How to add a link to instagram in YouTube


How to add a link to instagram in YouTube

If you wish to add a link to your instagram in the channel information, do the following:

  1. On the Main page of YouTube, click on the left mouse button on your account avatar and select "My Channel" in the drop-down menu.
  2. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-1

  3. Next, use the "Configure Channel View" button.
  4. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-2

  5. On the Parameters page, click the "Basic Information" tab and scroll down to the "Link" item, where click "Add Link ...".
  6. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-3

  7. Enter the name - you can choose arbitrary - then in the Link field, type (or insert the copied) URL of your Instagram profile.

    How to add an instagram link in YouTube-4

    After entering this information, click "Publish".

  8. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-5

  9. In the pop-up message at the bottom either on the edit page, click "Go to the channel".

    How to add an instagram link in YouTube-6

    Go to the "Channel" section - there in the "Links" block will appear.

  10. How to add a link to instagram in YouTube-7

    The operation is elementary and even a beginner user will cope with it, but, unfortunately, its execution from the mobile device is not available.

If you want to place a link under one or another video, the procedure is greatly simplified and can be executed by both the computer and the smartphone.


  1. Call the YouTube account menu and use the YouTube Creative Studio item.
  2. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-8

  3. Click the Content tab, then hover over the desired roller and click on the button with a pencil.
  4. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-29

  5. After downloading the page, select the "Description" block, where and enter in any way a link.

    Important! In order for the item to be displayed correctly, the address must be complete, with HTTP or HTTPS protocol code at the beginning!

  6. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-10

  7. After making all changes, click "Save".
  8. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-12

  9. Now that you go to the clip viewing page and look at its description, see the previously added URL leading in instagram.

How to add an instagram link in YouTube-11

Mobile device

To fulfill the operation of the operation in mobile, you will need an application "Creative Studio YouTube", which can be obtained from the play of the Market or APP Stora.

  1. Open the program and tap along the desired roller.
  2. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-13

  3. Use the Pencil button at the top.
  4. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-14

  5. Click on the "Add Description" string - it is the first called.

    How to add an instagram link in YouTube-15

    Write or insert the address (rule of start with HTTP or HTTPS from step 3 method for PCs is relevant and here), then return to the previous window and tap "Save".

  6. How to add an instagram link in YouTube-16

  7. Ready - Description will be added.

Unfortunately, in this way, you can add links only to the description of individual rollers - the possibility of mass editing service is not provided.

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