How to disable firewall in windows 7


Disabled firewall in Windows 7

Firewall is a very important component of the protection of the Windows 7 operating system. It controls the access of software and other elements of the Internet system and prohibits its applications that find unreliable. But there are cases when you want to disable this built-in defender. For example, it needs to be done to avoid a software conflict if you installed on a computer having similar firewall functions of another developer. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out a temporary trip if the protection tool makes the output to the network of some currently required for the application user.

Firewall is disabled in Windows 7

Method 2: Turning off the service in the dispatcher

You can also turn off the firewall, completely stopping the appropriate service.

  1. In order to go to the Service Manager, press the "Start" again and then move to the control panel.
  2. Move to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. In the window, log in to "System and Security".
  4. Move to the System and Security section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Now click on the name of the next section - "Administration".
  6. Switch to the Windows Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. A list of tools opens. Click "Services".

    Transition to Services Manager in Administering in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    You can go to the dispatcher and by making a command expression to the "Run" window. To cause this window, press Win + R. In the field running tool, enter:


    Click OK.

    Transition to Services Manager through the Entering Commands in Windows 7

    The Services Manager can be charged and using the Task Manager. Call it by typing Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC combination and go to the "Services tab." At the bottom of the window, click on the "service ...".

  8. Switch to Services Manager via Task Manager in Windows 7

  9. When choosing any of the three above options, the Services Manager will start. Find the Windows Firewall in it. Make it allocation. To disable this system element, click on the "Stop Service" on the left side of the window.
  10. Stopping Windows Firewall Service in Windows 7 Service Manager

  11. The stop procedure is performed.
  12. Firewall Service Stop Service Firewall Service in Windows 7 Service Manager

  13. The service will be stopped, that is, the firewall will cease to protect the system. This will indicate the appearance of an entry in the left part of the "Start Service" window instead of "stop service". But if you restart the computer, the service will start again. If you want to disable protection for a long time, and not until the first restart, then perform a double mouse click on the name "Windows Firewall" in the list of items.
  14. Switch to Windows Firewall Service in Windows 7 Service Manager

  15. The Windows Firewall Service features starts. Open the General tab. In the "Record Type" field, select from the drop-down list instead of the "automatically" value ", which is set by default, the option" disabled ".

Disable automatic launch in Windows Firewall Service properties in Windows 7

The "Windows Firewall" service will be turned off until the user does not produce manipulation to turn it on manually.

Lesson: Stop unnecessary services in Windows 7

Method 3: Stop the service in the system configuration

Also, turn off the Windows Firewall Service is the ability to configure the system.

  1. In the system configuration settings window, you can get from the "Administration" section of the control panel. How to go to the administration section itself described in detail in the method 2. After switching, click "System Configuration".

    Switch to the system configuration window in the Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    It is also possible to get to the configuration window by applying the "Run" tool. Activate it by pressing Win + R. In the field, enter:


    Click OK.

  2. Transition to the system configuration window through the entered command in the Run window in Windows 7

  3. Reaching the system configuration window, go to "Services".
  4. Go to the service tab in the system configuration window in Windows 7

  5. In the list that opens, find the "Windows Firewall" position. If this service is included, then it should be a check mark. Accordingly, if you wish to turn it off, then you need to remove the checkbox. Perform the specified procedure, and then click "OK".
  6. Disable Windows Firewall Service in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  7. After that, the dialog box will open, which will be offered to restart the system. The fact is that disabling the system element through the configuration window is not instantly, as when performing a similar task through a dispatcher, but only after rebooting the system. Therefore, if you want to disable the firewall immediately, click on the "Restart" button. If the shutdown can be postponed, then choose "Exit without reboot". In the first case, do not forget to first exit all running programs and save unsaved documents before pressing the button. In the second case, the firewall will be disabled only after the next computer is turned on.

Operating System Reboot Dialog Box in Windows 7

There are three options to disable Windows Firewall. The first one implies a disconnection of the defender through its internal settings in the control panel. The second option provides for a complete shutdown of the service. In addition, there is a third option that also disables the service, but does it not through the dispatcher, but by means of changes in the system configuration window. Of course, if there is no particular need to apply another method, it is better to use a more traditional first way to shut down. But, at the same time, the deactivation of the service is considered a more reliable option. The main thing is if you want to turn it off completely, do not forget to remove the ability to automatically start after rebooting.

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