The monitor does not turn on


The monitor does not turn on
On average once a week, one of my customers, referring to me for repairing a computer, reports the following problem: The monitor does not turn on, while the computer works . As a rule, the situation looks like this: the user presses the power button on the computer, its silicon friend will start, noise, and the standby indicator continues to burn or flash on the monitor, less often a message that there is no signal. We will deal with whether the problem is that the monitor does not turn on.

The computer is running

Experience suggests that the statement that the computer works, and the monitor does not turn on, in 90% of cases it turns out to be incorrect: as a rule, it is in the computer. Unfortunately, the ordinary user rarely understand what exactly the case is that in such cases they carry a monitor in warranty repair, where they rightly notice that he is in perfect order or acquire a new monitor - which, as a result, also works".

Computer monitor
I will try to clarify. The fact is that the most common causes of the situation, when the monitor allegedly does not work (provided that the power indicator on it is lit, and the connection of all cables you have thoroughly checked), are the following (at the beginning - the most likely, then - on a decrease):

  1. Faulty computer power supply
  2. Memory problems (contacts cleaning)
  3. Problems with the video card (failed or fairly cleaning contacts)
  4. Contact computer motherboard
  5. Monitor failed

In all five cases listed cases, the diagnostics of the computer for a regular user without the experience of repairing computers may be difficult, because Despite the hardware malfunctions, the computer continues to "turn on". And not everyone can determine that in fact he did not turn on - by pressing the power button, the voltage was simply supplied, as a result of which he "came to life", the fans began to rotate, the drive for reading the CDs was blocked by a light bulb, etc. Well, the monitor did not turn on.

If you are sure that the computer really works, and not just turn on the fans and indicators (for example, in addition to this, you hear Windows download sounds and connect / disable devices), I recommend first use the instructions: what to do if the monitor writes no Signal, No Signal Detected, Check Signal Cable or check SIGN. Cab.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to find out if the case is in the monitor. How to do it?

  • Previously, when everything was in order, was one short squeak when the computer is turned on? Is there now? No - you need to look for the problem in PC.
  • Previously, when Windows loaded, the welcome melody played? Does it play now? No - a problem with a computer.
  • A good option is to connect the monitor to another computer (if you have a laptop or netbook, it is almost guaranteed to have an output for the monitor). Or another monitor to this computer. As a last resort, if you do not have other computers, taking into account the fact that the monitors are now not very cumbersome - contact your neighbor, try to connect to its computer.
  • If there is a short squeak, Windows boot sound is also on another computer, this monitor works, it's worth a look at the computer connectors on the back and if there is a connector for connecting the monitor on the motherboard (built-in video card), try to connect it there. If everything works in this configuration - look for a problem in the video card.

In general, these simple actions are enough, in order to find out whether you really do not turn on the monitor. If it turned out that the breakdown is not at all in it, then you can refer to the PC repairing master or, if you are not afraid and have some experience inserting and removing cards from a computer, you can try to correct the problem yourself, what can be read about in a separate instruction : What to do if the computer does not turn on.

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