How to use avz.


How to use avz.

Modern antiviruses covered various additional features so much that some users have questions in the process of using them. In this lesson, we will tell you about all the key features of the AVZ antivirus.

AVZ features

Let's consider as much as possible in practical examples, which represents AVZ. The main attention of the regular user deserves the following functions.

Checking the system for viruses

Any antivirus should be able to identify malicious software on and deal with it (treat or delete). Naturally, this feature is present in AVZ. Let's look at the practice that it is a similar check.

  1. Run AVZ.
  2. A small ultype window will appear on the screen. In the area marked in the screenshot below, you will find three tabs. All of them belong to the process of searching for vulnerabilities on the computer and contain different options.
  3. Tabs with scan settings in AVZ

  4. On the first tab of the Search Area, you need to mark those folders and partitions of the hard disk that you want to scan. Slightly below you will see three lines that allow you to enable additional options. We put the marks opposite all positions. This will make a special heuristic analysis, scan additionally running processes and identify even potentially dangerous software.
  5. Virus search options and parameters in AVZ

  6. After that, go to the "File Types" tab. Here you can choose which data the utility should scan.
  7. If you make an ordinary check, it is enough to mention the "potentially dangerous files" item. If the viruses have entered the roots deeply, then select "All Files".
  8. AVZ, in addition to ordinary documents, easily scans the archives than many other antiviruses do not boast. This tab includes or disconnected this check. We recommend to remove the tick in front of the lines of checking the archives of a large volume if you want to achieve the maximum result.
  9. In total, you have the second tab should look like this.
  10. General view tab Types of files in AVZ

  11. Next, go to the last section "Search parameters".
  12. At the very top you will see a vertical slider. We shift it completely up. This will allow the utility to respond to all suspicious objects. In addition, we include checking the API and Rootkit interceptors, search for keyloker and check SPI / LSP settings. The general view of the last tab you must have approximately such.
  13. General Type tab Search parameters AVZ

  14. Now you need to configure the actions that AVZ will take in the detection of a threat. To do this, first it is necessary to put a mark on the row "perform treatment" in the right area of ​​the window.
  15. Turn on the treatment of files in AVZ

  16. Opposite each type of threats, we recommend putting the "Delete" parameter. The exception is only the threats of the type "HackTool". Here we advise you to leave the "Treat" parameter. In addition, put the marks opposite the two lines that are located below the threat list.
  17. Include additional steps when checking in AVZ

  18. The second parameter will allow the utility to copy the unsafe document into a specially designated place. You can then view all the contents, then boldly remove. This is done so that you can eliminate those that are actually no (activators, key generators, passwords, and so on) from the list of infected data.
  19. When all the settings and search parameters are exhibited, you can start scanning. To do this, press the corresponding "Start" button.
  20. Scan Start Button in AVZ

  21. The check process will begin. Its progress will be displayed in the Special Protocol area.
  22. After some time, which depends on the amount of data being checked, the scan will end. The protocol will appear about the completion of the operation. There will immediately be the total time spent on the analysis of files, as well as statistics for checking and identified threats.
  23. Completing the scan of files in AVZ

  24. By clicking on the button, which is marked in the image below, you can see all suspicious and dangerous objects in a separate window that AVZ has been detected during the inspection.
  25. Display button found threats when checking in AVZ

  26. There will be a path to a dangerous file, its description and type. If you put a mark next to the title of such software, you can move it to quarantine or removed from the computer. Upon completion of the operation, press the "OK" button at the very bottom.
  27. List of suspicious files in AVZ

  28. Cleaning a computer, you can close the program window.

System functions

In addition to the standard check for malware, AVZ can perform a lot of other functions. Let's consider those that may be useful to the ordinary user. In the main menu of the program at the very top, click on the "File" string. As a result, a context menu appears in which all available auxiliary functions are located.

List of system functions in AVZ

The first three lines are responsible for starting, stopping and pause scanning. This is analogues of the appropriate buttons in the AVZ main menu.

Analogs of scan buttons in AVZ

System Study

This feature will allow the utility to collect all the information about your system. It seems not the technical part, but hardware. Such information includes a list of processes, various modules, system files and protocols. After you click on the "System Study" line, a separate window will appear. In it you can specify what information AVZ should collect. After installing all the required flags, you should click the "Start" button at the bottom.

