Mac hung on a black screen with a logo when updating Catalina - how to fix


Mac OS renewed on black screen
Today I encountered the fact that IMAC (but the same can happen on MacBook or other Apple computers) while installing the next update of Mac OS X Catalina after a reboot hangs on a black screen with a logo after the progress line passed around 80-90 %. As it turned out, the problem is quite common.

In this manual, several ways to correct the problem are: not my own, and rather a selection of solutions that have worked for users with English-speaking forums, where users also encountered the Mac OS update. I load the first method personally.

  • Forced Mac shutdown and re-inclusion (with one important nuance, if you have already tried)
  • Removing snapshots Mac OS (Snapshots)
  • Removal of third-party keckers

Correction hung updates by simply switching off

The first thing to try with the update on the black screen, if it continues for an hour or another, which did not happen before - forcibly turning off the Mac, and then turn it on again, for this:
  1. Press and hold the power button while your computer or laptop does not turn off.
  2. Turn on it to the usual method again.

One important point: as a result of your MacBook or iMac comes back up to the same black screen with the same line of progress, and it may seem that the method did not work: but wait a few more minutes - I personally have a result in 10-15 minutes later logon screen (Before switching off, the update hung over 2 hours on the Apple loglet without changing the progress line).

Removing snapshots Mac OS

According to the information I found, the Mac OS of the latest versions creates snapshots of the system on the local disk, while the simple shutdown of this function, as in previous versions, is not provided. With the next update of Mac OS X, it may freeze at the stage of checking snapshots. The solution for this case looks like this:

  1. Load into a secure mode (holding SHIFT when you turn on, of course, you first need to turn your Mac).
  2. Log in and run the terminal.
  3. In the terminal, use the TMUTIL ListLocalsNapshotDates command
  4. As a result, you will see a list of dates and times of pictures, about the following form: 2019-12-12-105455
  5. To remove snapshots, use the ViewTmutil DeleteLocalsNapshots commands of the data from the previous command
  6. After removing all the pictures, repeat the command from the 3rd step and make sure that there are no snapshots.
  7. Restart your Mac as usual.

Deleting third-party mac os x

And one more method: Try to remove third-party Mac OS keafers, for this:

  1. Run your Mac in a secure mode while holding SHIFT when loading.
  2. In Teminal, use the command: Mkdir ~ / ext-Backup && Sudo MV / Library / Extensions / * ~ / Ext-Backup /

After executing the command, restart the Mac in normal mode and check if the problem has been fixed: if it is called to the kexts, Mac OS will continue to be updated and in a short period of time you will receive a normal login screen.

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