Installing Windows 7 updates manually


Update in the Windows 7 operating system

Some users prefer to decide which updates (updates) to install on their operating system, and from which it is better to refuse, not trusting the automatic procedure. In this case, it is manually installed. Let's find out how to configure manual execution of this procedure in Windows 7 and how the installation is directly performed.

Activation of the procedure manually

In order to manually update, first of all, the auto-update should be turned off, and only then perform the installation procedure. Let's see how it is done.

  1. Click on the "Start" button in the lower left edge of the screen. In the open menu, select "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. In the window that opens, click the "System and Security" section.
  4. Switch to the System and Security section in the Control Panel window in Windows 7

  5. In the next window, click on the name of the "Enabling or Disable Auto Updates" subsection in the Windows Update Center (CSC).

    Switch to the inclusion and disable automatic update subsection in the control panel window in Windows 7

    There is another option to transition to the instrument we need. Call the "Run" window by pressing Win + R. In the running window, led by the command:


    Click OK.

  6. Go to the update center window through the introduction of the command in the window to execute in Windows 7

  7. Windows opens. Click "Setting Parameters".
  8. Go to the settings window through the update center in Windows 7

  9. Regardless of how you switched (through the control panel or by the "Run" tool), the parameter change window will start. First of all, we will be interested in the "Important Updates" block. By default, it is set to "Install updates ...". For our case, this option does not fit.

    In order to conduct a procedure manually, you should select "Download updates ..." from the drop-down list, "Search for updates ..." or "Do not check for updates". In the first case, you will download them to the computer, but the decision to install the user accepts itself. In the second case, the search for updates is performed, but the solution to download them and the subsequent installation is again received by the user, that is, the action does not automatically be automatically as default. In the third case, manually will have to activate even the search. Moreover, if the search gives positive results, then to download and install, you will need to change the current parameter to one of the three described above, which allow you to perform these actions.

    Select one of these three options, in accordance with your goals, and click "OK".

Enable and disable automatic update window in the update center in Windows 7

Installation procedure

The actions algorithms after selecting a specific item in the Windows CSC window will be discussed below.

Method 1: Action Algorithm for Automatic Loading

First of all, consider the procedure when choosing the "Download updates" item. In this case, their download will be made automatically, but the installation will need to be performed manually.

  1. The system will be periodically in the background, search for updates and also in the background mode download them to the computer. At the end of the download process, the corresponding information message will be received from the tray. To go to the installation procedure, you should simply click on it. The user can also check the presence of downloaded updates. This will indicate the "Windows Update" icon in the tray. True, he may be in the group of hidden icons. In this case, click on the "Display Hidden Icons" icon, located in the tray to the right of the language panel. Hidden elements will be displayed. Among them may be the one that we need.

    So, if an informational message came out of the third or you have seen the corresponding icon there, then click on it.

  2. Windows Update icon in the tray in windows 7

  3. There is a transition to Windows. As you remember, we passed there also yourself using the WuApp command. In this window, you can see uploaded, but not installed updates. To initialize the procedure, click "Install Updates".
  4. Go to installing updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  5. After that, the installation process begins.
  6. The process of installing updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  7. After completing it in the same window, the completion of the procedure is reported, and it is also proposed to restart the computer to update the system. Click "Restart Now". But before that, do not forget to save all open documents and close active applications.
  8. Switch to reboot of the computer after installing updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  9. After the reboot process, the system will be updated.

Method 2: Action Algorithm for Automatic Search

As we remember, if you install the "Search for updates ..." in the CSC, the search for updates will be executed automatically, but the download and installation will be required manually.

  1. After the system produces a periodic search and find unidentified updates, an icon that informs about it will appear in the tray, or the corresponding message will appear, in the same way as described in the previous method. To go to the CSC, click on this icon. After starting the TSO window, click "Install Updates".
  2. Go to download updates in the update center window in the Windows 7 operating system

  3. The boot process will begin onto the computer. In the previous method, this task was performed automatically.
  4. The process of downloading update updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  5. After the download is executed, to go to the installation process, click "Install Updates". All further actions should be carried out by the same algorithm that was described in the previous method, starting from paragraph 2.

The process of downloading update updates in the update center window in Windows 7

Method 3: Manual Search

If a version of "Do not check the availability of updates" was selected when setting up the parameters, then in this case the search will have to be carried out manually.

  1. First of all, you should go to the CSC Windows. Since the search for updates is disabled, there will be no notifications in the tray. This can be done using the WuApp team familiar to us in the "Run". Also, the transition can be made via the control panel. To do this, while in its section "System and Security" (how to get there, it was described in the description of the method 1), click on the name "Windows Update Center".
  2. Switch to Windows Update Center in the Control Panel window in Windows 7

  3. If the search for updates is disabled, then in this case, in this window you will see the "Update Check" button. Click on it.
  4. Go to checking updates in the update center window in the Windows 7 operating system

  5. After that, the search procedure will be launched.
  6. Search for updates in the update center window in the Windows 7 operating system

  7. If the system detects available updates, it will offer to download them to the computer. But, given that the download is disabled in the system parameters, this procedure does not work. Therefore, if you decide to download and install updates that Windows found after the search, then click on the "Settings" on the left part of the window.
  8. Installing Windows 7 updates manually 10129_18

  9. In the Windows TSO parameters window, select one of the three first values. Click OK.
  10. Select the parameters allowing the update in the Enable and Disable Automatic Update window in the update center in Windows 7

  11. Then, in accordance with the selected option, you need to make the entire actions algorithm described in the method 1 or method 2. If you have chosen auto update, you do not need to do anything additionally, as the system will be updated independently.

By the way, even if you have one of three modes installed, according to which the search is performed periodically automatically, you can activate the search procedure manually. Thus, you do not have to wait until the schedule search occurs on schedule, and run it immediately. To do this, just click on the left part of the Windows TSO window on the inscription "Search for updates".

Go to manual search for updates in the update center window in Windows 7

Further actions should be made in accordance with which of the modes is selected: automatic, loading or searching.

Method 4: Installing optional updates

In addition to important, there are optional updates. Their absence does not affect the performance of the system, but by setting some, you can expand certain capabilities. Most often, this group includes language packs. It is not recommended to install them, as it is enough that the package is in the language of which you work. Installing additional packages will not bring any benefit, but only loads the system. Therefore, even if you are turned on auto-update, optional updates will not be loaded automatically, but manually. At the same time, sometimes you can meet among them and useful for the user new items. Let's see how to install them in Windows 7.

  1. Scroll to the CSC Windows window to any of those methods that were described above (to "Run" or Control Panel). If you will see a message about the availability of optional updates in this window, click on it.
  2. Transition to optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  3. A window will open in which the list of optional updates will be located. Check the ticks opposite those elements that you want to install. Click OK.
  4. List of optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  5. After that, it will be refunded to the main CSC window. Click "Install Updates".
  6. Go to download optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  7. The boot procedure will then begin.
  8. Loading optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  9. Upon completion, press the button with the same name.
  10. Go to installing optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  11. Next occurs the installation procedure.
  12. Installing optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  13. After completing it, it is possible to restart the computer. In this case, save all data in running applications and close them. Next, click on the "Restart Now" button.
  14. Go to restarting a computer after installing optional updates in the update center window in Windows 7

  15. After the reboot procedure, the operating system will be updated with the established elements.

As you can see, in Windows 7 there are two options for manual installation updates: with pre-search and preload. In addition, you can enable exceptionally manual search, but in this case, to activate the download and installation, if the desired updates are detected, the parameters will be changed. An optional update is loaded in a separate way.

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