Blue screen whea_uncorrectable_error in windows 10 - reasons and how to fix


How to fix the error Whea Uncorrectable Error
In a sufficiently common error in Windows 10 - blue screen with a message that the problem has arisen on your device and the Whea_uncorRectable_error stop code (error code 0x0000124). Unfortunately, the error is not too easy to fix, since it is not always possible to diagnose the causes, it is causing it, and the official page on the Microsoft website by mistake gives little to solve the problem.

In this manual, detailed about the common causes of this error and how to correct Whea Uncorrectable Error in Windows 10.

The main reasons for the blue screen Whea_ucorrectable_error

Blue screen Whea_uncorRectable_error

Among the main reasons that cause the error under consideration are certain problems with equipment, namely:

  • RAM, hard drives and SSD
  • Connecting specified devices
  • Their drivers

However, there may be cases when the reason lies not so much in the hardware problems of these devices, and in incorrect operation of software, individual parameters of the equipment (for example, the problem of processor or RAM) can also cause a problem.

Ways to correct Whea Uncorrectable Error error in Windows 10

Next - possible methods that allow you to correct the blue screen Whea_uncorRectable_error in Windows 10, from more simple to more complex:

  1. If the new equipment was not installed, and recently a computer or laptop worked without errors, try using the recovery points of the system to the date preceding the emergence of the problem.
  2. Try installing the latest Windows 10 updates (update and security options).
  3. If the blue screen appears when the computer is first turned on, but does not appear when re-or after restarting, try disable the quick launch of Windows 10.
  4. Try checking hard drives and SSD for errors using Chkdsk. , check the operational memory of the computer or laptop, can be built-in tool for checking RAM.
    Windows 10 memory check for errors
  5. If turned on, turn off any memory acceleration functions, processor, video cards.
  6. Try reinstalling RAM modules by clearing their contacts. If possible, connect hard drives and SSD by other loops or other connectors.
  7. Check the integrity of Windows 10 system files using SFC / SCANNOW..
  8. If there is shortly before the problem appeared, third-party antiviruses were installed, some programs for cleaning RAM, try disable them.
  9. Check if there are BIOS (UEFI) updates for your motherboard or laptop. Try to install them, but consider that if the installation is made from Windows 10, then the blue screen in the process can output the computer, it is better to perform in safe mode.
  10. Try to check whether it is possible to see information about which driver or third-party module to cause a blue screen from the information in the BlueScreenView utility.
  11. In extreme cases, you can try to reset Windows 10 "to factory settings".

As a rule, something from the described helps to figure out the error and correct the situation.

Additional Information

In the event that none of the methods help correct the blue screen Whea_uncorRectable_error Try to identify some patterns: at which circumstances it appears. And then analyze the behavior of the system in more detail, repeating the same circumstances.

It is possible that the blue screen appears when contacting and working with one of the HDD or SSD (then disk errors are possible, its connection, sometimes - nutritional problems), possibly - after a certain period of work on the Internet (you can assume incorrect operation of the network card drivers or Wi- Fi adapter), perhaps only under the load in games (we assume problems with nutrition or video card) or when you connect certain devices. Any such pattern can help figure out what causes an error.

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