service should not be. Install the location. How to do this See below in the settings descriptions.
  10. Next in Windows Explorer, again click on the config file with the right mouse button. A context list is launched, in which you select the "Properties" parameter.
  11. Go to Config file properties through the context menu of the conductor in Windows 7

  12. The Config File Properties window starts. Move into the General tab. In the "Attributes" block near the "read only" parameter, we set a tick. We click on "OK".

Window CONFIG file in Windows 7

On this setting to troubleshoot the problem with the launch is completed.

But for many users, when opening the Cache folder, the config.xml file does not turn out. In this case, you need to download it on the link below, remove from the archive and place it in the specified folder, and then make all those manipulations with the Notepad program, which was discussed above.

Download Config.xml file


After starting the gadget, you can configure its settings.

  1. We bring the cursor to the icon of the Weather application. The icon block is displayed to the right. Click on the "Parameters" icon in the form of a key.
  2. Transition to Weather Gadget Settings in Windows 7

  3. The settings window opens. In the "Choose current location" field, we prescribe the locality, the weather in which we want to observe. Also in the settings block "Show temperature in" can be determined by rearranging the switch, in which units want to display the temperature: in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

    After the specified settings are made, click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the window.

  4. Window of the Weather Gadget Settings in Windows 7

  5. The current air temperature in the specified settlement in the selected unit of measurement is displayed. In addition, the level of cloudiness is shown immediately as an image.
  6. Information in the gadget weather is displayed as modified settings in Windows 7

  7. If the user needs more weather information in the selected settlement, then this should increase the application window. We carry the cursor to the small gadget window and in the toolbox that appears, select an arrow icon ("larger"), which is located above the "Parameters" icon.
  8. Go to an increase in the size of the weather gadget window in Windows 7

  9. After that, the window increases. In it, we see not only the current temperature and the level of cloudiness, but also their forecast for the next day with a breakdown on the day and night.
  10. Weather Gadget Window Size Increased in Windows 7

  11. In order to return the window former compact design to the window, again you need to click on the same icon with the arrow. This time it has the name "smaller".
  12. Reducing the weather gadget window in Windows 7

  13. If you want to drag the gadget window to another desktop location, then for this you should click on any of its area or by the button to move ("drag the gadget"), which is placed on the right of the window in the toolbar. After that, clamp the left mouse button and make a movement procedure to any screen area.
  14. Moving the weather gadget in Windows 7

  15. The application window will be moved.

Weather gadget moved to Windows 7

Solving a location problem

But the problem with the launch of the service connection is not the only one with which the user may encounter when working with the specified application. Another problem may be the impossibility of changing location. That is, the gadget will be launched, but "Moscow, Central Federal District" will be indicated in it as a location (or other name of the settlement in various localizations of Windows).

The weather gadget indicates the location of Moscow in Windows 7

Any attempts to change the location in the application settings in the "Location" field will be ignored by the program, and the "Automatic Definition" parameter will be inactive, that is, the switch cannot be rearranged into this position. How to solve the specified problem?

Impossibility Changing the location settings in the Weather Gadget Settings in Windows 7

  1. Run the gadget if it is closed and using Windows Explorer move to the following directory:

    C: \ Users \ Custom_Proof \ APPDATA \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows Sidebar

    As before, instead of the "Custom_Fort" value, you need to insert a specific name of the user profile. About how to find out his speech above.

  2. Go to Windows Sidebar folder in Windows 7

  3. Open the "settings.ini" file ("settings" in systems with a disabled extension display) double clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  4. Opening the settings.ini file in the explorer in Windows 7

  5. The settings file is launched in a standard notepad or in another text editor. Highlight and copy the entire contents of the file. This can be done, sequentially applying the Ctrl + A and Ctrl + C key combination. After that, this setup file can be closed by clicking on the standard closing icon in the upper right corner of the window.
  6. Manipulations with the setting file in the Notebook program window in Windows 7

  7. Then launch an empty text document in a notepad program and, applying the Ctrl + V key combination, insert the previously copied contents.
  8. Contents inserted into a new text document in a notepad program in Windows 7

  9. With the help of any browser, go to This is the resource from where the application takes information about the weather. In the search bar, we introduce the name of the settlement, the weather in which we want to see. At the same time, interactive prompts appear at the bottom. There may be several of them if there is not one settlement with the specified name. Among the tips, choose the option that meets the wishes of the user.
  10. City search on in Opera browser

  11. After that, the browser redirects you to the page where the weather of the selected settlement is displayed. Actually, in this case, the weather itself will not be interested, but will be interested in the code that is located in the address bar of the browser. We need an expression that is located immediately following the oblique line after the letter "L", but before the colon. For example, as we see in the image below, for St. Petersburg, this code will look like this:


    Copy this expression.

