ماقالىلەر #1019

Not loaded desktop - what to do?

Not loaded desktop - what to do?
If after removing the virus (and maybe not after, it is possible, it only started), when the computer is turned on, the Windows 7 or Windows XP desktop...

Skype functions that you did not know

Skype functions that you did not know
Many, many people use Skype to communicate. If you are not yet - be sure to start, all the necessary information on the topic of registration and installation...

Windows 8.1 - update, download, new

Windows 8.1 - update, download, new
So update Windows 8.1. Updated and hurry to tell that yes how. In this article, I will share information on how to update, where you can download a...

How to format the hard drive

How to format the hard drive
As various statistics show, not all users know how to produce the specified action. The greatest problems occur if you need to format the C drive in...

Restore remote files for beginners

Restore remote files for beginners
It happens almost with each user, whether it is experienced or not very: you delete the file, and after some time it turns out that it is needed again....

How to remove the second Windows 7 from the download (suitable for Windows 8)

How to remove the second Windows 7 from the download (suitable for Windows 8)
If you do not format the system hard disk when installing Windows 7 or Windows 8, and you have installed a new operating system, then rather now, after...

What to do if the computer does not turn on or not loaded

What to do if the computer does not turn on or not loaded
There was no one article on this site that describes the procedure in cases where the computer does not turn on for one reason or another. Here I will...

How to find out the key installed Windows 8 and 8.1

How to find out the key installed Windows 8 and 8.1
If the laptops and computers with Windows 7 were a sticker on which the product key is written, now there is no such sticker, and there is no obvious...

The key is not suitable when installing Windows 8.1

The key is not suitable when installing Windows 8.1
If you have a licensed Windows 8 or simply a key for it, you can easily download the Distribution from the download page on the Microsoft website and...

How to format disk via bios

How to format disk via bios
According to affordable statistics, several hundred people are interested in response to the question of how to format a hard disk through the BIOS....

Error 720 in Windows 8 and 8.1

Error 720 in Windows 8 and 8.1
Error 720, which occurs when installing a VPN connection (PPTP, L2TP) or PPPoE in Windows 8 (in Windows 8.1, it also occurs) is one of the most common....

The program starts is not possible because MSVCR110.DLL is missing - how to fix the error

The program starts is not possible because MSVCR110.DLL is missing - how to fix the error
Each time I am writing about correcting a particular error when starting games or programs, I start from the same: do not look for where to download...