Error 0x80240FFF when installing Windows 10 updates - how to fix


How to fix 0x80240FFF error when updating Windows 10
A common mistake that occurs usually when you upgrade from Windows 10 to the next version (update components) - 0x80240fff, resulting as a result of the inability to upgrade without any additional information about the causes of the problem.

In this instruction, it is detailed to correct the error 0x80240FFF when updating Windows 10 components, from easy to complex, one of them, I hope, will allow you to solve the problem.

  • Troubleshooting Windows Update Tools
  • Clearing update data and restart services
  • Saving component updates (Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise only)
  • Additional ways to fix 0x80240FFF

Troubleshooting Windows 10 Update Tools when Error 0x80240FFF

The first thing you can try when the 0x80240FFF error appears during Windows 10 update - built-in troubleshooting. At the same time, I recommend using not the "Troubleshooting" section in "Parameters" - "Update and Security", and the next way:

  1. Open the Control Panel, make sure that under "View" is set to "Icons" and go to "Troubleshooting".
    Troubleshooting in the control panel
  2. Click "View all categories" in the left pane.
    View all troubleshooting categories
  3. In order, run troubleshooting for "Background Intelligent Transmission Service (BITS)", and then the Windows Update Center.
    Troubleshooting updates
  4. If the errors were found and fixed, try setting the update again.
    Update errors found and corrected

If the above method does not work, you can try the manual troubleshooting Windows 10 updates.

Clearing update data and restart services

Try the following steps to correct the 0x80240FFF error when updating Windows 10:

  1. Run the command line on behalf of the administrator, for this you can start typing "Command Line" in the search for the taskbar, and then right-click on the result in the result and select "Run from the administrator name".
  2. In order enter komandynet stop wuauserv net stop bits net stop cryptsvc
    Correction of 0x80240FFF error on the command prompt
  3. Do not close the command prompt and delete the contents of a folder in Windows Explorer C: \ Windows \ SoftwareDistribution \ Download \ Also, if there are ESD, Windows.WS or Windows.BT folders in the root of the system disk - delete them too.
  4. In the command prompt, enter the command mannet Start CryptSvc Net Start Bits Net Start Wuauserv

Check if the search and successful installation of updates without errors is now.

Suspending component updates

According to some reviews, in the event of an error 0x80240FFF during the update, it helps to switch on the pause of component updates and later this update is already occurring without errors. The suspension function is not available for the home edition of the system, only Pro or Enterprise.

Postpone Windows 10 component updates

You can find the desired item in Settings - Updates and Security - Windows Update Center - Advanced Settings - "Select when installing updates" and in the first paragraph, postpone update components for any number of days.

Additional ways to correct the error 0x80240FFF

Among additional methods to solve the problem with updating components:

  • Use the update tool from the official site Moreover, if the Update Assistant does not help ("Update Now"), you can download the Windows 10 setup tool (the second item - "download the tool now") and in it on the screen after making a license to select "Update this computer now."
  • Check in the list of services (Win + R - Services.msc), the background intelligent transmission service (BITS) is disabled. By clicking on it twice, try to enable the start type for it in "Automatically", apply the settings, restart the computer and check whether it solved the problem.
  • Theoretically, the use of third-party utilities for managing and installing Windows 10 updates can help.
  • If third-party antiviruses or firewalls are installed on the computer, try disable or delete them before updating.
  • If none of the methods have not yet helped, check the integrity of Windows 10 system files.

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