
How to fix the error DNS PROBE FINISHED NO Internet in Google Chrome
One of the very common mistakes in Google Chrome - DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET and the message that there is no connection to the Internet. At the same time, other programs that use access to the Internet can continue to work.

In this manual, details about possible solutions that will help correct the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET and the causes of such a problem. The methods described are suitable for Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7. Attention: If an error appears only when accessing some device on a local network (router, a network drive), try to go to it by the IP address, and not by name, as well as restart the device. Entering error: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

  • The first steps of fixing DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET
  • Change DNS, Cleaning Cache DNS
  • TCP / IP and WinSock Reset
  • Restart or enable DNS client service
  • Additional solution solving methods
  • Video instruction

The first steps to correct the error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET


Before proceeding to the actions described in the following sections, I recommend to consider that the problem may not be caused by some problems with your computer, but problems from the provider, your or remote network equipment.

To exclude this option, first of all I recommend to perform the following steps:

  1. If the connection is performed through the router and you have other devices, check the Internet operation through the same router (for example, on the phone before checking, disconnect the mobile network and leave only Wi-Fi) on them. If it works, on other devices everything is in order, then to start restart your computer or laptop with a problem, and if it does not help, go to the next section of the instruction.
  2. If in the 1st point we determined that certain errors (not necessarily DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET) occur on all devices on the same network, check the connection of the provider's cable to the router, and restart the router (turn off the outlet, turn on again).
  3. If the specified did not help, and there is still no internet on all devices, that is, the probability that the cause of the problem of the provider is: it may be the temporary unavailability of the Internet (despite this, the connection itself on your computer may look like active) or problems with DNS. In the first case, we just have to wait when they fix the problem. In the second - can work the next section of the instructions.
  4. Additionally, sometimes the specified problem may be associated with incorrect Internet connection settings on the router (and in some cases they can be discharged with a debt of power outage or voltage drops).

Changing DNS Server DNS addresses and DNS cache reset

The first thing you should try on error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET - set the DNS servers are guaranteed to work and flush the DNS cache in Windows, or in Google Chrome:

  1. Press Win + R on the keyboard (Win - key with the logo of Windows), type ncpa.cpl, and then press Enter.
  2. A list of connections, right-click on your active Internet connection and choose "Properties".
    Open the connection properties
  3. Select IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and click "Properties".
    Open the properties of the IPv4 protocol
  4. Set the mark "Use the following addresses of DNS-servers and specify the address of and and then apply the settings.
    Set DNS Google for IP version 4
  5. Start a command prompt as an administrator (to do this) and enter ipconfig / flushdns command (pressing Enter after it). Close the command prompt.
  6. In Google Chrome, the address bar paste the chrome: // net-internals / # dns and press the button «Clear host cache».

Try to go to a particular website and check whether the problem is solved.

Resetting TCP / IP and Winsock

If after the previous method, the problem persists, run the command line as an administrator, and then the order type the following commands, pressing Enter after each:ipconfig / release ipconfig / renew netsh winsock reset

If immediately after the three teams the problem has not been resolved, please enter another one:

Netsh int ip reset

and after its execution, close the command prompt and reboot your computer or laptop.

Restart or enable the DNS client-service

Next, you should check how things are going with the DNS-Client service on Windows, for this:

  1. Press Win + R keys, type Services.msc and press ENTER.
  2. In the list of services, locate the DNS-client service.
  3. Check whether it is running and enabled for it whether the startup type "Automatic".
  4. You can try to restart the service (right-click on it - restart), but it does not work in Windows 10.
    DNS-Client service
  5. If this service is disabled, double-click on it, set the startup type to "Automatic" and start it.
  6. In Windows 10 may not be able to switch the startup type, but it can be changed in the registry editor: go to razdelHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Dnscachei in the right pane of the Registry Editor, change the Start parameter to 2. Then restart the computer.

As a result, we check again whether the error is corrected.

Additional ways to correct the mistake DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET

If none of the methods have not helped you solve the problem and you are sure that the part of the provider and your router's okay, try the following methods:

  • If you have installed third-party antivirus or firewall software, try disabling it and see if that affected the error.
  • If you use a proxy, VPN, anonymizer, try to disable them. There may be helpful: How to disable the proxy server in Windows.
  • Download ADWCleaner from the official site https://ru.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/ (you can download on your mobile network, and then copy through the cable to the computer), run, Include settings, as in the screenshot below, and then Point "Inform. Panel »Start scanning. Confirm the cleaning and reboot of the computer. After that, check whether the problem was solved.
    Reset network parameters in ADWCleaner
  • In the device manager (press Win + R, enter Devmgmt.msc, in Windows 10 you can also go through the right click on the "Start" button) Delete the network or Wi-Fi adapter used for the Internet connection. After that, in the Device Manager menu, select "Action" - "update hardware configuration" and wait for the adapter to be reinstalled.
  • Only for Windows 10: Run the network through the parameters.
  • If there are recovery points, you can try to use them, more: Windows 10 recovery points (the essence is the same for other OS versions).

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET problem solving - video instruction

I complete the management and I will be grateful if you can share in the comments, which methods helped in your situation.

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