Error 0xC1900101 Windows 10


Fixing the C1900101 error when upgrading to Windows 10

Among the common errors when installing Windows 10 component updates - Error 0xC1900101 with various codes and messages, for example: 0x4000d or 0x40017, messages about safe_os or second_boot, and error correction and successful installation of the new version of the OS is sometimes a difficult task for the novice user.

Previously, the same error and for the same reasons occurred when updating previous versions of the OS to Windows 10 (via the update center or using the Media Creation Tool utility) or when installing the system by running setup.exe in the already installed system of the previous version - Windows Update C1900101 (0xc1900101) with different digital codes: 20017, 4000D, 40017, 30018 and others. As a rule, the problem is caused by the installation of the installation program to contact the installation files for one reason or another, damage, as well as incompatible equipment drivers, insufficient place on the system section of the disk or errors on it, the features of the partition structure and a number of other reasons.

In this manual, a set of ways to correct Windows Update C1900101 error (as it is displayed in the update center) or 0xC1900101 (so the same error is shown in the official utility for updating and installing Windows 10). At the same time, give guarantees that these methods will work, I can not: these are only those options that most often help in the specified situation, but not always. A guaranteed way to avoid this error is a clean installation of Windows 10 from a flash drive or disk (you can use the key for the previous licensed version of the OS, and if 10-ka is already installed on the computer, you do not need to enter at all).

How to fix the error 0xc1900101 when updating or installing Windows 10

So, below - the ways to correct the error C1900101 or 0xC1900101, located in order of the likelihood of their ability to solve the problem occurring during the installation of Windows 10. You can try the re-installation, in general, after each of the items. And you can perform them several pieces - as you will be more convenient.

Simple ways of correction

To begin with 4 of the easiest ways that work more often than others when the problem is appeared.

  • Remove the antivirus - if any antivirus is installed on your computer, completely remove it, it is advisable to use the official utility from the anti-virus developer (you can find on the request of the removal utility + the name of the antivirus, see how to remove the antivirus from the computer). Avast, ESET, Symantec anti-virus products were noticed as the cause of the error, but it may well occur with other programs. After removing the antivirus, be sure to restart the computer. Attention: The same effect can have utilities for cleaning a computer and registry operating in automatic mode, remove them too.
  • Disconnect all external drives from the computer and all that are not required to operate the device connected via USB (including card reader, printers, gamepads, USB hubs and the like).
  • Perform clean Windows loading and try updating in this mode. Read more: Net loading of Windows 10 (the instruction is suitable for clean downloads of Windows 7 and 8).
  • Check if there is enough free space on the hard disk system section (disk C). Ideally, have 20-30 GB free. See How to Clean the C disk from unnecessary files, how to enlarge the disk C due to the disk D.
  • If the error appears in the update center, then try to update to Windows 10 using the update tool to Windows 10 from the Microsoft site (though, it can issue the same error if the problem is in drivers, disks or programs on the computer). More This method is described in the update to Windows 10 instructions.

If nothing has done from the specified one, go to more time-consuming methods (while not in a hurry to install the previously remote antivirus and connect external drives).

Clearing Windows 10 installation files and re-load

Try this option:

  1. Turn off the Internet.
  2. Run the disk cleaning utility by pressing the Win + R keys on the keyboard by entering CleanMGR and pressing ENTER.
    Clearing Windows 10 Update Files
  3. In the disk cleaning utility, click "Clear System Files", and then delete all temporal Windows installation files.
  4. Go to C drive and, if there are folders (hidden, so turn on the display of hidden folders in the control panel - Explorer panel - view) $ Windows. ~ BT or $ Windows. ~ WS, delete them.
    Folders with Windows 10 update files
  5. Connect to the Internet and either again run the update through the update center, or download the official utility from the Microsoft website to update, the methods are described in the update instructions mentioned above.

Bug fix C1900101 in the update center

If the Windows Update C1900101 error occurs when using the update through the Windows Update Center, try the following.
  1. Run the command line on behalf of the administrator and perform the following commands in order.
  2. Net Stop Wuauserv
  3. Net Stop CryptSvc.
  4. Net Stop Bits.
  5. Net Stop Msiserver
  6. Ren C: \ Windows \ SoftWaredisticsTribution softwaredistribution.old
  7. REN C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Catroot2 Catroot2.old
  8. Net Start Wuauserv
  9. Net Start Cryptsvc.
  10. Net Start Bits.
  11. Net Start Msiserver.

After executing the commands, close the command prompt, restart the computer and try again to update to Windows 10.

Update using ISO windows 10

Error 0xc1900101 in Update Utility

Another simple way to "get around" error 0xc1900101 - Use the original ISO image to upgrade to Windows 10. How to do this:

  1. Download the ISO image with Windows 10 to your computer in one of the official ways (the image with "simply" Windows 10 also includes a vocational editor, it is not presented separately). Details: How to download the original ISO Windows 10 image.
  2. Introduce it in the system (better than standard tools OS, if you have Windows 8.1).
  3. Turn off the Internet.
  4. Run the setup.exe file from this image and make an update (it will not differ from the usual system update).

These are basic ways to correct the problem. But there are specific cases when other approaches are required.

Additional ways to correct the problem

If nothing of the described above helps, try the following options, perhaps, they will be in your particular situation.

  • Remove the video card drivers and the accompanying software video card using Display Driver Uninstaller (see how to delete video card drivers).
  • If the information about SAFE_OS is present in the error text during BOOT operation, then try to disable Secure Boot in UEFI (BIOS). Also, the cause of this error can be enabled encryption of BitLocker discs or otherwise.
  • Check the hard disk using CHKDSK.
  • Press Win + R and enter diskmgmt.msc - see if your system disk is a dynamic disk? This can call the specified error. However, if the system disk is dynamic, it will not be possible to convert it to the basic data without loss. Accordingly, the solution here is a clean installation of Windows 10 from the distribution.
    Dynamic disk with windows
  • If third-party disk encryption tools or a program like crypto pro are installed on your computer, they can cause this error, in particular, with the code 0x40017 Second_Boot. Disable third-party encryption, remove this kind of utility. For crypto, it may not be deleted, but a simple update of the program.
  • For some old motherboards, equipped with the FireWire IEEE 1394 controller helps its shutdown to the BIOS.
  • In some cases, correct the error helps to disconnect the Intel VT-X / VT-D or AMD-V technologies in the BIOS.
  • If you have Windows 8 or 8.1, you can try the following actions (after saving important data): Go to update and restore settings and run Windows 8 (8.1) reset after the procedure is completed without installing any programs and drivers, try trying Run the update.

Perhaps that's all I can offer at the moment. If some other options suddenly helped, I will be glad to comments.

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