Select the parameters for analyzing the system in AVZ

After that, the save window opens. In it you can choose the location of the document with detailed information, as well as specify the name of the file itself. Please note that all information will be saved as an HTML file. It opens with any web browser. When specifying the path and name for the saved file, you need to click the "Save" button.

Saving system analysis results

As a result, the system scanning and information collection will be launched. At the very end, the utility will display a window in which you will be prompted to immediately view all the information collected.

Open the result of the system research at the end of the process

System Restore

With this set of functions, you can return the elements of the operating system in their initial look and reset various settings. Most often, malicious software is trying to block access to the registry editor, task controls and register its values ​​in the HOSTS system document. You can unlock similar items using the System Restore option. To do this, it is enough to click on the name of the option itself, after which it is ticked by those actions that need to be made.

Indicate elements for recovery in AVZ

After that, you must click the "Run Operations" button in the bottom area of ​​the window.

Button performing marked actions in AVZ

A window will appear on the screen in which the actions should be confirmed.

Confirm the actions to restore the system

After some time, you will see a message about the completion of all tasks. Just close this window by pressing the "OK" button.

Ending system recovery process in AVZ


In the list of parameters there are two lines related to work with scripts in AVZ - "Standard Scripts" and "Run Script".

Script startup functions in AVZ

By clicking on the "Standard Scripts" string, you will open a window with a list of ready-made scripts. You will need only to mark those of them that you want to run. After that, press the "Run" button at the bottom of the window.

Run from the list ready-made AVZ scripts

In the second case, you run the script editor. Here you can write it on your own or download it from the computer. Do not forget after writing or downloading click the "Run" button in the same window.

Script Writing Window in AVZ

Update base

This item is important from the entire list. By clicking on the appropriate string, you will open the AVZ database update window.

Button Update AVZ Database

We do not recommend settings in this window. Leave everything as it is and click the Start button.

AVZ Base Update Window

After some time, a message appears on the screen that the database update is completed. You can only close this window.

Completing the AVZ database update

View the contents of quarantine folders and infected

By clicking on the lines in the list of options, you can view all potentially dangerous files that detected AVZ during your system scanning.

Open quarantine and infected folders in AVZ

In the open windows, you can finally delete similar files or restore them if they do not really represent threats.

Actions with detected threats in AVZ

Please note that suspicious files are placed in the folder data, you must install the appropriate checkboxes in the system scan settings.

Special installations before scanning system

Saving and downloading AVZ settings

This is the last option from this list that may need an ordinary user. How can I understand from the name, these parameters allow you to save to the computer pre-configuration of the antivirus (search method, scanning mode, and so on), as well as download it back.

Buttons Save and Download AVZ Parameters

When saving, you will need only to specify the name of the file, as well as the folder to which you want to save it. When the configuration is loaded, it is enough to highlight the desired file with the settings and click the Open button.


It would seem that this is obvious and the well-known button. But it is worth mentioning that in some situations - when a particularly dangerous software is detected, AVZ blocks all the ways of its own closure, except for this button. In other words, you will not be able to close the program by the combination of the "Alt + F4" keys or when you click on a banal cross in the corner. This is done so that viruses cannot prevent the correct operation of AVZ. But by clicking this button, you can close the antivirus if necessary, for sure.

AVZ output button

In addition to the described options, there are also others in the list, but they will most likely not need to be ordinary users. Therefore, to focus on them we did not. If you still need help on the use of not described functions, write about it in the comments. And we are moving further.

List of services

In order to see the full list of services that AVZ offers, you need to click on the "Service" string at the very top of the program.

Full List of AVZ Services

As in the past section, we are running only by those of them that can be useful to the usual yowser.

Process Manager

By clicking on the very first string from the list, you will open the Process Manager window. You can see a list of all executable files that are running on a computer or laptop at the moment. In the same window, you can read the description of the process, find out its manufacturer and the full path to the executable file itself.

Open Process Manager Window in AVZ

You can also complete this or that process. To do this, it is enough to select the desired process from the list, and then click on the corresponding button in the form of a black cross on the right side of the window.

