How to use Microsoft Teams


How to use Microsoft Teams

Option 1: PC program

Microsoft Teams is great for use on a computer, meeting and private conversations. The program is optimized for working with calendar, contacts and presentations. We offer to familiarize yourself with the sections in which it describes in detail the main aspects of interaction with this software.

Downloaded on your computer

To start communicating and holding meetings in Microsoft Teams, you will need to download the client to the computer. Of course, you can work in the browser version, similar to functionality, but it is not always convenient, and conferences with a large number of participants periodically hang. With the screen demonstration, there will also be difficult, and everything works correctly in the desktop assembly.

  1. Follow the link above and click the Login button to open the Microsoft Teams download page to the computer.
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  3. Perform authorization in the Microsoft account used or add a new one.
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  5. Expect content download and click on "Download Windows Application". The following information will be devoted exclusively to him, but if you go to the use of a web application at this stage, the following instructions will also be suitable.
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  7. Expect the download to download the executable file and run it.
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  9. Installation will start automatically, but you will only have to wait for it to complete and start the program.
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  11. It will appear its main window, after which you can move to further settings and interaction.
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Preparing an account

Even before downloading, you have already completed authorization in the system, so when you first start Microsoft Teams, the input to the profile is performed independently. Let's figure it out with its basic settings and consider the necessary actions when changing the account directly in the program.

  1. To display the list of settings, click on the image with your avatar on the top panel.
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  3. If you need to change the profile, connect the second by clicking "Add a Work or Training Account", or exit the current to not use the account switching function.
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  5. In the same menu, to the right of the inscription "Online" there is a button "Set signature to status". This is such a user status that describes your activity or the current state of affairs. Enter any text at your own desire and decide whether it is necessary to clean it after a certain period of time.
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  7. When you press the "Account Management" button in this menu, there will be a transition to the settings section, about other parameters of which we will also write a little later. In the "Accounts" categories, you follow the connected profiles and manage them if you need to exit or change the general settings.
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Programs settings

Briefly let's talk about the settings present in Teams, which are not so much, but they can be extremely useful in constant interaction with the program. Developers offer to change appearance, set privacy parameters and customize receipt of notifications.

  1. Click on three horizontal points to the left of the user's avatar to invoke the settings menu. In it you can change the scaling, go to view the list of hotkeys, check availability of updates or download a mobile application by opening the page in the store.
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  3. To view other parameters, click the "Settings" line.
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  5. The new window will open in the "General" section, where there are three topics changing the display of the window elements. While there is a bright theme, dark and high contrast mode. If you select new appearance settings, you will need to restart the program.
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  7. In the "Appendix" block there are parameters with checkboxes; If the tick is installed in front of the item, it means that it is active. So, by default, the autorun application with the Windows start is activated, which is not necessary for all users. Check out all items and decide that it is necessary to enable or disable. Separately, pay attention to "Disable GPU hardware acceleration". The setting directly affects the performance, and it makes sense only if during operation in the TMS observed or brakes.
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  9. Below is a block with tongue and keyboard settings, as well as a function checking spelling. Take advantage of the drop-down list if you need to change your preferred language or layout. In the "Display" block, there is only one parameter - "disable animation". Activate it to enhance the performance of the program if it hangs from time to time.
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  11. Following the section with parameters called "Privacy" and the first visible snap-in is responsible for action with blocked contacts. Locking is performed by pressing the right mouse button on the user's profile and select the corresponding item from the context menu. You can view the entire blacklist through the "Change locked contacts" window.
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  13. They are displayed downloaded and at any time are available for unlocking.
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  15. Additionally, this section establishes restrictions on the contact details. If you do not want, when you enter a tied email or phone number, other users have found you through the search, set the appropriate limitations. Pay attention to the "Notifications of reading" slider and deactivate it in the case when it is not necessary that the message is displayed as read after you saw it. Cancel in polls if you do not want to receive messages from Microsoft Teams developers.
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  17. In the "Notifications" section there are only two parameters: "sound" and "chat". Here you can disable the sound playback when calling and go to chat settings for which you have a change in the display of the banner and display in web channels.
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Search for contacts

The main purpose of Microsoft Teams is communication with users both in solitary chat rooms and in meetings. If you are an organizer or there is a need to contact a specific participant, you will need to find it through a global search and start communicating.

