How to add and delete the menu items "Submit" in Windows 10, 8 and 7


How to edit menu Send in Windows
When you press the right-click on the file or folder in the opened context menu, there is a "submit" item, which allows you to quickly create a shortcut on the desktop, copy the file to the USB flash drive, add data to the zip archive. If you wish, you can add your items in the Send menu or delete already available, as well as if required - change the icons of these items, which will be discussed in the instructions.

The described it is possible to implement both manually using Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 and using third-party free programs, both options will be considered. Please note that in Windows 10 in the context menu there are two "send" items, the first one of them serves to "send" using applications from the Windows 10 store and, if you wish, you can delete it (see how to delete "send" from the context menu Windows 10). It may also be interesting: how to remove items from the context menu of Windows 10.

How to delete or add item to the context menu "Send" in Explorer

The main items of the context menu "Send" in Windows 10, 8 and 7 are stored in a special folder C: \ Users \ user_name \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Sendto

If you wish, you can delete individual items from this folder or add your own shortcuts that will appear in the "Send" menu. For example, if you want to add an item to send a file to a notebook, steps will be as follows:

  1. In the Explorer, enter the Shell: Sendto in the address bar and press ENTER (this will automatically translate you to the folder specified above).
    Folder with menu icons Send
  2. In the empty place of the folder, right-click - create - shortcut - notepad.exe and specify the name "Notepad". If necessary, you can create a shortcut on the folder to quickly send files to this folder using the menu.
  3. Save the label, the corresponding item in the "Send" menu will immediately appear, without restarting the computer.

If you wish, you can change the shortcuts of the available (but in this case - not all, only for those that are shortcuts with the corresponding arbiter from the icon) of the menu items in the label properties.

To change the icons of other menu items, you can use the registry editor:

  1. Go to RegistryhKey_current_user \ Software \ Classes \ CLSID
  2. Create a subsection that matches the desired point of the context menu (the list will continue), and in it - the DefaultiCon subsection.
  3. For the default value, specify the path to the icon.
    Change icons for menu item Send
  4. Restart your computer or exit Windows and go again.

List of subsection names for context menu items "Submit":

  • {9E56BE60-C50F-11CF-9A2C-00A0C90A90CE} - Address
  • {888DCA60-FC0A-11CF-8F0F-00C04FD7D062} - Compressed zip folder
  • {ECF03A32-103D-11D2-854D-006008059367} - The documents
  • {9E56BE61-C50F-11CF-9A2C-00A0C90A90CE} - Desktop (create a shortcut)

Editing the "Send" menu using third-party programs.

There is a sufficiently large number of free programs that allow you to add or delete items from the context menu "Send". Among those that can be recommended - Sendto Menu Editor and Send to Toys, and the Russian interface language is supported only in the first of them.

Sendto Menu Editor does not require installation on a computer and is very easy to use (do not forget to switch the language into Russian in Options - Languages): You can delete or disable available items, add new, and through the context menu - change icons or rename shortcuts.


You can download Sento Menu Editor from the official site (the download button is at the bottom of the page).

Additional Information

If you want to completely delete the "Submit" item in the context menu, use the registry editor: go to the section

Hkey_classes_root \ allfilesystemObjects \ SHELLEX \ CONTEXTMENUHANDLERS \ SEND TO

Clean the data from the default value and restart the computer. And, on the contrary, if the "Send" item is not displayed, make sure that the specified section exists and the default value is set to {7BA4C740-9E81-11CF-99D3-00AAA004AE837}
