How to go to BIOS in Windows 8 (8.1)


How to go to the BIOS Windows 8
In this manual - 3 ways to enter the BIOS when using Windows 8 or 8.1. In fact, this is one way that can be used in different ways. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to check everything described on the usual BIOS (however, it should work in it old keys - Del for desktop and F2 for a laptop), and only on a computer with a new motherboard and UEFI, however most users of the latest system versions Interested in this configuration.

On a computer or laptop with Windows 8, you may have a problem with the input in the BIOS settings, as with new motherboards, as well as fast loading technologies implemented in the OS itself, you can simply not see any inscriptions "Press F2 or DEL" or Do not have time to press these buttons. Developers took into account this moment and there is a solution.

Login to BIOS using special download options Windows 8.1

In order to go to the BIOS UEFI on new computers with Windows 8, you can use specific system boot options. By the way, they will be useful in order to boot from the flash drive or disk, even without entering the BIOS.

Windows 8 recovery menu

The first way to start special download options is to open the panel to the right, select "Parameters", then "Changing Computer Settings" - "Update and Recovery". Open the "Restore" item and in the "Special Download Options", click Restart Now.

Download menu

After rebooting, you will see the menu as in the picture above. In it, you can select the "Use device" item if you need to boot from the USB drive or disk and go to the BIOS only for this. If nevertheless, the input is required to change the computer settings, click "Diagnostics".

Diagnostic menu

On the next screen, select "Advanced Parameters".

Additional Windows 8 boot options

Confirm the download of UEFI BIOS

And here we are where you need - click on the "UEFI" settings item, then confirm the reboot to change the BIOS settings and after rebooting you will see the BIOS UEFI interface of your computer without pressing any additional keys.

BIOS settings

More ways to go to BIOS

Here are two more ways to get into the same Windows 8 download menu to enter the BIOS, which can also be useful, in particular the first option can work if your desktop and the initial screen of the system are not loaded.

Using the command line

You can enter into the command prompt

shutdown.exe / r / o

And the computer will restart, showing you various download options, including to enter the BIOS and shift the boot drive. By the way, if you wish, you can do the label for such a download.

Loading additional parameters via the command line

SHIFT + reboot

Press Reload, Holding SHIFT

Another way is to click on the computer off button in the sidebar or on the initial screen (starting with Windows 8.1 Update 1) and then holding the SHIFT key to press "Reboot". It will also cause the appearance of special options for loading the system.

Additional Information

Some manufacturers of laptops, as well as desktop maternal boards provide for the BIOS entry option including with the inclied download options (which is applicable to Windows 8), regardless of the operating system installed. Such information can be tried to find in the instructions for a specific device or on the Internet. Usually, this is the holding of any key when turning on.

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