D-Link DIR-300 glitches


D-LINK DIR-300 configuration problems
I have already written dozen instructions on how to set up a Wi-Fi D-Link DIR-300 router to work with the most different providers. Everything is described: and the router firmware and setting up a different type of connections and how to put a password on Wi-Fi. All this is here. Also, according to the link, there are ways to solve the most common problems arising when setting up the router.

In the smallen degree, I touched only one moment: the bust of the new firmware on the D-Link DIR-300 routers. I will try to systematize it here.

DIR-300 A / C1

So, the DIR-300 A / C1 router in all stores is a rather strange device: neither with a firmware 1.0.0, nor with subsequent options, he almost never works as needed. Glitches arise a variety of:
  • Unable to configure the access point settings - the router freezes or stupid does not save the settings
  • You can not configure IPTV - the necessary items are not displayed in the router interface to select the port.

Regarding the last firmware 1.0.12, it is generally written that when updating the router does it, and after rebooting the web interface is not available. And I have a big sample - on the routers DIR-300, a 2000 person comes to the site daily.

Next - DIR-300NRU B5, B6 and B7

With them, too, the situation is not fully understood. Firmware stamps one after another. Current for B5 / B6 - 1.4.9

That's just no sense noticeable: when these routers only came out, with a firmware 1.3.0 and 1.4.0, the main problem was the rupture of the Internet in a number of providers, for example, in Bilain. Then, with output 1.4.3 (DIR-300 B5 / B6) and 1.4.1 (B7), the problem has almost ceased to exercise. The main complaint about these firmware was that they "cut the speed".

After that, they began to produce subsequent, and one after another. I don't know what they are corrected there, but with an enviable frequency, all the problems that are and D-Link DIR-300 A / C1 began to appear. As well as notorious bilayne breaks - at 1.4.5 more often, at 1.4.9 - less often (B5 / B6).

It remains incomprehensible why so. It can not be that programmers for quite a long time can not get rid of ones from the same bugs. It turns out, the piece of iron is not good?

Other marked problems with the router

Wi-Fi Router

Wi-Fi Router

The list is far from complete - in addition, it was necessary to personally meet that there are not all LAN ports on the DIR-300. Users also mark the time that for some of the devices, the connection installation time can be 15-20 minutes, provided that everything is in order with the line (manifests itself when using IPTV).

The worst in the situation: some general pattern that allows you to solve all possible problems and set the router. The same A / C1 comes across and fully functioning. However, according to personal sensations, the following assumption is formed: if you take a DIR-300 DIR-300 Routers in the store 10 Wi-Fi from one batch, bring home, flash the same new firmware and set up for one line, then it will be about the following:

  • 5 routers will work perfectly and without problems
  • Two more will work with small problems that will be closed by eye
  • And the last three D-Link DIR-300 will have different problems, due to which the use or configuration of the router will be not the most pleasant occupation.

Caution Question: Is it worth it?


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