iPhone Internal Storage or DCIM folder is empty when connecting to a computer - how to fix?


Empty DCIM or Internal Storage folder on iphone
When you connect the iPhone to a computer or laptop by a USB cable, for example, in order to transfer the photo from it, you can find that the iPhone itself is visible in the conductor, you can see the internal storage (Internal Storage), sometimes - DCIM folder on it (in it Photo and video are stored), while they are empty.

In this instruction on what to do if the Internal Storage or DCIM folder on the iPhone shows "this folder is empty" when opening and how it can be caused.

The first thing to remember is: if you connect the iPhone to a computer or laptop, but do not unlock it, you will not receive access to the data - despite the fact that the number of busy space in the Internal Storage will be displayed, see what inside can not be unlocked, it is Made for security purposes.

Empty Internal Storage folder on iphone

Fix Blank Folder Internal Storage or DCIM on iPhone

If the reason is not in a locked iPhone, as described in the previous paragraph, the next most likely reason that the DCIM or Internal Storage folder is empty - the absence of "trust" iPhone to the current computer.

Usually, when you connect the iPhone to a computer for the first time, a message is issued on the phone whether to trust this computer (if iTunes is installed on the computer) or "Allow the device access to photo and video". If we allow access, the contents of the memory (not all, but only the photo and video in DCIM) is displayed. If you click "prohibit" - we get "this folder is empty" in the conductor.

Permission to access photos and video on the iPhone

As a rule, if you re-connect the iPhone, this message appears again and you have the ability to allow access and see the data. However, if this does not happen, the appearance of the request can be returned with the following steps:

  1. Disable your iPhone from the computer or laptop.
  2. On the phone, go to the settings - the main - reset - reset the geon whether (in fact, privacy settings will also be reset, and your data will not be affected).
    Reset geonautical and iPhone privacy parameters
  3. Optional item, but it's more reliable with it - restart your iPhone (hold the power button, turn off, and then turn on again).
  4. Connect your iPhone again to the computer again, a request for data or confidence-confidence is a request for data on the screen - allow access.

As a result, you will have access to the Internal Storage and DCIM folders and they will contain your photos and videos.

If your computer has iTunes application, you can also use the following method:

  1. Connect the iPhone to the computer cable.
  2. Run iTunes on your computer and select "Account" - "Authorization" - "Authorize this computer".
    Authorize this computer in iTunes
  3. Enter your Apple ID login and password for authorization.
  4. On the phone it may be necessary to give consent to the confidence of this computer.
  5. After authorization, check whether the contents of the folder on the iPhone have become available.

If you want to be able to open photos and video from the iPhone on your computer when the screen is blocked, go to the settings - Touch ID and Password Code and in the "Access Clamping" section, turn on the "USB accessories" item.
