How to change the selection color in Windows 10


Change Windows 10 allocation color
In Windows 10, many options regarding personalization present in previous versions have changed or disappeared at all. One of these things is to set up the selection color for the area that you select the mouse, selected text, or dedicated menu items.

However, it is still possible to change the color of the selection for individual elements, although not obvious way. In this manual, how to do it. It may also be interesting: how to change the font size of Windows 10.

Changing the selection color of Windows 10 in the registry editor

The Windows 10 registry has a section responsible for the colors of individual elements, where colors are indicated in the form of three numbers from 0 to 255, separated by spaces, each of the colors corresponds to red, green and blue (RGB).

Color selection in Paint Editor

To find the color you need to use any graphic editor that allows you to choose arbitrary colors, for example, the built-in Paint editor, which will display the necessary numbers, as in the screenshot above.

You can also enter the "palette of the colors" or the name of any color in the Yandex, a peculiar palette will open, which can be switched to RGB mode (red, green, blue) and choose the desired color.

Color selection in search

To set the selected selection color of Windows 10 in the registry editor, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Press Win + R keys on the keyboard (Win-key with Windows emblem), enter the regedit and press ENTER. The registry editor will be opened.
  2. Go to RegistryComputer \ HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ CONTROL PANEL \ COLORS
  3. In the right pane of the registry editor, find the HighLight parameter, double-click on it and set the desired value for it corresponding to the color. For example, in my case, it is dark green: 0 128 0
    Changing the selection color in the registry
  4. Repeat the same action for the hottrackingcolor parameter.
  5. Close the registry editor and either restart the computer or exit the system and go again.
Modified color of the area of ​​selection and text

Unfortunately, this is all that can be changed in Windows 10 in this way: as a result, the color of the selection of text on the desktop and the color of the selection of the text will change (and then not in all programs). There is another "built-in" way, but you will not like it (described in the "Additional Information" section).

Using Classic Color Panel

Another opportunity is to use a simple third-party Classic Color Panel utility, which changes the same registry parameters, but allows you to easily choose the desired color. The program is enough to select the desired colors in Highlight and HottrackingColor points, and then press the Apply button and agree to exit the system.

Changing the selection color in Classic Color Panel

The program itself is available for free on the developer's website

Additional Information

In conclusion, another method that you can hardly use, since it has too much affects the appearance of the entire Windows 10 interface. This is a high contrast mode available in parameters - special features - high contrast.

Set up a high contrast theme in Windows 10

After it is turned on, you will have the ability to change the color in the "Dedicated Text" item, and then click "Apply". This change applies not only to the text, but also allocating icons or menu items.

Selection colors at high contrast

But, no matter how I tried to configure all the parameters of the high-contrast design scheme, I could not make it a pleasant for the eyes.
