IFUN SCREEN RECORDER - free program for recording video from the desktop


Screen entry in IFUN Screen Recorder
A few days ago, a letter from Iobit came to the post office with a proposal to evaluate their new product - a free program for writing video from the screen of the iFun Screen Recorder and, thinking that this could be an interesting reader, I decided to take a look.

In this summary of the possibilities of IFUN Screen Recorder, the limitations of the free version of the program (watermarks do not put) and additional information that may be useful. It can also be useful: the best programs for writing video from the screen.

Using IFUN SCREEN RECORDER to record on-screen video

You can download the free version of the iFun Screen Recorder from the official website% https://ru.iobit.com/screen-recorder.html. I will not stop on the installation process: I will not have any features or installation of additional software, we are not immediately moving to use:

  1. The program interface is as simple as possible and in Russian. If you just need to start the entire screen record in the resolution of FHD 1920 × 1080 with a sound recording that played on a computer, but not from the microphone, it will be enough to press the REC button immediately after starting the program and the recording stop button is to complete the record.
  2. You can also use hot keys for starting, pauses and recording stops - the key list will be displayed at the top of the screen on the right.
  3. The video will be added to the list of the programs recently lit in the main window and, if you wish, we can view it, trim (edit button) or delete.
  4. When viewing a recorded video, you will face a feature: There is a watermark, although we promised that it would not be in the free version. We decide by opening "recording settings" and removing the mark from the Add Watermark to Video.
    Disable watermark IFUN SCREEN RECORDER
  5. Here, in the recording settings, you can change the location of the filtered materials, the resolution of the recorded video (4K works, but not 60 FPS, even if you select this frequency), format (MP4, AVI, GIF, and others), recording quality and audio format.
  6. In the main program window, you can enable the record of not the entire screen, and a separate window or fragment on the screen, enable or disable sound recording from a microphone, audio played on a computer, mouse clicks, add an image from a webcam to video.
    Screen recording settings

It is difficult to tell something else, since the direct use of the program is implemented very simply and deal with the available desktop recording features will be at any user.

Program Settings and Restrictions Free Version

Settings of the program IFUN SCREEN RECORDER

Among the useful parameters in the "Settings" section of the main menu, in addition to the "record settings", which we talked above are, can be allocated:

  • On the General tab - item "When closing the program, continue the program in the system tray." Perhaps it makes sense to disable if you do not need a permanent readiness of the program to work: in this case, when you close the IFUN SCREEN Recorder, the program will really close, and not turn into the area of ​​notifications.
  • In the same section, the "ignore check-in warning warning" option - does not stop recording and does not darken the screen when the UAC warnings appear (the warning window itself is not written, but in the final video there is no interrupt).
  • On the Record tab, you can enable or disable the video acceleration option, turn on the animation of clicking the mouse and turn on the effect of selection with the mouse for the best visibility of the action on the screen.
  • Section "Webcam" Allows you to set the settings for overlaying video from the camera: Location, size.
  • In the Hot Keys, you can set your own keys to start and stop, pause and resume recording, creating screenshots using the program.

And now about the limitations of the free version. In fact, there are not so many of them: the record is not limited to time, watermarks can be disabled, permission is available up to 4K. Perhaps it will be better to list additional features that developer promises for a paid version of the program:

  • Recording 60 frames per second.
  • Processor load limit - no more than 8%
  • A clearer video (it is reported that another recording algorithm is used).
  • The ability to add your own watermark.
  • Technical support and automatic update.

Points about a clear video and a load limit on the processor after buying an IFUN SCREEN RECORDER PRO called some skepticism in me, but I have the ability to check the truth of statements I have no: only the free version of the program has been proposed for the test.

Summing up, the utility is suitable for use and, if everything remains in the same form, it will be great for those users who need a simple and convenient entry of the screen video, and to deal with such instruments as OBS Studio is difficult.


建立房屋內壁的掃描是一種相當常見的任務,用於參與室內設計和住宅建築的設計。在版本19的體系結構中,有一個工具,旨在方便地創建掃描。熟悉他更接近。如何在原始地址創建牆壁掃描儀 假設您有一個帶窗戶和幾個家具樣品的吸房室。創造這個房間牆壁的正交投影。現在你確保它有多簡單。有用的信息:Archicad中的熱鍵在房間計劃窗口中,單擊工具欄上的“掃描”按鈕。在位於工作字段上方的信息面板中,選擇“幾何選項:矩形”。 點擊房間的拐角處,重新點擊反對角的矩形區域。這會產生掃蕩,包括房間的所有牆壁。您將看到四條拆除或接近牆壁的直線。這些是橫截麵線。他們確定房間內部將落下的房間的區域。點擊適合您的地方。 我們已經用特殊標記掃描了這個對象。 掃描現在可以在導航器中找到。當您單擊時,將打開Windows,掃描。 轉到平面圖窗口並選擇掃描對象。打開“掃描設置”對話框。讓我們用計劃刪除標記。打開“標記”滾動和下拉列表,選擇“無標記”。單擊確定。 移動線路投影掃描,使它們不會越過家具,但是,家具進入掃描(原來在牆壁和投影線之間)。 課程:如何獨立製作設計項目公寓打開導航器中的一個掃描。右鍵單擊其名稱並選擇掃描設置。在這裡,我們可能對幾個參數感興趣。在“常規數據”滾動中,我們可以設置深度邊框和顯示高度。如果您使用多層建築物中的一個房間,請放置高度限制。 打開“模型展示”滾動。在“不在部分中的元素”中,突出顯示“注射表面的孵化”線,並在沒有陰影的情況下分配其自己的塗層的顏色“。還安裝了與“Vector...