Dark Google Chrome mode on Android


How to enable dark mode in chrome for android
The dark topic of the design of Google Chrome was finally implemented in version 74 for Windows (see how to enable the Toga Chrome's dark theme) and, in the same version, it was possible to turn on the dark mode in the Chrome browser for Android, at the time of writing this material still in experimental mode (In the future, the usual setting for this will most likely appear).

In this manual on how to enable a dark topic (Dark Mode) in Google Chrome on Android phone or tablet. Please note that the version of your browser should be not lower than 74th, and you can see the version information by clicking on the menu button by opening the "Settings" and the "Chrome browser" item at the bottom of the list.

Turning on the dark theme of registration and dark view mode in Chrome for Android

In the Android version of Google Chrome there are two parameters related to a dark theme of decoration: one changes the color of the browser interface, and the other is the appearance of the pages open (makes the background black, and the text is white). These settings work with some nuances, which at the end of the article. Directly inclusion of the dark mode consists of the following steps:

  1. In the Google Chrome address bar on your phone or tablet, enter chrome: // flags and go to this address. The Browser Experimental Settings page opens.
  2. In the search string, enter the word "Dark", most likely will be found two parameters: Android Web Contents Dark Mode (Dark Mode for Web Content) and Android Chrome UI Dark Mode (Dark theme of the browser interface).
    Dark Mode Parameters on Android
  3. To enable any of the parameters, click on the "Default" button and switch to Enabled (enabled). After switching at the bottom, the "Relaunch Now" button (restart now) will appear. Press it to change the changes.
    Restart browser Google Chrome
  4. If you have included a dark design for the Google Chrome interface, then after restarting it will not turn on automatically, but: a new "Dark Mode" item appears in the browser settings, which, in turn, includes a dark mode.
    Turning on the dark theme in the Chrome settings on Android
  5. It looks like this as in screenshots below (on the left - dark mode for sites, on the right - for the Google Chrome interface).
    Dark theme check in Chrome on Android

In general, the function is operational, and it can be assumed that in the near future access to these parameters will be available by default in the interface, and not in the list of experimental functions.

However, there is one important nuance to pay attention to (maybe it will be fixed in the following updates). In my test, the simultaneous two parameters responsible for the dark mode led to the fact that the Android Chrome UI Dark Mode parameter stopped working - did not add a dark theme on settings. As a result, it is possible to enable "night mode" only for one of these parameters.

Solving this problem:

  1. The "Android Web Contents Dark Mode" parameter Switch to "Default", and "Android Chrome UI Dark Mode" - in restart the browser with the RELAUNCH NOW button and turn on the dark mode in the Chrome settings.
  2. Return to the parameters in Chrome: // Flags and enable the Android Web Contents Dark Mode option. Restart the browser.
  3. Now they work at the same time: the interface and the contents of the pages are displayed in the dark mode.
    Dark Mode Enabled for Interface and Content in Chrome on Android

I hope the instruction was useful and everything is working as expected.

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