How to disable android traffic savings


How to disable traffic saving mode on android
On the Android phones of the latest versions there is a built-in "Traffic Savings" function, designed to save data in the mobile network by limiting the background activity of some applications. This can be useful, but not always: for example, when the traffic saving is enabled, you may not receive some important notifications from applications and other information.

In this instruction detailed how to disable traffic savings on smartphones with a clean Android OS and on Samsung Galaxy, where the necessary actions are slightly different, as well as the video where the entire process is shown visual. A similar subject: how to disable iPhone data saving mode.

  • Disable traffic saving at pure Android
  • How to disable traffic savings on Samsung Galaxy
  • Video instruction
  • Data savings in browsers on the example of Yandex Browser and Google Chrome

Disable mobile traffic saving on a smartphone with a clean android system

Further steps are demonstrated on the phone with Android 10, but will work in versions since 7 and ending 11. On some brands, the actions can be slightly different, but the logic remains the same.

There are two possibilities for disconnecting traffic saving, the first - in the settings:

  1. Go to Settings - Network and Internet.
    Open Android network and Internet settings
  2. Go to "Traffic Saving".
    Traffic Saving Settings on Android
  3. Disable traffic savings at the top of the screen.
    Disable data savings in a mobile network

I also recommend paying attention to the next two important points:

  • In the same place in the traffic saving parameters, you can specify applications where savings will not be distributed in the "Unlimited Mobile Internet" section.
  • If you disconnect traffic savings, but turn on the "Energy Saving Mode", it may also lead to the application that applications will not synchronize information (or will make it noticeably less).

The second option for disabling the mobile Internet savings is the notification area, the default button there is no button to quickly turn on and disable traffic saving mode, but it is enough to click on the button setting button and drag the "Traffic Save" button to the list available in the notification area of ​​controls.

Saving traffic in rapid android action

In the future, you can quickly enable and disable the function by simply clicking on this button.

How to disable traffic savings on samsung

On Samsung smartphones, turning off the traffic saving mode is not much, but different:

  1. Go to Settings - Connections.
    SAMSUNG GALAXY Connection Settings
  2. Open the "Usage of Data" item.
    Use of data on samsung galaxy
  3. Click "Traffic Saving".
    SAMSUNG GALAXY Traffic Savings
  4. Turn off traffic saving mode.
    Disable Samsung traffic savings

If you wish on the screen from the 4th step, you can specify applications that will be able to use mobile Internet without restrictions even when the savings included.

Similar to the previous case, remember that data transfer to the mobile network may affect:

  • Battery saving mode
  • Various Android Optimization Applications

Video instruction

Data savings in Yandex Browser and Google Chrome

Data saving functions (mobile traffic) are also present in Android browsers, then a pair of examples, what this setting looks like:

  • In Google Chrome, you must open the menu and in the "Advanced" settings section to the "Simplified Mode" item, disable if necessary.
    Disable data compression in Google Chrome
  • In Yandex browser, open the menu and go to the "Settings" item. Then in the "Turbo Mode" item, we turn on or turn off the compression mode (and, accordingly, saving) traffic.
    Disable traffic saving to Yandex browser

By analogy, the option is usually available for switching and in other common browsers.

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