  1. To use the search, activate the string and enter the email or the phone number of the desired account.
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  3. Wait for users from the list and click on the appropriate to go to the individual chat.
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  5. Send the first message to inform the user about your intentions. He will receive a notice and can decide whether he wants to start a conversation.
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  7. At the same time, a notification appears that you have added a new member chat. This is exactly what is the search for contacts. You can interact with them exclusively in such conversations, and so far there is no means that allows you to display all the contacts without directly invitations to chats.
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Actions with meetings and chats

The main time of TeamS users spend in chat rooms, communicating on business topics or discussing everyday issues with individual participants or in meetings. When you turn on the program, it will not immediately repain you to the necessary conversation, even if notifications came, so you have to find a suitable or independently create a new one, inviting participants.

  1. To do this, open the "Chat" section by clicking on the button on the left.
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  3. A list of the last conversations with messages will appear. Click one of the rows to go to read the contents. This list displays both ordinary chat rooms and organized meetings.
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  5. If you need to independently create a video conference or text chat, use the tops from the top.
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  7. To invit users who have no account yet, activate it in a new conversation and click "Invite Friends" or "Join Teams" (the button has two names).
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  9. By default, the name "New Chat" is created for the conversation, which should be changed so that other users understand its subjects and are not confused in the list of others. To do this, click "Add Group Name".
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  11. Enter it and immediately send invitations by specifying the addresses in the "To" field, if required.
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  13. If you need to create a group conversation from an individual chat, click "Add Contact" on the bar on the right.
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  15. A form of searching for users, where you specify the contact details and wait for the list with the list with the credentials found.
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  17. Click on suitable to immediately send an invitation. The user will be able to send messages and see the others only when making a request.
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If you are invited to a collection or text chat, the notification along with the contents of the conversation will be in the same section. In addition, two buttons will be displayed, allowing you to choose an action related to this conversation. You can join it or reject the invitation that deletes it from the list of conversations. Remember that without a re-invitation you will not be able to join the abandoned discussion.

View tape notifications

In short, consider the "Actions" section, which shows the tape with notifications. Conventional messages sent in conversations are marked as new in the "Chat" section, and only answers are displayed in the tape. At the same time, you will see references if someone in the message entered the name of your account with the sign @, specifically making it in such a way as to emphasize this attention. Other notifications include system updates, upcoming meetings and some of the actions of contacts.

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Calendar management

Since Microsoft Teams is a corporate program, it is logical to find a calendar in it. It is not always possible to create a meeting just when it is necessary, if only because everyone has its own schedule, graphics and allocated time to carry out such events. You can independently mark events in the calendar, thereby warning the future participants and distributing useful information in advance. They will receive a corresponding notice and cell in the calendar will be filled automatically.

  1. Go to the "Calendar" section and click "Create Collection". If it is required to be organized at this moment, use the "Start Meet Now" button.
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  3. A new form will appear with the filling of the description about the event. Add a name for it, specify the time or assign it for a whole day. If the meeting is repeated at a certain period, set it in a separate field. In the presence of location, enter it in a specially reserved line. Add user information by completing information in the last block.
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As soon as the collection is added to the calendar, you can access it, invite participants or make any changes. When connecting new users, notifications will be received, which will allow you to find out how many participants have already gathered and is it possible to start a conference.

Personal calls or meetings

Under the word "meeting" in Microsoft Teams, not only the collective text chat is implied, but also a conference using video and auditing. The organization conversations have already been written above, so it remains only to start a call in the appropriate.

  1. Open the chat and use one of the buttons to the right. The first is designed to call a call along with the video, the second is only with audio, and the third will immediately go to the screen demonstration, showing the presentation, a separate window or the entire desktop. This is written in more detail in another article on our website as follows.

