Windows 10 recovery disk


Windows 10 recovery disk
In this manual, it is detailed how to create a Windows 10 recovery disk, as well as how to use a bootable flash drive or DVD with system installation files as a recovery disk if such a need arose. Also below there is a video in which all steps are shown visual.

Windows 10 recovery disk is able to help in the event of a wide variety of problems with the system: when it does not start, it began to work incorrectly, you need to restore the system by performing a reset (refund to the source state) or using a predetermined backup of Windows 10.

In many articles on this site, there is a reference disk reference, as one of the tools for solving problems with a computer, and therefore it was decided to prepare this material. All instructions related to restoring the launch and performance of the new OS can be found in the material Restore Windows 10.

Creating a Windows 10 recovery disk in the control panel

In Windows 10, there is a simple way to make a recovery disk or, or rather a USB flash drive through the control panel (the method for CD and DVD will also be shown below). It is done a few steps and waiting minutes. I note that even if your computer is started, you can make a recovery disk on another PC or a laptop with Windows 10 (but must with the same bit - a 32-bit or 64-bit. If you do not have another computer with a 10-ka, The next section describes how to do without it).

  1. Go to the control panel (you can right-click on the start and select the desired item).
  2. In the control panel (in the view, install "Icons") select "Restore".
    Recovery in the control panel
  3. Click "Creating a Recovery Disk" (Administrator rights are required).
    Creating a recovery disk
  4. In the next window, you can mark or remove the "Returning backup system files to the recovery disk." If you do this, it will be busy significantly more space on the flash drive (up to 8 GB), but will simplify the Windows 10 reset to the original state, even if the built-in recovery image was damaged and requires to insert a disk with missing files (since the necessary files will be on the storage).
    Add Windows 10 files to the recovery disk
  5. In the next window, select the connected USB flash drive from which the recovery disk will be created. All data from it will be deleted in the process.
    Selection of flash drives for recording
  6. And finally, wait for the creation of a flash drive to be completed.
    Windows 10 recovery disk ready

Ready, now you have a recovery disk, putting a download from which to BIOS or UEFI (how to go to BIOS or UEFI Windows 10, or using boot menu) You can log in to Windows 10 Recovery Wednesday and perform many system resuscitation tasks, Including it to roll back to the original state, if nothing else helps.

Windows 10 recovery options

Note: You can continue to use the USB drive from which the recovery disk was made to store your files, if there is such a need: the main thing is that the files have already been touched upon as a result. For example, you can create a separate folder and enjoy only its contents.

How to create Windows 10 recovery disk on CD or DVD

As you can see, in the previous and mostly for Windows 10 way to create a recovery disk, only a USB drive is meant under such a disk, without the ability to choose a CD or DVD for this purpose.

However, if you need to make a recovery disk on a CD, such an opportunity is still present in the system, just in a slightly different location.

  1. In the Control Panel, open the "Backup and Recovery" item.
    Backup and restore in Windows 10
  2. In the backup and recovery toilet and recovery tool window that opens (do not give the values ​​that Windows 7 is specified in the window header, it will be created for the current installation of Windows 10) on the left, press "Create a system recovery disk."
    Create a recovery disk on CD or DVD

After that, you will need to select a drive with a clean DVD or CD drive and click "Create Disk" to record the recovery disk to the optical CD.

Windows 10 recovery disk on CD or DVD

Its use will not differ from the flash drive created in the first method - it is enough to load from the disk to the BIOS and upload a computer or laptop from it.

Using the boot flash drive or Windows 10 disk to restore

Make the Windows 10 boot flash drive or the DVD installation disk from this OS is simpler. At the same time, in contrast to the recovery disk, it is possible almost on any computer, regardless of the version installed on it and the state of its license. In this case, such a drive with a distribution kit can then be used on a problematic computer as a disk recovery.

For this:

  1. Put the download from the flash drive or disk.
  2. After downloading, select Windows Installation Language
  3. In the next window at the bottom left, select "System Restore".
    Using the recovery from the loading flash drive

As a result, you will get into the same Windows 10 recovery environment as using the disk from the first option and you can perform all the same steps to correct problems with the start or operation of the system, for example, using the system recovery points, check the integrity of system files, restore the registry Using the command line and not only.

How to make disk recovery on USB - video instruction

And in reinforcement - video in which everything described above is shown clearly.

Well, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments, I will try to answer.


在一个相当少数的情况下,运行各种版本的Windows操作系统的个人计算机的用户面临着不愉快的问题,这是不可能打开文件夹。此外,作为本文的一部分,我们将讨论此问题的主要原因,以及宣布一些最普遍的解决方案。PC上的文件夹不打开 首先,请注意,由于部分决定,所考虑的问题是非常复杂的,并将要求您了解您的计算机。与此同时,正如经常发生的那样,从教学中履行一般规定并不能保证完全消除问题。如果您处于存在问题的用户数量持续存在,请在评论中联系个人帮助。除此之外,还有以下问题的后果,您可能需要完全重新安装操作系统。您可以从相关文章中了解有关此过程的更多信息。 阅读更多:如何恢复指挥的工作如果是一个原因或另一个,上述建议没有带来积极的结果,可以将操作系统重新启动作为补充。出于这些目的,您可以在我们的网站上利用特殊说明。 阅读更多:如何重新启动计算机请注意,在文件夹的问题也适用于“开始”菜单的情况下,您需要执行机械重启。出于这些目的,请使用计算机或笔记本电脑的系统块上的相应按钮。同样允许重新启动并完全关闭,然后发布。为了继续使用系统中的目录和文件提供无故障操作,下载并安装总命令程序。此外,不要忘记熟悉使用此软件的说明。 除此之外,如果您无法在PC上打开一些文件夹,则肯定在其访问权限中。 阅读更多:帐户管理获得管理员权利设置共享访问此外,默认情况下,某些系统文件夹被隐藏,可以在更改某些系统设置后打开。 阅读更多:如何在Windows...