SSD Mini Tweaker to optimize the operation of the solid-state drive


Optimization in the SSD Mini Tweaker program
Free SSD Mini Tweaker program is a very popular SSD optimization solution and system settings for the use of a solid-state drive. All options present in the utility can be applied manually, but sometimes it may be more convenient to have them all in one place with the ability to quickly automatically use.

In this review about the settings in SSD Mini Tweaker, about the important parameters of the utility and meaningfulness of their use in various scenarios, as well as some additional information. It may also be interesting: programs for checking SSD to the remaining resource and error, setting up SSD for Windows 10.

  • SSD MINI TWEAKER settings
  • Is it worth applying certain parameters in the program
  • Official site SSD Mini Tweaker and about installing the program


After starting the SSD Mini Tweaker, you will see a very simple window in Russian with a list of settings, marking which, applying, and restarting the computer, you will make appropriate changes in the system.

Main window SSD Mini Tweaker

When you bring the mouse pointer to each of the parameters, the program window appears at the bottom of the program description, and you can read a fairly detailed help for each of the available settings.

I will attract important parameters in the program (so far, without thoughts on the topic, turn on or off):

  • Turn on Trim - it should definitely be included for SSD, the only completely indisputable function. If the option is already enabled, then Trim is enabled. Read more: How to check whether the Trim function is enabled in Windows.
  • Disable Superfetch and Prefetcher.
  • Disable Windows Indexing System
  • Disable hibernation mode.
  • Disable system protection function.
  • Do not clean the paging file.
  • Disable the defragmentation service and disabling defragmentation on schedule.
  • Fully disable and delete the paging file.

It is these options that are most often used in order to increase the duration of the SSD service life and the optimization of the system. And now some considerations on individual items (except Trim - here it should be accurately included).

Do I need to apply certain parameters in SSD Mini Tweaker

Most of the specified settings are designed to reduce the number of recording cycles on SSD, thereby extending its service life. However, are they really worth it? If the volume of your solid-state drive is 60-128 GB, maybe yes. If you have Windows 7 (or even suddenly XP) - too.

But if you have installed Windows 10 or 8.1, the size of the SSD is not so that it is filled with the string, the drive itself is modern and high-quality, then the picture changes. In his article about what SSD is afraid, I pointed out two very important items: the old OS and small free volume should be avoided. So, that we have in a modern OS with sufficient space on SSD:

  1. Some parameters are configured by the system automatically: Superfetch and Prefetch for SSD (even in Windows 7) and cleaning the paging file are disconnected. Moreover, the SuperFetch function itself remains included for use on slow drives.
  2. For systems with a small amount of disk space in Windows 10, the system protection is turned off. With a sufficient disk size, I would not recommend it: Very often, the function can save time when Windows Recovery (see Windows 10 Recovery Points). But, indeed, it actively uses the record.
  3. Disable paging file - not always reasonable. Some programs can work incorrectly (to fly and not start) without paging file, despite the available RAM volume, and the novice user does not always think about what exactly this is the cause. Its disconnection does not lead to an increase in system performance. Recording to the paging file is not performed in colossal volumes, i.e. There will be no significant impact on the service life of a sufficient volume SSD.
  4. Turning off hibernation - here if you really do not use it and we are not talking about a laptop, it may make sense. However, this will turn off the "Quick Run" function of Windows 10 and 8.1.
  5. Disable indexing. Some instructions suggest that the SSD search will work as quickly and without Windows indexing services. This is not the case, despite the speed of access, the operation with the index file passes almost instantly, without it, the search for files and their contents throughout the disk is much slower, even on fast SSD. And if you do not use the search, I recommend starting, a very useful feature in Windows and other OS.
  6. Disabling defragmentation - Modern OS do not perform defragmenting SSD as they make it with conventional hard drives and do not move the file parts over the memory cells. Optimization for solid-state drives is performed on another set of rules and useful for their work.

I recommend paying attention to another detail: if there is an ordinary HDD on your computer or laptop, in addition to SSD, the same parameters are used to HDD, as a result, we can lose in performance: HDD is not defraganized, caching is not used and indexing. If you leave the system setting, as a result we obtain the optimal performance of all drives.

Official SSD MINI TWEAKER website, download and installation of the program

Official site SSD Mini Tweaker - Downloadable from the site .exe file is a self-expanding archive containing the SSD Mini Tweaker X64 and X86 versions.

In this case, the file is considered dangerous as a SmartScreen filter in Windows and some antiviruses from Virustotal. If you have concerns, you can unpack this .exe file is not running, manually using the archiver (7-Zip and WinRar are doing this successfully) contained in it inside the files for all tests are clean.
