Why there is no sound on a computer windows 7


No sound in windows 7

The computer has long ceased to be exclusively an apparatus for work and calculations. Many users use it in entertainment purposes: watch movies, listen to music, play games. In addition, using PCs you can communicate with other users and trained. Yes, and working some users are best for musical accompaniment. But when using a computer, you can encounter such a problem as no sound. Let's figure it out than it can be called and how to solve it on a laptop or stationary PC with Windows 7.

Sound restoration

The loss of sound on the PC can be caused by various circumstances, but all of them can be divided into 4 groups:
  • Acoustic system (speakers, headphones, etc.);
  • PC hardware;
  • Operating system;
  • Applications reproducing sound.

The latter group of factors in this article will not be considered, as this is the problem of a specific program, and not the system as a whole. We will focus on solving comprehensive sound problems.

In addition, it should be noted that the sound may be the abyss, both because of various breakdowns and failures and due to improper configuration of good components.

Method 1: Outfunctions of the speaker system

One of the frequent reasons why the computer does not reproduce the sound, are problems with the plug-in acoustics (headphones, speakers, etc.).

  1. First of all, perform the following calibration:
    • The speaker system to the computer is connected correctly;
    • whether the plug is included in the power supply network (if such an opportunity is envisaged);
    • whether the sound device itself is enabled;
    • Whether the volume control is installed on the acoustics on the position "0".
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then check the performance of the acoustic system on another device. If you use a laptop with connected headphones or speakers, then check how the sound is played by the built-in speakers of this computer device.
  3. If the result is negative and the speaker system does not work, then you need to contact a qualified wizard or simply replace it with a new one. In case of other devices, it reproduces the sound normally, then it means that it is not in acoustics and we go to the following solutions to the problem.

Method 2: icon on the taskbar

Before looking for faults in the system, it makes sense to check if the sound on the computer is not turned off by regular tools.

  1. Click the "Dynamics" icon in the tray.
  2. The speaker icon in the tray in Windows 7

  3. A small vertically elongated window will open, in which the volume of the sound is adjusted. If it is located in the speaker icon with a crossed circle, then this is the cause of the lack of sound. Click on this icon.
  4. Turning on the sound by pressing the Speaker Speakers in the tray in Windows 7

  5. The crossed circle will disappear, and the sound, on the contrary, will appear.

Sound is turned on by pressing the speakers in the TRA in Windows 7

But it is possible that there is no crushed circle, and there is no sound anyway.

  1. In this case, after clicking on the tray icon and the appearance of the window, pay attention to whether the volume control is not set to the extremely lower position. If this is so, then click on it and climbing the left mouse button, drag up to that segment that matches the optimal volume level for you.
  2. Treating the volume control slider in the tray in Windows 7

  3. After that, the sound should appear.

Why there is no sound on a computer windows 7 10024_6

There is also an option when the icon is simultaneously present in the form of a crossed circle and the volume control is lowered to the limit. In this case, you must alternately carry out both the above manipulation.

Turning on the sound by pressing the TREE Speaker Snap and Tightening the Volume Controller slider in Windows 7

Method 3: Drivers

Sometimes the loss of sound on the PC can be caused by the problem with the drivers. They may be incorrectly installed or absent. Of course, it is best to reinstall the driver from the disk, which was supplied with a sound card installed on your computer. To do this, insert a disk into the drive and after running it to follow the recommendations that appear on the screen. But if the disk for some reasons you have no reason, then adhere to the following recommendations.

Lesson: how to update the drivers

  1. Click "Start". Next, make moving to the control panel.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Move through "System and Security".
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Next, in the "System" section, go to the Device Manager subsection.

    Go to subsection Device Manager in the System and Security section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    Also in the Device Manager, you can make a transition by entering the command in the "Run" tool field. We call the "Run" window (Win + R). We enter the command:


    Click "OK".

  6. Go to Device Manager by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  7. The device manager window starts. Click the name "Sound, Video and Gaming Devices" category.
  8. Transition to Sound section, Video and game devices in Device Manager in Windows 7

  9. A list of where the name of the sound card is located, which is mounted in your PC. Click on it right-click and select from the "Update Drivers ..." list.
  10. Go to updating drivers in device manager in Windows 7

  11. The window is started, which offers to make a choice, exactly how to perform a driver update: to automatically search on the Internet or specify the path to the previously downloaded driver located on the hard disk of the PC. Select the option "Automatic search for updated drivers".
  12. Transition to automatic search for updated drivers in device manager in Windows 7

  13. The process of automatic search for drivers on the Internet begins.
  14. The process of automatic searching for updated drivers in the device manager in Windows 7

  15. If updates are found, they will immediately be installed.

If the computer fails to detect updates automatically, then you can search for drivers manually via the Internet.

  1. To do this, simply open the browser and vnue the name of the sound card installed on the computer. Then, from search results, go to the web resource of the sound card manufacturer and download the desired updates to the PC.

    Sound Card Name in Device Manager in Windows 7

    You can also search for the device ID. Right-click on the name of the audio card in the device manager. In the drop-down list, select "Properties".

