Button to make a collection in Windows 10 - how to turn off, return and why you need


Button Hold a collection in Windows 10 notifications.
Many users of Windows 10 could notice that in the area of ​​notifications, a new button appeared next to the clock - "Conduct a meeting." Hence the questions: why it is needed and how to remove this button (or return after removed).

In this simple instruction for novice users in detail for each question concerning the new item "Conduct a meeting" in Windows 10.

How to remove or turn on the "Conduct" button again

Remove the "Conduct" item in several ways. The easiest of them is to simply click on it right-click and select the "Hide" item in the context menu.

Disable button Create a meeting in Windows 10

There are other options:

  1. Go to parameters - Personalization - Taskbar - Turn on or off system icons and disable the item "Conduct a collection".
  2. Delete Skype application (right click on the Skype icon in the Start menu - Delete).
  3. In the Registry Editor in the Shelocale_Local_machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExploreRs and the DWORD parameter named HidesCameetNow and value 1.

Accordingly, to turn on the button again if necessary, you need:

  1. To install Skype from the Windows Store store.
  2. Go to parameters - Personalization - Taskbar - Turn on or off system icons, enable "Conduct a collection". If the item is not displayed, and you just installed Skype, restart your computer or laptop.
    Enable Button Create Collection

What do you need to "hold a meeting" in the Windows 10 taskbar

The "Conduct" button allows you to quickly create online conferences or connect to them via Skype and connect to them, including without registration - Note E-mail, phone, account is not required (but if you have already entered Skype, your account will be used). The process itself is very simple:

  1. Click on the button "Conduct a collection" and select "Create a collection" or "Join the Assembly" (in the second case, it will only be necessary to insert a link to the meeting created by someone else).
    Create a meeting or join it
  2. We enter a name, copy the link to share it, check the parameters of the microphone and the camera, click the "Start Collection" button.
    Settings of the new meeting in Windows 10
  3. We are waiting for connecting other users and communicate. Users without Skype installed can insert a link to the collection in the browser and connect the connection (but in this case I have requested the entry of the account).
    Running Windows 10 Collection through Skype
  4. To open a text chat or copy a link to the conference again: When using the function without registration, click on the arrow next to the meeting name, when using a registration function - click on the left button on the left of the meeting name, or (for reference) - by the name of the meeting.


As a result - the function may be relatively convenient to quickly contact someone from relatives (which weakly understand computers or smartphones), especially considering the absence of any registration for launching or connecting to the congregation.

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