Unable to receive mail at Yandex.Mail: what to do


unable to receive mail at Yandex Mail what to do

If the expected letter comes to the mailbox, there is a relevant question, the reason for this and how to deal with the problem. That is what we are going to do in this article.

Why not get letters

If successful, the email address may be several reasons why the message never reached the addressee. Consideration should be given every possible situation.

Reason 1: Network Problems

The simplest version of the problem are problems with access to the Internet. For solutions to be enough to restart the router or reconnect.

Reason 2: Spam

Often, a letter may go into your spam folder automatically. This is because the service is deemed objectionable message content. To check if this is the case, you should do the following:

  1. Go and open the folder "Spam" e.
  2. spam folder in the Yandex mail

  3. Among the available letters to find the necessary (if any).
  4. Highlight a message, and from the top menu, select "Not Spam".

choice of letters in Yandex mail

Cause 3: Incorrect filter settings

In the setting of Yandex-mail has the ability to completely disable the delivery of any messages to the user. To ensure that the message reaches precisely and does not fall under this sort, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your account and go to Settings Yandex Mail.
  2. Select "rules of mail processing."
  3. Typically the processing of letters in Yandex mail

  4. Find the "White List" and enter the recipient's information in the box
  5. whitelist in Yandex mail

Reason 4: Overcrowding

It may happen so that the mail is simply overcrowded. Service has a limit on the number of documents and, although it is large enough, such a problem is not excluded. Note that this is the problem simply because any letter, even usual daily distribution will not be delivered. To deal with this, just select the unwanted messages and delete them.

deleting emails with Yandex mail

There are several factors because of which the letter did not reach its destination. Some of them can solve on their own, sometimes simply to wait. However, make sure that has been properly addressed, to send mail.

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