  12. City code on website at the Opera browser address bar

  13. Then return to the text file with the parameters running in the notebook. In the text we are looking for the lines "WeatherLocation" and "WeatherLocationCode". If you can't find them, it means that the contents from the settings.ini file was copied when the weather application was closed, which contradicts the recommendations that were given above.

    In the "WeatherLocation" line after the sign "=" in quotes, it is necessary to indicate the name of the settlement and the country (republic, regions, the federal district, etc.). This name is absolutely arbitrary. Therefore, write in the format that you are more convenient. The main thing is that you yourself understand what kind of settlement are we talking about. We write down the following expression on the example of St. Petersburg:

    WeatherLocation = "St. Petersburg, Russian Federation"

    In the "WeatherLocationCode" string after the "=" sign in quotes immediately after the expression "WC:" insert the code of the settlement, which we have previously copied from the browser's address bar. For St. Petersburg, the string takes the following form:

    WeatherLocationCode = "WC: RSXX0091"

  14. Changes in the code settings.ini file in Windows 7

  15. Then we produce the closure of the weather gadget. Returning in the Explorer window to the Windows Sidebar directory. Click right-click on the name of the settings.ini file. In the context list, select "Delete".
  16. Go to deleting the settings.ini file in the explorer in Windows 7

  17. The dialog box is launched, where you should confirm the desire to delete settings.ini. Click on the button "Yes".
  18. Confirmation of the deletion of the settings.ini file in the Explorer in Windows 7

  19. Then we return to a notebook with text parameters edited earlier. Now we have to save them as a file in the place of the Winchester, where settings.ini was removed. Click in the horizontal menu of notepad by name "File". In the drop-down list, select the option "Save As ...".
  20. Saving a file in the Notepad program window in Windows 7

  21. The window saves the file starts. Go to it to the folder "Windows Sidebar". You can simply drive into the address bar the following expression, replacing the "user_name" to the current value, and click on Enter:

    C: \ Users \ Custom_Proof \ APPDATA \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows Sidebar

    In the "File Name" field, write "settings.ini". Click on "Save".

  22. File save window in Notepad in Windows 7

  23. After that, close the notebook and launch the weather gadget. As you can see, the settlement in it was changed to the one that we have previously specified in the settings.

Locality Changed in Weather Gadget in Windows 7

Of course, if you constantly browse the weather status in various places on the globe, this method is extremely inconvenient, but it can be used if you need to receive weather information from one settlement, for example, from where the user itself is.

Disconnection and deletion

Now let's look at how to disable the weather gadget or, if necessary, completely delete.

  1. In order to disable the application, send the cursor to its window. In the group of tools that appeared on the right, click on the upper icon in the form of a cross - "close".
  2. Closing the weather gadget window in Windows 7

  3. After executing the specified manipulation, the application will be closed.

Some users wish to remove the gadget from the computer at all. This may be due to various reasons, for example, with the desire to remove them, as a source of PC vulnerability.

  1. In order to delete the specified application after its closure, go to the gadget window. We send the cursor to the weather icon. Click on it right mouse button. In the list running list, select the "Delete" option.
  2. Transition to the removal of the weather gadget in the Gadgets window in Windows 7

  3. The dialog box will start, where the question will be asked if the user is confident in the actions undertaken. If he really wants to delete, then click on the "Delete" button.
  4. Weather Gadget Removal dialog box in Windows 7

  5. The gadget will be completely removed from the operating system.

It is important to note that if you wish to restore it, it will be extremely difficult, since on the official website of Microsoft, due to the failure of support for working with gadgets, these applications are not available for download. We'll have to look for them on third-party sites, which may be unsafe for the computer. Therefore, you need to think well before initiating the removal procedure.

As you can see, due to the termination of the support of gadgets, Microsoft Corporation is currently configuring the weather application in Windows 7 associated with a number of difficulties. And even his holding, according to the recommendations described above, does not yet guarantee the return of full functionality, since it will have to change the parameters in the settings files every time the application is started. It is possible to establish more functional analogs on third-party sites, but it should be remembered that the gadgets themselves are a source of vulnerabilities, and their unofficial versions increase the danger repeatedly.

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