How to enable saving the backup of the Windows 10 registry in the REGBACK folder


How to enable Windows 10 registry copies in the RegBack folder
Until recently, if you needed to restore the Windows 10 registry, you can easily do it even with a non-started system using the automatically generated registry copy in the C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ RegBack folder. However, in the latest versions of the OS, this folder is either empty or contains empty files. As a result, the situation is complicated: you either need to manually create a backup copy of the Windows 10 registry, or, as Microsoft recommends, use the recovery points of the registry recovery (at the recovery points there are backup copies), but many users are disabled to save disk space .

A few days ago, on the official Microsoft website, information appeared on the fact that the automatic backup copy of the registry copy in the REGBACK folder was disabled to save space on the disk (strange, because they are not so voluminous), but it is possible to enable it.

Enable Create backups of the registry in the C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ Regback folder

In order to re-enable automatic saving backups of the Windows 10 registry, which may be very useful, do the following steps:

  1. Press Win + R keys, enter the REGEDIT and press ENTER - the registry editor opens.
  2. In the Registry Editor, go to the sectionHKey_Local_machine \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ CurrentControlset \ Control \ Session Manager \ Configuration Manager
  3. In the right pane of the registry editor, right-click and select "Create" - "DWORD Parameter (32 bits)", even if you have Windows 10 x64 installed and specify the EnablePeriodicBackup name for this parameter.
  4. Double click on the newly created parameter and set the value 1 for it.
    Enable backup registry

After making changes, close the registry editor and restart the computer

From this point on, backups of the registry will be created automatically in C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Config \ RegBack during computer downtime (i.e., with automatic system maintenance, provided that you did not disable it).

Backup Copies Windows 10 Registry Files

To create backup registry copies, the RegidLeBackup task is used in the Microsoft \ Windows \ Registry section of the Windows 10 job scheduler library.

Task RegidLebackup in task scheduler

This task is present there, regardless of your actions, but it starts to work regularly (including when manually started) only after setting the EnablePeriodicBackup parameter in the registry.

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