    Read more: How to show a presentation in Microsoft Teams

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  3. After connection, the main location will be assigned to the image of users or their demonstration, and at the bottom you will see a small block with the transfer of content from your webcam, which will make it clear, whether the other participants see you normally.
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  5. Use the control buttons on the top panel to go to text chat or invitations from other users.
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  7. At any time, you can turn off the sound, camera or go to the content show by applying other buttons on the same panel.
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Now you are familiar with the implementation of basic actions in the TIMS on the computer. When opening an application in the browser, the principle of action remains approximately the same. Next, we will tell about the use of a mobile application, which can also be useful when there is no access to the PC. Its functionality is a bit different, so we recommend reading the following sections of the article.

Option 2: Mobile application

The developers of the messenger under consideration identified a lot of resources to improve its mobile version. Now every employee can connect to the meeting or respond to a text message without directly accessing a computer, and simply running the TIMS on its smartphone or tablet. In addition, through this version of the program, it is much easier to follow the notifications, since the phone is always at hand. Let's figure out the basic principles of using the Microsoft Teams mobile version.

Download and install

The application is distributed free of charge and available for downloading in branded stores of mobile operating systems. It does not need to pay for it, and the only condition of use is the presence of an account with a tied phone number.

Download Microsoft Teams from /

  1. Open the application store used and find Microsoft Teams through the search.
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  3. Click the Install button to start downloading the messenger.
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  5. Upon completion, open it through the page in the store or tapping on the icon that appears on the home screen.
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Registration and input

The first launch of the application always starts with an account registration or login to an existing one. Additionally, in the mobile version there is a quick connection function to a meeting with the introduction of its key as a guest. You have to choose the appropriate option and perform the relevant instructions.

  1. Enter an existing email address or phone number. If the account is not, register or join the conversation as a viewer.
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  3. To authorize, enter the password and go to the next step.
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  5. A window "Welcome to Teams" opens, in which it is invited to familiarize yourself with the main features of the application. As soon as this is done, click "Bring."
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  7. The program immediately proposes to change the profile image and the display name, if required. In the absence of need, tap the "Continue" button.
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  9. Read the news and click "All Clear" to close the last demo window.
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When working under the guest account when connecting to an existing meeting, you will not be able to use other application functions. It will not be possible to add or block the contact, manage the storage and lead in parallel several chats. After the meeting, the session is automatically completed and you will have to connect to another or create a full-fledged account.

Custom settings

In a mobile application, slightly more settings associated with Microsoft Teams themselves and account, so we offer to stay on them in more detail. So you can configure your profile, notifications and appearance of the program for yourself.

  1. After successful authorization, click the icon with the image of your profile on the right at the top to open the settings.
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  3. The first available setting is "set a signature to the status." Initially, other users see that you are on the network, you moved or generally left the application. Additionally, they can show any inscription by entering it independently.
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  5. In a new window, enter the text consisting of a maximum of 280 characters, decide whether you want to show the status to users when you mention the account in messages and when it needs to be cleaned.
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  7. Return to the previous menu and go to "Settings" to display the remaining parameters.
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  9. In the General section, you can change the interface settings, manage notifications, storage and translation. When choosing a category "Appearance", a list with two options will appear, since until the developers have added other topics.
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  11. As for data and storage facilities, the settings in this section will fit mostly to those who use the mobile Internet to communicate in Teams. So you can reduce the use of traffic, reduce the quality of the sent images so that they weighed less, or clear the information collected during the application.
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The remaining settings are in the "Personal" section. You can adjust sending messages, change your profile data, hide the location or manage safe (it will be discussed in another section of the article). Developers give a detailed description of each setup, and their names are already talking for themselves.

Search and create text chats

To start communication in TIMS, you need to create a text chat or accept an invitation from other participants if you downloaded an application for recommendation. To do this, it has a special section in which all conversations are collected and you can easily manage them, search and view notifications.

