Smart Failure Predicted, Status Bad - What to do?


When booting a computer or laptop, some users may encounter messages like: Smart Failure Predicted on Hard Disk with a disk, Smart Hard Drive Detects Imminent Failure, S.A.A.R.T. Status Bad and others: The specific text of the message will depend on the BIOS / UEFI motherboard.

In this instruction on what to do if you encountered Smart error messages when loading and whether it is possible to correct the situation.

First actions in case of errors Smart Failure, Smart Status Bad and similar

Many instructions on the topic under consideration are offered to perform a disc check using CHKDSK, Victoria and using other hard drives and SSD test tools, however, it cannot be called the most reasonable action option, if there are important data on the disk.

SMART errors when you turn on a computer or laptop

All given messages suggest that self-diagnostics (Smart) HDD or SSD reports soon the output of the drive. Moreover, the message is usually proposed to create a backup of the data and replace the drive (Backup and Replace). And this is exactly what should be done first. - Create a backup copy of important data on the disk, the state of which is in order, in the cloud or on the external drive.

If before copying important data to start scanning the Victoria disk, there is a chance to be without access to the data on the disk: if its condition is really critical, additional operations on the drive performed by the verification programs may lead to the fact that the "Smart Failure Predicted" state ( Predicted failure) The disk will switch to the actual failure.

What to do after saving important data with HDD or SSD

After important files have been saved, you can try to do something, although this is not always possible for the situation under consideration. In most cases, the optimal solution is to replace the disk.

  1. Rarely, but for some SSD, an error may be caused by an error of the firmware operation: Check if there is a new firmware for your disk on the manufacturer's website (and better - in the company's brand program for SSD disc) and whether it changes its installation.
  2. Check which SMART attributes are above thresholds (for example, in CrystalDiskInfo) and read what they respond. In the case of SSD, you can also use the analysis of the disk status in the branded utility (official utilities can give a more accurate forecast), more - programs for SSD disks.
  3. Sometimes in the BIOS / UEFI, you can disable SMART SELF Test - in this case, you will not receive SMART error messages when the computer is turned on, but the problem itself will not disappear from this anywhere and with a high probability sooner or later the disc will fail.
  4. For HDD, you can try to check / correct in Victoria, but there is no warranty that it will not make the situation worse. For SSD, you should not perform such scanning.
  5. According to some messages, cleaning the contact pads of the disc can help, correcting nutritional problems if there is any, checking the disk operation on another computer.


建立房屋內壁的掃描是一種相當常見的任務,用於參與室內設計和住宅建築的設計。在版本19的體系結構中,有一個工具,旨在方便地創建掃描。熟悉他更接近。如何在原始地址創建牆壁掃描儀 假設您有一個帶窗戶和幾個家具樣品的吸房室。創造這個房間牆壁的正交投影。現在你確保它有多簡單。有用的信息:Archicad中的熱鍵在房間計劃窗口中,單擊工具欄上的“掃描”按鈕。在位於工作字段上方的信息面板中,選擇“幾何選項:矩形”。 點擊房間的拐角處,重新點擊反對角的矩形區域。這會產生掃蕩,包括房間的所有牆壁。您將看到四條拆除或接近牆壁的直線。這些是橫截麵線。他們確定房間內部將落下的房間的區域。點擊適合您的地方。 我們已經用特殊標記掃描了這個對象。 掃描現在可以在導航器中找到。當您單擊時,將打開Windows,掃描。 轉到平面圖窗口並選擇掃描對象。打開“掃描設置”對話框。讓我們用計劃刪除標記。打開“標記”滾動和下拉列表,選擇“無標記”。單擊確定。 移動線路投影掃描,使它們不會越過家具,但是,家具進入掃描(原來在牆壁和投影線之間)。 課程:如何獨立製作設計項目公寓打開導航器中的一個掃描。右鍵單擊其名稱並選擇掃描設置。在這裡,我們可能對幾個參數感興趣。在“常規數據”滾動中,我們可以設置深度邊框和顯示高度。如果您使用多層建築物中的一個房間,請放置高度限制。 打開“模型展示”滾動。在“不在部分中的元素”中,突出顯示“注射表面的孵化”線,並在沒有陰影的情況下分配其自己的塗層的顏色“。還安裝了與“Vector...