Мәкаләләр #1003

How to turn on the charge in percent on the iPhone

How to turn on the charge in percent on the iPhone
By default, the iPhone displays the battery charge level in the form of a battery icon full, however, we can watch it and in percent: you can enable...

Use the Windows memory check tool to test RAM

Use the Windows memory check tool to test RAM
If the system failures, BSOD blue screens or other problems when working Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7, suggest that there are any problems with the...

How to minimize any program in three windows 10

How to minimize any program in three windows 10
When minimizing, most programs are folded into the taskbar, individual - in a tray or Windows notification area (and even when you press the closing...

How to disable android traffic savings

How to disable android traffic savings
On the Android phones of the latest versions there is a built-in "Traffic Savings" function, designed to save data in the mobile network by limiting...

Microsoft basic video adapter in Windows 10 - how to download the driver, determine what kind of video card

Microsoft basic video adapter in Windows 10 - how to download the driver, determine what kind of video card
The common situation is the "Video adapter" section of the Windows 10 device manager. Not at all like that - for example, you will not run games (except...

Disable Windows 10 telemetry in WPD and other program functions

Disable Windows 10 telemetry in WPD and other program functions
Free programs aimed at turning off the services and functions of the Windows 10 telemetry, disabling automatic system updates, deleting the built-in...

What if I miss the Windows 10 taskbar

What if I miss the Windows 10 taskbar
Among other relatively common problems with Windows 10 are the disappearance of program icons from the taskbar. The problem may manifest itself differently:...

How to enable RAW on iPhone 12 and 12 Pro (Apple PRORW)

How to enable RAW on iPhone 12 and 12 Pro (Apple PRORW)
With the release of new iPhone 12 and 12 Pro, the possibility of shooting in Apple PRORW - own implementation of the RAW format was announced. In the...

How to Disable Task Manager in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7

How to Disable Task Manager in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7
I do not know for what purpose you may need this, but if you wish, you can use various methods for disabling the task manager (ban on startup) so that...

How to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10

How to disable Hyper-V in Windows 10
The Hyper-V components in Windows 10 allow you to create virtual machines with built-in system tools (more details: Hyper-V virtual machines in Windows...

How to remove the disk reserved by the system in Windows 10

How to remove the disk reserved by the system in Windows 10
Many users, usually as a result of operations with hard disk partitions or after transferring Windows 10 to SSD, a new disk is reserved by the system...

Creating hotkeys of Windows 10 in the free HotKeyp program

Creating hotkeys of Windows 10 in the free HotKeyp program
For the purposes of setting up key combinations in Windows 10 and previous versions of systems, many free utilities are available. For example, Autohotkey...