  1. On the panel below, go to the "Chat" section and see if there are new proposals for the beginning of the conversation. Usually to the right of unread messages are shown blue dot.
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  3. If no text collection is not yet, create it yourself by pressing the appropriate button on the right.
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  5. Allow your access to contacts to quickly invite new participants thanks to data synchronization.
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  7. To add users, enter their contact details in some search, locate the account and send an invitation.
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  9. In the next screenshot you see an example of how invitations work. Contact can be immediately blocked by sending it to the list with bans, or accept an invitation, thereby resolving sending messages in both directions.
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  11. Write your first replica by activating the "Enter Message" field. If you want, you can attach files to send, write a voice message or use EMDZI. All these Microsoft Teams features and they work properly.
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  13. Click the Monitoring Panel tab to familiarize yourself with other available chat features. It is allowed to share a location, send a photo, start a common calendar with the same events, create a task list, configure a safe or get information about the current conversation.
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If you need to delete an unused chat, you can simply reject the invitation. In the case when it is already accepted, make a long tap on it in the list of available and from the menu that appears, select the "Delete" option.

Organization of the Assembly

If you are a manager of a company or responsible for creating conferences, the TEAMS mobile application can be used to add meetings and invitations there all the necessary participants. At the same time, the technology is not different from the program that presented in the PC program.

  1. On the panel below, select the "Collection" section.
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  3. Find a ready-made unplanned collection in the list or click the "Fast Unplanned Collection" button to create it.
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  5. Enter the name and copy the link to send it to other users for rapid attachment. Once you are ready to launch a conference, tap the button "Start a meeting".
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  7. When you first start such conversations on a smartphone or tablet, a system alert will be displayed that requires allowing access to video and audio recording.
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  9. The meeting was created, but you are still not participating in it. To join, click "Join" and confirm the action.
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  11. Use the features on the panel below to turn off the camera, microphone or control the sound when it takes.
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  13. When you open the menu with additional actions, the hold functions, sending files and disabling the video of other participants will appear.
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Note that forcibly you cannot connect other users to the meeting, so warning all the participants that they will need to take an invitation and join during the start of the conference. If they do not know about the existence of notifications, remind that from time to time it is desirable to look into the "Actions" section, especially if an unread message icon appears.

Additional actions

When interacting with Teams on the phone, you will definitely notice the "Advanced" section, in which there are other features supported by the application. They are placed in such a block, because they are used less often and not by all users. Many people are not familiar at all, so let's stop at each in more detail and understand why all these opportunities are needed.

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  • "The calendar". The calendar is used exclusively to create meetings on a specific date, but this is still. In the future, developers can place there and other actions or allow the user to form completely any events. Now presented configuration of the standard creation of a collection with a set date and description. Invited users receive a notification and can also make a conference in their calendar in order not to forget. At the appointed date, the collection starts automatically, and you will only have to connect.
  • "Calls". This feature will take advantage of only those members of the application that want to call the Teams to the phone number. It is available only if the tariff plan for making calls is purchased by the organization or personally by the user. Consider that emergency calls through the application are not available.
  • "Files". Files include all documents and objects saved in the cloud on your account. This means that when you go to the appropriate application section, you get access to all files located in OneDrive. Use this TIMS function can be used to save new files to the cloud. The possibility of quick access greatly simplifies the process of sending files to other users and eliminates the need to maintain them in the local storage.
  • "Safe". You can only put a limited number of files, contacts or records, the interaction with which happened to Microsoft Teams. This is a special encryption algorithm that saves confidential data. When using the safe, you can be calm and not worry that access to the information there will be received even in the case of a successful hacking account.
  • "Saved". Developers allow you to store messages, files, contacts and other information. All data are displayed in this section, available for viewing and editing.
  • "Tasks". This is a kind of notebook, where you make important tasks or plans for you. If they are installed at a certain time, a notification will be sure to appear in the "Actions" section so that you do not forget about the upcoming event or task.

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