How to turn on a light theme Google Chrome with a dark theme Windows 10


How to turn on a light theme for Google Chrome
Most recently, I described how to turn a dark theme design Google Chrome, and now, when the browser is started to use color themes from the Windows 10 personalization options, a new question: how to leave a lighter topic the Chrome when in dark theme enabled system.

In this short guide we go that's about it: how to disable a dark theme Google Chrome, if it is included in the OS. This is not difficult.

Change Chrome shortcut settings to always use light design theme

All that is required - to add startup parameters in Google Chrome shortcut that disables the dark mode, respectively, the browser will always start with a light theme design.

One option for this step is as follows (subject to slightly different approaches, for example, manually create a shortcut with the necessary parameters):

  1. Navigate to the folder (copy the path and paste it into the address line of the conductor) C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs
  2. There you will find a shortcut Google Chrome, click on the right mouse button and select "Properties" from the context menu.
    Google Chrome shortcut in Windows 10
  3. In the properties of the label, in the field of the object immediately after the closing quotation mark, add a space and the following: - disable-features = DarkMode
    Disable dark theme for Google Chrome in the label
  4. Click OK to save the shortcut settings.

Now, when you start from the Start menu, Google Chrome will be launched with a bright décor.

Bright Chrome theme with the dark theme of Windows 10

If you are using a shortcut on the taskbar, remove the existing shortcut, and then right-click on the shortcut on the Start menu, select "Advanced" - "Pin to Taskbar". Also, if necessary, you can copy the shortcut from the folder where we were editing on the desktop, to and from the browser is launched with your desired design.

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