How to remove a page in classmates from the phone


How to remove a page in classmates from the phone
If you want to delete your page (profile) in classmates, especially if you need to make an Android or iPhone smartphone - the social network itself does not really want you to do it, and therefore the search for the necessary settings is not obvious. Nevertheless, it is possible and not very difficult.

In this instruction detailed how to delete your page in classmates from the phone completely and forever, as well as the video, where the whole process and additional nuances are shown visual. On a similar topic: how to remove the VK page from the phone.

  • How to delete the page in classmates from the phone
  • Removal Profile in Odnoklassniki - Video Instruction
  • Deleting OK application on Android and iPhone

How to delete your page in classmates from the phone

Unfortunately, removing classmates profile in the official application OK on the Android or iPhone phone cannot be done, but this can be done using any browser - Google Chrome, Yandex.Browser or another, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. In your browser on the phone, go to the site (just enter in the address bar of the browser).
  2. Log in to classmates in the browser with your login (or phone number, email address) and password. If you do not remember the email address or the phone to which the page is recorded, you can see them in the classmates on the phone: Open the menu - click "Go to Profile" - "Settings" - "Personal Data Settings" - You will see this information when You can use them to restore the password.
    Entrance to classmates from the phone
  3. Click on the menu button on the site M.K.RU in the browser, scroll down the menu items down and select item. "Full version of the site" And then click "Go". If you are asked to choose the application with which to open the page - select the same browser in which you logged in classmates.
    Open the full version of the site classmates on the phone
  4. The appearance of the page will change (now it will look like on a computer). Pay attention to the menu items on the left, in particular the "More" item. If it opens when you click, select "Regulations" in it and go to step 7, if "still" does not open - open the "Help" item.
    Classmates settings on the phone
  5. On the help field page, enter the "Regulations" or "License Agreement", and then go to "What is a license agreement and where to find it."
    Open the regulations of classmates from the phone
  6. On the next page, click on the "here" in explanations where you can familiarize yourself with the license agreement. This action should translate you to the OK.RU/regulation page
    Open License Agreement Classmates
  7. At the bottom of the text of the license agreement, click on item "Refuse services" . If there is no such point, apparently, classmates switched back into a mobile look again, try in the browser menu on the phone to select the "PC version" or "full version" item to turn on the view again as on the computer and the item "Obtain services" appeared.
    Delete page in classmates from the phone
  8. You will find yourself on the Account Removal page. In order to delete a page in classmates, you will notice the point, why you delete your profile and enter the password, and then click the Delete button.
    Delete page in classmates forever

Take into account that despite the fact that the page will be completely completely (i.e., it will not only closed the profile), you will have the opportunity to restore it, and forever the page in classmates will be removed only in 90 days.

If for some reason you fail to perform the 7th point, as classmates are still displayed in a mobile form and no "refuse services" item, try doing everything the same thing, but in another browser.

Video instruction: Removing profile in classmates from the phone

Deleting Application OK C Android and iPhone

If, after deleting a page in classmates, you also need to remove the application from the phone, then make it very simple:

  • On Android, go to the settings - applications, find the OK application in the list, click on it, and then click the Delete button.
  • On the iPhone - for a long time hold the icon of classmates, and when the cross appears on the left in the corner - click on it to remove it.

On this complete removal of the page in classmates is complete, I hope you happened.

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