How to view vkontakte pages statistics


How to view vkontakte pages statistics

In the social network VKontakte, as in any other similar site, there is a special set of functions that allow you to find out the statistics of any page. At the same time, each user is supposed equally the opportunity to learn how to own own statistics, that is, its personal profile and the whole community.

The degree of complexity of clarification of statistical data from the VKontakte pages is determined exclusively by the analysis site. Thus, the personal account of a completely any person is an order of magnitude easier thanks to some restrictions that imposes the administration of this social network. However, even in this regard, there are several factors that deserve more attention to themselves.

We look at the statistics of VKontakte

First of all, it deserves special attention to the fact that viewing the statistics of a personal profile or a whole community is not the same that the study of the list of guests considered by us earlier in the relevant article. In essence, this process, regardless of the place of interest in the social network VK you are interested in, allows you to see an exclusively schedule of visits, views and various kinds of actions.

To date, VKontakte's statistics can be observed in two different places:

  • in publics;
  • On your page.

Despite the information you personally, we will further consider all aspects regarding the study of statistics.

On the page that opens, a sufficiently large number of diverse graphs is presented, each of which is located on one of the four special tabs. These include the following sections:

  • attendance;
  • coverage;
  • activity;
  • community messages.
  1. On the first tab, there are graphs for which you can easily track the attendance of your public. Here you are provided with the possibility of studying the dynamics of popularity growth, as well as the indicators of the most interested audience in age, sex or geological position.
  2. View tab Attendance in the Community Statistics section in the VKontakte group

    Also on the first tab there is a functionality to activate or ban common access to statistics.

  3. The second coverage tab is responsible for displaying information on how often community participants face publications in their news feed. Data applies exclusively to users consisting in the group based on daily performance.
  4. View tab Coverage in the Community Statistics section in the VKontakte group

  5. The next item is designed to assess activity in terms of discussion. That is, here you can observe any activity of the participants within your group when writing comments or creating discussions.
  6. View tab Activity in the Community Statistics section in the VKontakte group

    It is worth remembering that any activity from the administration is also taken into account.

  7. On the last tab, there is a schedule of evaluating people who use the feedback functionality of the community.
  8. View Community Message tab in Community Statistics in VKontakte Group

    When you disable the ability to write administration messages, this schedule will be unavailable.

  9. In the case of each diagram submitted, you also have an additional opportunity to export statistics. For these, use the appropriate button to "unload statistics", located at the very top of the page "Statistics".
  10. Button Unload Statistics in the Community Statistics section in the VKontakte group

In addition to all this, it is worth considering that several other information available for participants in the community participants with open statistics, than, directly, dubiary administrators. On this, all possible operations on community statistics can be considered ended.

Personal Page Statistics

The main distinguishing feature of this kind of statistics is that access to this information can be obtained exclusively that user, the number of subscribers from which 100 or more people reaches. Thus, if a predefined number of people is not signed on your updates, your personal profile does not pass the analytics process.

In essence, personal information about the page has an extremely high degree of similarity with the previously described community statistics.

  1. Being on the website, use the main menu. Switch to the "My Page" section.
  2. Go to section My page through the Main Menu VKontakte

  3. Under the main photo of your profile, find the graphics icon located the right of the Edit Buttons.
  4. Go to the Personal Profile Statistics section from the main page of VKontakte

  5. On the page that opens, you can observe three different tabs that were also in the community.
  6. View Personal Page Statistics VKontakte

Each presented section is exactly the same as it was described earlier in the part of the community statistics. The only visual difference here is the lack of functionality for the analysis of received and sent messages.

Please note that the numbers that you can be represented in the VKontakte group and on a personal page are able to differ apart from each other. It is connected, directly, with the development of the community through various advertising services and cheating.

All the information you are interested in from the window "Statistics" On the personal page you can also unload a separate file to make any manipulations in the future.

On this, all actions associated with statistics as a whole can be considered over. In case of problems, technical certificates are always available to the VK administration and the ability to write comments on our website. We wish you all the best!

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