How to set up Yandex.mouth on android


how to set up Yandex mail on android

Setting up Yandex Mail on Android is a fairly simple procedure. For it, both the official application and the system utility can be used.

Customize Yandex.At on Android

The account configuration procedure on the mobile device does not require special skills. To do this, there are several ways.

Method 1: System Program

This variant will need access to the network. For settings:

  1. Run the email application and open account settings.
  2. In the account list, select Yandex.
  3. Select mail client

  4. In the form that opens, first type the address and password. In the settings below, specify:
  5. Server POP3:

    Port: 995.

    Security Type: SSL / TLS

    Enter password and name on Yandex mail

  6. Then you will need to specify settings for outgoing mail:
  7. SMTP server:

    Port: 465.

    Security Type: SSL / TLS

    Setting outgoing mail

  8. Mail setup will be completed. Next will be prompted to give the name of the account and specify the username.
  9. Title and name of the account on Yandex mail

Method 2: Gmail

One of the applications installed on all devices of the Android system is Gmail. To customize Yandex mail, you need the following:

  1. Run the program and in the settings select "Add Account".
  2. Add account to Gmail

  3. Among the shown list, select "Yandex".
  4. Adding an account on Yandex to Gmail

  5. Write down the login and password from the mail, then click "Log in".
  6. Entering account data on Yandex in Gmail

  7. In the opened account parameters, set the synchronization frequency, optionally enable other items and click Next.
  8. Select account parameters in Gmail

  9. Mail will be added, the program will propose to set the username and the account name (optional).
  10. Enter the name and account name in Gmail

Method 3: Official Application

For the owners of devices with Android OS, the Yandex Mail service has created a special application that allows you to work with your account on your mobile device. Install and configure it is simple enough.

  1. Run the Play Market and enter "Yandex Mail" in the search string.
  2. Find Yandex Mail at Play Market

  3. Open the page with the application and click Install.
  4. Install Yandex mail

  5. After installation, run the program and enter the login and password from the box.
  6. Enter login and password from Yandex Mail

  7. With the correct data entry, synchronization and download of available letters will be performed. It will take a little wait. Then click "Go to mail".
  8. Go to Yandex mail

  9. As a result, all account data will be downloaded and shown in the application.
  10. View of Yandex Mail for Android

You can quickly configure the Yandex mail quickly and simple. It requires only the Internet and the mobile device itself.

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