How to register a DLL in Windows


How to register a DLL in Windows
Users ask how to register a DLL file in Windows 7 and 8. Usually after faced with errors like "Starting the program is impossible, since the desired DLL is missing on the computer." Take about it and talk.

In fact, the registration of the library in the system is not such a difficult task (I will show the three variations of one method) - in fact, only one step is needed. The only mandatory requirement is the presence of your Windows admin rights.

However, there are some nuances - for example, even the successful DL registration does not necessarily eliminate you from the error "Library missing on a computer", and the REGSVR32 error appears with the message that the module is not compatible with the version of Windows on this computer or the DLLREGISERSERVER entry point is not found, does not mean that you are doing something wrong (what does this explain about the end of the article).

Three DLL registration methods in OS

Describing further steps, I emerge from what you found where you need to copy your library and DLL already lies in the System32 or SYSWOW64 folder (and possibly somewhere else if it should be there).

Note: Below will be described how to register a DLL library using regsvr32.exe, however, I draw your attention to the fact that if you have a 64-bit system, then you have two regsvr32.exe - one in the folder C: \ Windows \ syswow64 , Second - C: \ Windows \ System32. And these are different files, and the 64-bit is in the System32 folder. I recommend in each way to use the full path to regsvr32.exe, and not just the name of the file, as I have shown in the examples.

The first method is described in the Internet more often than others and is as follows:

  • Press the Windows + R keys or in the Windows Start menu 7, select "Run" (if, of course, you are displayed).
  • Enter regsvr32.exe path_file_dll
  • Click OK or ENTER.
Run regsvr32.exe

After that, if everything went successfully you will need to see a message that the library has been successfully registered. But, with a high probability, you will see another message - the module is loaded, but the DLLREGISTERSERVER input point is not found and it is worth checking that your DLL is the correct file (about it, as I said, I will write later).

DLLREGISERSERVER error is not found in the module

The second method is to start the command line on behalf of the administrator and entering the same command from the previous paragraph.

  • Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. In Windows 8, you can press the Win + X keys, and then select the desired menu item. In Windows 7, you can find the command prompt in the Start menu, click on it right-click and select the "Run from the administrator" item.
  • Enter the command regsvr32.exe path_k_dl_dll (example you can see in the screenshot).
DL Link on the command line

Again, it is likely that you will not be able to register a DLL in the system.

Another DllregisterServer error

And the last way, which can also be useful in some cases:

  • Right-click on the DLL, which you want to register and select the "Open using" menu item.
  • Click "Overview" and find the REGSVR32.EXE file in the Windows / System32 folder or Windows / SYSWOW64, open the DLL using it.

The essence of all the described methods to register the DLL in the system is the same, just a few different ways to launch the same team - who is more convenient. And now about why you do not work.

Why not be registered DLL

So, you have no DLL file, because of what when you start the game or the program you see an error, you downloaded this file from the Internet and try to register, but either the DLLREGISERSERVER input point, or the module is not compatible with the current version of Windows, and Maybe something else, that is, the registration of DLL is impossible.

The module is not compatible with the version of Windows

Why this happens (hereinafter will be about how to fix it):

  • Not all DLL files are designed to register them. In order for it to be registered in this way, it must have the support of the very function of the DllregisterServer. Sometimes the error is also caused by the fact that the library has already been registered.
  • Some sites offered to download DLL contain in fact, pacifier files with your own name and they cannot be registered, since in fact it is not a library.

And now how to fix it:

  • If you are a programmer and register your DLL, try regasm.exe
  • If you are a user and you do not start something with the message that the DLL is missing on the computer - look at the Internet, what is this file, and not where to download it. Usually, knowing this, you can download the official installer, which will install the original libraries and will register them in the system - for example, for all files with the name starting with D3D, it is enough to deliver DirectX from the official Microsoft website for MSVC - one of the versions of Visual Studio Redistributable. (And if some game from torrent does not start, then look at the antivirus reports, it could remove the necessary DLLs, it often happens to some modified libraries).
  • Usually, instead of registration DLL, the file location in one folder with executable EXE file, which requires this library.

I finish this, I hope something has become more clear than it was.

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