文章 #1000

Chrome blocked the file as dangerous - what to do?

Chrome blocked the file as dangerous - what to do?
When you download some files from the Internet using Google Chrome, you may encounter the fact that the file is not saved, and the browser reports "Chrome...

How to download original images ISO Windows 10 older versions in the Media Creation Tool

How to download original images ISO Windows 10 older versions in the Media Creation Tool
The official way to load Windows 10 - Utility Installation Media Creation Tool (MCT) from Microsoft makes it easy to download the ISO images of the...

The DNS server does not respond or Windows cannot be connected to the device or resource the main DNS server

The DNS server does not respond or Windows cannot be connected to the device or resource the main DNS server
One of the common problems with the Internet work in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 is a message that the network without access to the Internet, and...

How to open a classic window system in new Windows 10

How to open a classic window system in new Windows 10
In the latest version of Windows 10, the old System window was removed, which you could open in the control panel or selecting "Properties" in the context...

New in the process of updating Windows drivers 10 from November 5, 2020

New in the process of updating Windows drivers 10 from November 5, 2020
Not so long ago, Microsoft changed the process of automatic installation of updated drivers in Windows 10 - if earlier the search for available new...

IPv6 without access to the network or without access to the Internet - why and what to do?

IPv6 without access to the network or without access to the Internet - why and what to do?
Going to a Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection status, users can see the information that IPv6 connection without access to the network or without access to...

How to hide a computer on the local network

How to hide a computer on the local network
If you have several computers on the local network (for example, all of them are connected to one router), and the network detection is turned on, then...

Installing widgets or mini-applications in Windows 10 gameblock

Installing widgets or mini-applications in Windows 10 gameblock
One of the useful for individual users of Windows 10 functions is the Xbox Game Bar gamebon panel, which can be called using the Win + G key. The functions...

How to manually call BSOD (Blue screen) in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to manually call BSOD (Blue screen) in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
If for any purpose you needed to call the BSOD blue screen on a computer or a Windows laptop, you can do it manually, while not hurting the system....

How to turn off live photo on iPhone forever

How to turn off live photo on iPhone forever
By default, when shooting photos in the camera "Camera" or in other applications using the camera (for example, when sending iMessage messages), the...

How to turn off the screen on the laptop, not turning off the laptop itself

How to turn off the screen on the laptop, not turning off the laptop itself
If for certain tasks you want to turn off the laptop screen without turning it off, that is, so that the laptop continues to work, do this can be done...

iPhone is charged only to 80% - why and how to fix it?

iPhone is charged only to 80% - why and how to fix it?
If you encountered the fact that your iPhone is charged to 80% and then charging stops, most likely, there is no serious problem and you can easily...