Process completion button using AVZ

This service is an excellent replacement for the standard task dispatcher. Special value service purchases in situations when the "Task Manager" itself is blocked by a virus.

Service Manager and Drivers

This is the second service in the overall list. By clicking on the string with the same name, you will open the Office Management window and drivers. You can switch between them using a special switch.

Window for switching services and drivers in AVZ

In the same window, a description of the service itself is attached to each item, and the location of the executable file is attached.

General view of the service window in AVZ

You can select the desired item, after which you will be available on, disconnecting or fully deleting the service / driver. These buttons are located at the top of the workspace.

Services Management and Drivers AVZ

Manager autorun

This service will allow you to fully configure autorun parameters. Moreover, in contrast to standard managers, this list includes system modules. By pressing the string with the same name, you will see the following.

Automotive Manager AVZ

In order to disable the selected item, you just need to remove the tick next to its name. In addition, it is possible to remove the necessary record at all. To do this, simply select the desired string and click at the top of the window on the button in the form of a black cross.

We delete a program from autorun in AVZ

Please note that the remote value cannot be returned. Therefore, be extremely attentive, in order not to erase vital system records of autoload.

Hosts file manager

We mentioned a little higher about the fact that the virus sometimes prescribes its own values ​​in the HOSTS system file. And in some cases, malicious software also blocks access to it so that you cannot correct the changes made. This service will help you in such situations.

Open Hosts File Manager in AVZ

By clicking on the list shown in the image above, you will open the Manager window. You can not add your own values ​​here, but you can delete existing ones. To do this, select the desired string with the left mouse button, after which we press the removal button, which is located in the upper area of ​​the working area.

Remove the lines with values ​​from the Hosts file in AVZ

After that, a small window will appear in which you need to confirm the action. To do this, just press the button "Yes".

Confirm the deletion of rows from the HOSTS file

When the selected line is removed, you only need to close this window.

Be careful and do not delete those strings whose assignment you do not know. The "hosts" file can prescribe not only viruses, but also other programs.

System utilities

Using AVZ, you can also start the most popular system utilities. You can see their list provided if you drive a mouse pointer to a string with the appropriate name.

List of system utilities in AVZ services

By clicking on the name of this or that utility, you run it. After that, you can make changes to the registry (REGEDIT), configure the system (msconfig) or check system files (SFC).

These are all services that we wanted to mention. Beginner users are unlikely to need a protocol manager, extensions and other additional services. Such functions will be more advanced more advanced users.


This function was designed to combat the most cunning viruses that are not deleted in standard ways. She simply makes malicious programs into the list of incorrect software, which is forbidden to perform his operations. To enable this feature you need to click on the AvzGuard string in the upper area AVZ. In the drop-down window, click on the "Enable Avzguard" item.

Avzguard power button button

Be sure to close all third-party applications before turning on this feature, since otherwise they will also be included in the list of incredulous software. In the future, the work of such applications may be violated.

All programs that will be marked as trusted will be protected from removal or modification. And the work of untrusted software will be suspended. This will allow you to calmly delete dangerous files using standard scanning. After that, you should turn off AvzGuard back. To do this, click on the similar line at the top of the program window, after which we press the function to disable the function.

Turn off Avzguard


The technology specified in the title will monitor all launched, stopped and modified processes / drivers. To use it, you must first enable the appropriate service.

Click at the top of the window on the Avzpm string.

In the drop-down menu, click on the "Install the Extended Process Monitoring Driver".

AVZPM System Enable Button

Within a few seconds, the necessary modules will be installed. Now when you detect changes to any processes, you will receive the appropriate notification. If you no longer need a similar monitoring, you will need to simply click on the string marked in the image below. This will allow you to unload all AVZ processes and delete the previously installed drivers.

Turn off Avzpm

Please note that the AVZGUARD and AVZPM buttons can be gray and inactive. This means that you have the X64 operating system installed. On the OS with this discharge, the mentioned utilities unfortunately do not work.

This article approached its logical conclusion. We tried to tell you how to use the most popular functions in AVZ. If you have questions left after reading this lesson, you can ask them in the comments to this entry. We are pleased to pay attention to every question and try to give the most detailed answer.

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