  2. Go to device properties in device manager in Windows 7

  3. The device properties window opens. Move to the "Details" section. In the drop-down list in the "Property" field, select the Option of Equipment. In the "Value" area will be displayed id. Right-click on any name and select "Copy". After that, the copied ID can insert the browser search engine to detect drivers on the Internet. After the updates are found, you will download them.
  4. Copy audio card ID in device properties window in Windows 7

  5. After that, initiate the launch of the driver update as it was told above. But this time in the selection window of the driver search type, click on "Run the driver search on this computer."
  6. Go to executing the driver search on this computer in the device manager in Windows 7

  7. A window will open, which indicates the address of the downloaded, but not installed drivers on the hard disk. In order not to drive the path manually click on the "Overview ..." button.
  8. Go to search for drivers on this computer in device manager in Windows 7

  9. A window opens in which you want to move to the Location Directory with updated drivers, select it and click "OK".
  10. Specifying folders containing drivers in Windows 7

  11. After the address of the folder appears in the "Search drivers in the next place" field, press "Next".
  12. Go to installing driver updates in device manager in Windows 7

  13. After that, update the drivers of the current version to the current one will be completed.

In addition, there may be such a situation where the sound card in the device manager is marked down by the arrod. This means that the equipment is disabled. To enable it, click on the name of the right mouse button and in the list that appears, select the option "Enable".

Enable audio card in device manager in Windows 7

If you do not want to bother with manual installation and updating drivers, according to the instruction that was above, you can use one of the special utilities for searching and installing drivers. Such a program scans the computer and finds out which items there are not enough system, and then automatically search and install. But sometimes it helps only the solution to the problem with manipulation performed by hand, adhering to the algorithm that was described above.

Method 4: Enable service

On the computer, the sound may be missing and for the reason that the service responsible for playback is disabled. Let's find out how to enable it on Windows 7.

  1. In order to check the performance of the service and, if necessary, include it, go to the Service Manager. For this, click "Start". Next, click "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. In the window that opens, click System and Security.
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Next, go through the "Administration" item.
  6. Go to Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The list of tools is revealed. Stop your choice on the name "Service".

    Transition to Services Manager in Administering in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    Manager Services can be opened in another way. Type Win + R. Start the "Run" window. Enter:


    Press "OK".

  8. Go to Services Manager by entering a command to run in Windows 7

  9. In the discontinuing list, find a component called "Windows Audio". If in the "Startup Type" field costs "disabled", and does not "work", then this means that the reason for the lack of sound lies just in the service stop.
  10. Windows Audio is disabled in Windows 7 Service Manager

  11. Click twice with the left mouse button on the component name to go to its properties.
  12. Switch to Windows Audio Properties in Windows 7 Service Manager

  13. In the window that opens, in the General section, make sure that the "Type of Start" field necessarily stood the option "automatically". If another value is set there, then click on the field and from the drop-down list, select the desired option. If you don't do this, then after restarting the computer, you will notice that the sound disappears again and the service will have to run manually again. Next, press the "OK" button.
  14. Windows Audio Properties Window in Windows 7

  15. After returning to the Service Manager, overoint the "Windows Audio" and on the left side of the window, make a click on "run".
  16. Go to the launch of Windows Audio in Service Manager in Windows 7

  17. The service startup process is performed.
  18. The process of running Windows Audio in Service Manager in Windows 7

  19. After that, the service will start working, as the attribute "works" in the "State" field. Also note that the "Startup Type" field has been set to "automatically".

Windows Audio works in the Windows 7 Service Manager

After performing these actions, the sound on the computer should appear.

Method 5: Check for viruses

One of the reasons why sound is not played on the computer may be viral infection.

As practice shows if the virus has already sneaks into a computer, the system scanning the system with a standard antivirus is ineffective. In this case, a special anti-virus utility with scanning and treatment functions, such as Dr.Web Creatit, can help. Moreover, the scanning is better to spend from another device, pre-connecting it to the PC, relative to which there are suspicions for infection. In extreme cases, if there is no ability to scan from another device, use the removable medium to perform the procedure.

Checking a computer for viruses anti-virus utility Dr.Web Cureit

During the scanning procedure, follow the recommendations that will give an antivirus utility.

Even if it is possible to successfully eliminate malicious code, the sound recovery is not yet guaranteed, since the virus could damage drivers or important system files. In this case, it is necessary to make the procedure for reinstalling drivers, as well as, if necessary, perform the restoration of the system.

Method 6: Restore and reinstall OS

In the event that none of the described methods gave a positive result and you made sure that the cause of the problem is not in acoustics, it makes sense to restore the system from a backup or roll back to the recovery point created earlier. It is important that the backup and the recovery point be created before problems with sound started, and not after.

  1. In order to roll back to the recovery point, click Start, and then in the "All Programs" menu.
  2. Go to section All programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. After that, make the click successively by the "Standard" folders, "service" and, finally, click on the "Restore System" item.
  4. Go to the system recovery window via Start menu in Windows 7

  5. The system file recovery tool and parameters will start. Next, adhere to those recommendations that will be displayed in its window.

Restoring system files and parameters in Windows 7

If you have no system recovery on your computer created before the sound has occurred, and there is no removable media with a backup copy, then in this case you have to reinstall the OS.

Method 7: sound card malfunction

If you accurately performed all the recommendations described above, but even after reinstalling the operating system, the sound did not appear, then in this case, with a large probability, it can be said that the problem is a malfunction of one of the hardware components of the computer. Most likely, no sound is caused by a breakdown of a sound card.

In this case, you must either contact a specialist or independently replace the faulty sound card. Before replacing, you can pre-test the performance of the computer sound element, connecting it to another PC.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why the sound can be lost on the computer running Windows 7. Before you begin to correct the problem, it is better to find out the immediate reason. If it cannot be done immediately, then try to apply various options for fixing the situation, according to the algorithm given in this article, and then check if the sound appeared. The most radical options (reinstalling the OS and replacement of the sound card) should be made in the latter queue if other methods did not help.

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