How to change the default search in Google Chrome


How to change the default search in Google Chrome
By default, Google Chrome is used to search Google, however, it may be that the user prefers to use Yandex, DuckduckGo or another search engine, and sometimes it happens that the browser search changes to uncomfortable any third-party programs and it is required to return the default settings .

In this manual details how to change the default search in Google Chrome for Windows, Android and iPhone. ATTENTION: If after the change you have done, the search is changed again, I recommend checking the computer for malicious programs.

  • Changing the chrome search engine in Windows
  • On Android
  • On iPhone
  • Video

Changing Google Chrome search engine in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

In order to change the Google Chrome search on a computer or laptop, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the browser menu by clicking on the button with three points on the right above. Select "Settings".
    Open Google Chrome Settings on Computer
  2. In the settings, find the section "Search Engine".
  3. Here, in the Default Search Engine, you can choose Google, Yandex, Mail.Ru, Bing or DuckduckGo. If the search you want is not displayed in the list, use the 4th item, or manually go to the search you need, use it once, and then repeat the steps 1-3 (usually after this, the desired search service appears in the list).
    Setting the chrome search engine
  4. If you want to add another search engine, use the Search Engine Management item and specify the site address of the desired search engine.
    Editing search engines in Chrome for Windows

Please note that the changes made only on the search in the Google Chrome address bar.

If you need in a new browser tab or when you start it, the site of any search engine is opened, you can do this in the settings - section "Start Chrome" - specified pages and specify the desired page you want to open when starting.

Change search in Chrome on Android

The process is only slightly different in the browser on smartphones or Android tablets:

  1. On the new Google tab, click on the button on the right at the top and go to "Settings".
    Open Chrome Settings on Android
  2. In the "Basic" section, select Search Engine.
    Chrome search options for Android
  3. Select your preferred search engine.
    Changing the search engine in Chrome for Android

Setup Google Chrome Search Engine on iPhone

On the iPhone, the procedure will be like this:

  1. Open a new tab in Google Chrome, click on the button on the right below and select "Settings".
    Open Chrome Settings for iPhone
  2. Open the Search Engine and select the search engine you need from available: Yandex,, Bing, DuckduckGo or the default Google.
    Default Search Selection in Chrome for iPhone

Video instruction

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