What's New in Windows 10 1903 May 2019 Update


What's new in Windows 10 1903
The next update of Windows 10 components of 1903 May 2019 Update is already available for download and installation and, as usual, brings with you a number of new features and changes, some of which may be useful for you.

In this review about the main innovations in Windows 10 1903 concerning the interface, new features, parameters and other system nuances. Update: What's new in Windows 10 May 2020 Update.

  • Sandbox Windows 10.
  • New Windows 10 update settings
  • Reserved storage
  • Bright design topic
  • Additional Information

Sandbox Windows 10 (Windows Sandbox)

In my opinion, the sandbox of Windows is one of the most interesting and useful features of the new version of the system. It is a simple virtual machine, inside which you can run the ungaliable programs without fears that it will damage the installed Windows 10.

Sandbox Windows 10.

By default, the sandbox is disabled, but easily enabled in Windows 10 components, provided that the OS professional or corporate edition is installed on your computer. In detail about how to enable and configure the sandbox of Windows 10.

There is a method and to install Windows Sandbox in the home system. Moreover, there are ways to perform the sandbox setting: connect folders from the main system, disable network access or GPU. Only this will necessarily appear on the site immediately after the update release. Of course, for the same purposes, you can use Hyper-V virtual machines or VirtualBox, but such a simple implementation is more suitable for novice users.

New parameters and features of Windows 10 update center

The main update of the update center that users will not compete soon: "Large" updates Windows 10 will no longer be installed automatically, first you will receive a notification of its availability.

Postpone Windows 10 updates

Also in the parameters of the update center, including in the home system (previously - only in professional and lightly in a different form), it was possible to postpone the installation of updates (maximum - for 35 days).

And the system administrators may be interested in the policy that allows you to set the period of time after which the installation of updates and reboot occur automatically, even if the user is postponed.

Reserved storage

In addition, in Windows 10, the "reserved storage" appeared - the dedicated amount of disk space, intended primarily for trouble-free updates (previously there were cases of failure failures with a small amount of space on the system section, after which it may be difficult to restore the system). Also, the reserved storage is used for part of temporary system and third-party program files.

Reserved storage

You can find out the size of the reserved storage in the Parameters section: System - Memory of Device - System and Reserved. On some systems updated to Windows 10 1903, the reserved storage may not be. And, if necessary, it can be disabled, about which here: how to disable the reserved Windows 10 storage.

If you do not know yet, in Windows 10 there is a function of automatic disk cleaning from unnecessary files, which is slightly improved in the latest version.

Bright design topic

Trifle, but in my opinion a pleasant: a bright design of the design for the taskbar, the Start menu and the context menu of the taskbar.

Bright design topic in Windows 10 1903

Earlier, all these elements were only dark, regardless of personalization settings (if only not to use high contrast design schemes).

Additional new features, features and improvements

Among other nuances, the next update of Windows 10 can be allocated:

  • The new minimum required size on the disk system section for installation and operation of Windows 10 - 32 GB. I consider positive and recommended even more volume or not to divide the disk to the sections: it is often necessary to meet with problems due to the fact that the user rashly distinguishes the 10-20 GB to the "C" 10-20 disc, and then surprises that Windows 10 slows down or at all ceases to start.
  • Ability to delete more embedded applications without having to use third-party or PowerShell.
    Deleting embedded Windows 10 applications
  • Updated search in the taskbar. By the way, once again, I strongly recommend using a search when you do not know how to run some kind of element OS or find the desired setting.
    Search in Windows 10 taskbar
  • The Microsoft Account can be created by no email address, but by phone number, and the input is not on the password, but by code from the SMS message. Instructions on the topic: How to create a Windows 10 user.
  • New settings for setting up network connections in parameters (duplicate those are present in the Network Management Center and Common Access). Of the interesting things, which was already present in previous versions - automatic reset of network and Internet parameters in Windows 10.
    Setting network settings in Windows 10 1903
  • The ability to select the default tab in the Task Manager.
    Select Default Tabs in Windows 10 Task Manager
  • Windows security updates (additional protection functions, such as "fake protection").
  • Promise increased speed (updated patch against Spectre vulnerabilities).
  • The update center can show an icon with notifications that new updates are available (you need to enable in additional update parameters).
  • Increase and decrease text on the command line and PowerShell - hold Ctrl and rotate the mouse wheel.
  • Broadcast phone screen on a computer and notifications from your phone on a computer in your phone application. Application Overview: Sending SMS messages and viewing the photo on Android in your phone application in Windows 10.
  • If you open several folders in the explorer, they open in separate Explorer.exe processes.
  • Ability to use a hardware key to unlock Windows.

This is not a complete list: in the parameters you will find a lot of minor changes: in the system reset interface, font settings and other locations; They promise to update the game panel (but this is not exactly), new Emodi was added in the input panels and the characters on the on-screen keyboard. If you drew attention to something new and important that I did not point the review, I would be grateful to your comment.

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