What services to disable in windows 10


What services can be disabled in windows 10
The issue of shutting down Windows 10 services and how it is possible to safely change the start type. It is usually interested in order to increase system performance. Despite the fact that it can really speed up the work of the computer or laptop, I do not recommend turning off the services to those users who do not know how to solve the problems that theoretically may arise after that. Actually, I generally do not recommend turning off Windows 10 system services.

Below is a list of services that can be disabled in Windows 10, information on how to do this, as well as some explanations for individual items. I note again: do it only in case you know what you are doing. If so, you just want to remove the "brakes" that are already available in the system, then the deactivation of services will most likely not work, it is better to pay attention to what is described in the instructions how to speed up Windows 10, as well as on the installation of official drivers of your equipment.

The first two partitions of the manual describe how to manually disable Windows 10 services, and also contain a list of those of them, turn off which in most cases is safe. The third section is about a free program that can automatically disable "unnecessary" services, as well as return all settings to default values, if something went wrong. And at the end of the video instruction, which shows all that is described above.

How to disable services in Windows 10

List of Windows 10

Let's start with the exactly how services are disconnected. This can be done in several ways, of which it is recommended to enter the "service" by pressing Win + R on the keyboard and input Services.msc or through the control panel "Administration" - "Services" (second method - input to MSConfig to the "Services tab ").

As a result, a window with a list of Windows 10 services, their status and start type. With double click on any of them, you can stop or run the service, as well as change the type of startup.

Startup types are: automatically (and deferred option) - Running service when logging in Windows 10, manually start the service when it required OS or any program, disabled - the service cannot be launched.

Disable Windows 10 service

In addition, you can disable the services using the command line (from the administrator) using the SC Config command "Service_name" start = disabled where "service_name" - the system name used by Windows 10 is seen in the top item when viewing information about any of the services Double clicking).

Additionally, I note that service settings affect all Windows 10 users. These default settings are located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ SERVICES registry branch - you can pre-export this section using the registry editor to be able to quickly restore the values ​​for default. It is even better - to pre-create a Windows 10 recovery point, in which one can use it from a secure mode.

And one more note: part of the services can not only be disabled, but also delete, removing unnecessary components of Windows 10. Make it can be done via the control panel (you can go to it through the right click on the start) - Programs and components - Enable or disable Windows components .

Services that can be disabled

Below is a list of Windows 10 services that you can turn off, provided that the functions provided by them are not used by you. Also for individual services, I led additional notes that can help decide on the feasibility of shutting down a particular service.
  • Fax
  • NVIDIA STEREOSCOPIC 3D DRIVER SERVICE (for NVIDIA video cards if you do not use 3D stereo images)
  • Net.tcp Ports Communication Service
  • Work folders
  • Alljoyn router service
  • Certificate of application
  • BitLocker disc encryption
  • Bluetooth support service (if you do not use Bluetooth)
  • Client license service (CLIPSVC, after disconnection may not work the Windows 10 store application)
  • Computer browser
  • DmwappushService.
  • Geographic location
  • Data exchange service (HYPER-V). Hyper-V services makes sense to disconnect only if you do not use Hyper-V virtual machines.
  • Completion Service as a guest (HYPER-V)
  • Pulse Service (Hyper-V)
  • Hyper-V virtual machine sessions
  • Hyper-V Time Synchronization Service
  • Data Exchange Service (HYPER-V)
  • Hyper-V Remote Desktop Virtualization Service
  • Sensor Observation Service
  • Sensor data service
  • Sensor service
  • Functionality for connected users and telemetry (this is one of the items to disable the following Windows 10)
  • Common access to the Internet (ICS). Provided that you do not use the internet access functions, for example, to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop.
  • XBOX Live Network Service
  • Superfetch (provided you use SSD)
  • Print Manager (if you do not use print functions, including built in Windows 10 printing in PDF)
  • Biometric Windows service
  • Remote registry
  • Secondary entry into the system (provided you do not use it)

If you are not alien English, then, perhaps, the most complete information about Windows 10 services in different editions, the default startup parameters and safe values, you can learn from the BlackViper.com/Service-ConfigurationS/Black-ViPers-Windows page 10-service-configurations /.

Program to disable Windows 10 Easy Service Optimizer

And now about the free program to optimize Windows 10-Easy Service Optimizer, which makes it easy to disable unused OS services to three pre-installed scenarios: safe, optimal and extreme. ATTENTION: I strongly recommend creating a recovery point before using the program.

I do not pass, but it is possible that the use of such a program for a novice user will be a safer option than shutting down the services manually (and even better not to touch anything in the services parameters), because it makes return to the original settings simpler.

Easy Service Optimizer interface in Russian (if not turned on automatically, go to Options - Languages) and the program does not require installation. After starting, you will see a list of services, their current status and start parameters.


Below - four buttons that allow you to enable default service status, a secure option to disconnect the services, optimal and extreme. Planned changes are immediately displayed in the window, and by pressing the left upper icon (or selecting in the File menu - "Apply Settings"), the parameters are applied.

By double clicking on any of the services, you can see its name, startup type and secure start-up values ​​to be applied by the program when selecting different installations. Among other things, through the context menu by right clicking in any service, you can delete it (I do not advise).

Windows 10 service settings in Easy Service Optimizer

You can download Easy Service Optimizer for free from the official page sordum.org/8637/easy-service-optimizer-v1-1/ (the download button is at the bottom of the page).

Video about shutdown Windows 10 services

And in conclusion, as promised, video, which clearly demonstrates what was described above.


在一个相当少数的情况下,运行各种版本的Windows操作系统的个人计算机的用户面临着不愉快的问题,这是不可能打开文件夹。此外,作为本文的一部分,我们将讨论此问题的主要原因,以及宣布一些最普遍的解决方案。PC上的文件夹不打开 首先,请注意,由于部分决定,所考虑的问题是非常复杂的,并将要求您了解您的计算机。与此同时,正如经常发生的那样,从教学中履行一般规定并不能保证完全消除问题。如果您处于存在问题的用户数量持续存在,请在评论中联系个人帮助。除此之外,还有以下问题的后果,您可能需要完全重新安装操作系统。您可以从相关文章中了解有关此过程的更多信息。 阅读更多:如何恢复指挥的工作如果是一个原因或另一个,上述建议没有带来积极的结果,可以将操作系统重新启动作为补充。出于这些目的,您可以在我们的网站上利用特殊说明。 阅读更多:如何重新启动计算机请注意,在文件夹的问题也适用于“开始”菜单的情况下,您需要执行机械重启。出于这些目的,请使用计算机或笔记本电脑的系统块上的相应按钮。同样允许重新启动并完全关闭,然后发布。为了继续使用系统中的目录和文件提供无故障操作,下载并安装总命令程序。此外,不要忘记熟悉使用此软件的说明。 除此之外,如果您无法在PC上打开一些文件夹,则肯定在其访问权限中。 阅读更多:帐户管理获得管理员权利设置共享访问此外,默认情况下,某些系统文件夹被隐藏,可以在更改某些系统设置后打开。 阅读更多:如何在Windows...