Hard disk makes sounds: what can mean different sounds of HDD


Hard disk makes strange sounds when working
In most cases, if the hard disk began to make strange sounds, it speaks of any of its faults. What exactly - let's talk below. The main thing is that I want to draw your attention to: as soon as these sounds appeared, it is necessary to preserve the backup copies of important data: in the cloud, on an external hard disk, DVD, in general, anywhere. The likelihood that soon after the Winchester began to make sounds, unknown to him earlier, the data on it can be inaccessible very different from zero.

I will draw your attention to another moment: in most cases, the sounds speak of a malfunction of any HDD component, but this is not always the case. On its own computer, faced the fact that the hard drive began to click and disconnect, and after some time again, with a click, unwind. A little later, he began to disappear in the BIOS. Accordingly, initially I assumed that the problem with the heads or spindle, then with the firmware or printed circuit board (or connections), and in fact it turned out that with a hard disk everything is in order and the power supply is to blame, which I did not even assume. And last: if after clicking, sripe and other things, the data has become not available, it is better not to attempt to restore the hard disk on your own - most of the data recovery programs are not intended for such situations, and more so can harm.

Western Digital Hard Drives Sounds

Below - Typical WD sounds typical:
  • Western Digital hard drives make a few clicks, after which the rotation slows down - problems with reading heads.
  • The sound of spinning is heard, then it breaks down and starts again, the disk cannot unwind - the problem with the spindle.
  • The WD hard drive in the laptop makes clicks or tapping (sometimes it looks like Bongo drums) - the problem with the heads.
  • Western Digital hard drives for laptops with a fought spindle "are trying" to spin, serve a beep.
  • SAMSUNG hard disks with problem heads make multiple clicks, or one click, after which they slow down the rotation.
  • In the presence of failed sectors on magnetic disks, the HDD from Samsung can produce scratching sounds when you try to access them.
  • When the toshiba laptop is stuck on the hard disk, it makes sounds as if trying to spin and gain speed, but acceleration is interrupted.
  • When failing the bearings, Toshiba hard drive can produce scratching, crossed sound. Sometimes high-frequency, similar to screech.
  • Hard disk clicks when turned on can say that the problem with magnetic heads.
  • HDD Seagate in a laptop with spoiled heads (for example, after falling) can leave clicking, knocking or "drilling" sounds.
  • The seagate hard drive with damaged heads for the desktop computer clicks and makes a short squeak when turning on and spinning.
  • Repeating attempts can speak about the problems with the spindle, to increase the speed of rotation of the disk, which is clearly audible.

SAMSUNG hard drive sounds

  • SAMSUNG hard disks with problem heads make multiple clicks, or one click, after which they slow down the rotation.
  • In the presence of failed sectors on magnetic disks, the HDD from Samsung can produce scratching sounds when you try to access them.

Sounds that publish HDD from Toshiba

  • When the toshiba laptop is stuck on the hard disk, it makes sounds as if trying to spin and gain speed, but acceleration is interrupted.
  • When failing the bearings, Toshiba hard drive can produce scratching, crossed sound. Sometimes high-frequency, similar to screech.
  • Hard disk clicks when turned on can say that the problem with magnetic heads.

SEAGATE hard drives and sounds

  • HDD Seagate in a laptop with spoiled heads (for example, after falling) can leave clicking, knocking or "drilling" sounds.
  • The seagate hard drive with damaged heads for the desktop computer clicks and makes a short squeak when turning on and spinning.
  • Repeating attempts can speak about the problems with the spindle, to increase the speed of rotation of the disk, which is clearly audible.

As you can see, most of the signs and their causes are very similar. If suddenly your hard drive began to make strange sounds that are in this list, the first thing to do is to create a backup copy of an important file anywhere. If it is too late and you cannot read the data from the disk, the best option is to completely disable the hard drive from the computer in order to avoid additional damage and contact the data recovery specialists, unless of course there are so important information: since the service in this case will be Not cheap.

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